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- eBook 상품 정보
- 파일 정보 PDF (3.22MB)
- ISSN 29834368
- 쪽수 100쪽
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지역정보화백서는 지역정보화 정책 동향과 중앙부처·지방자치단체의 추진 현황을 담아, 공공기관과 실무자들이 정책 수립과 사업 추진 시 참고할 수 있도록 제작된 매체입니다. 한국지역정보개발원의 주요 사업과 지역 디지털 혁신 지원 사항, 지역정보화 우수사례 등을 소개하며, 법·제도적 동향도 함께 정리했습니다. 매년 1회 발간되며, 최신 정보와 정책 변화를 반영해 실무에 도움을 주고자 합니다.
Part 1. Local Informatization Progress
Chapter 1. General Status
1.1.1. Organization and Personnel
1.1.2. Projects and Budgets
Chapter 2. Policy Status
1.2.1. Laws and Institutions
1.2.2. Policies
Part 2. Local Informatization Policies Pursued by Central Ministries
Chapter 1. Tax Administration / Address Informatization
2.1.1. Tax Administration Informatization
2.1.2. Address Informatization
Chapter 2. Health and Welfare Informatization
Chapter 3. Educational Informatization
Chapter 4. Cultural Informatization
Chapter 5. National Territory and Transport Informatization
Chapter 6. Environmental Informatization
Chapter 7. Meteorological Informatization
Part 3. Promotion Status in Local Informatization
Chapter 1. Seoul Metropolitan City
Chapter 2. Busan Metropolitan City
Chapter 3. Daegu Metropolitan City
Chapter 4. Incheon Metropolitan City
Chapter 5. Gwangju Metropolitan City
Chapter 6. Daejeon Metropolitan City
Chapter 7. Ulsan Metropolitan City
Chapter 8. Sejong Special Self-Governing City
Chapter 9. Gyeonggi Province
Chapter 10. Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province
Chapter 11. North Chungcheong Province
Chapter 12. South Chungcheong Province
Chapter 13. North Jeolla Special Self-Governing Province
Chapter 14. South Jeolla Province
Chapter 15. North Gyeongsang Province
Chapter 16. South Gyeongsang Province
Chapter 17. Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
Chapter 1. General Status
1.1.1. Organization and Personnel
1.1.2. Projects and Budgets
Chapter 2. Policy Status
1.2.1. Laws and Institutions
1.2.2. Policies
Part 2. Local Informatization Policies Pursued by Central Ministries
Chapter 1. Tax Administration / Address Informatization
2.1.1. Tax Administration Informatization
2.1.2. Address Informatization
Chapter 2. Health and Welfare Informatization
Chapter 3. Educational Informatization
Chapter 4. Cultural Informatization
Chapter 5. National Territory and Transport Informatization
Chapter 6. Environmental Informatization
Chapter 7. Meteorological Informatization
Part 3. Promotion Status in Local Informatization
Chapter 1. Seoul Metropolitan City
Chapter 2. Busan Metropolitan City
Chapter 3. Daegu Metropolitan City
Chapter 4. Incheon Metropolitan City
Chapter 5. Gwangju Metropolitan City
Chapter 6. Daejeon Metropolitan City
Chapter 7. Ulsan Metropolitan City
Chapter 8. Sejong Special Self-Governing City
Chapter 9. Gyeonggi Province
Chapter 10. Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province
Chapter 11. North Chungcheong Province
Chapter 12. South Chungcheong Province
Chapter 13. North Jeolla Special Self-Governing Province
Chapter 14. South Jeolla Province
Chapter 15. North Gyeongsang Province
Chapter 16. South Gyeongsang Province
Chapter 17. Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
저자(글) 한국지역정보개발원
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