Mrs. Gaskell Part 2
2025년 02월 05일 출간
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- ISBN 9791173236532
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이 상품이 속한 분야
Poor versus Rich.
Working Men’s Petition to Parliament, 1839.
Meeting between the Masters and their Employees.
John Barton joins the Chartists.
The Trial for Murder.
John Barton’s Confession.
Job Legh defends John Barton.
A Manchester Strike in the “Hungry Forties.”
North versus South
Nicholas Higgins discusses Religion with the Retired Clergyman.
The new Mamma—Mrs. Gibson.
Heart Trouble.
The Young Doctor’s Dilemma.
Family Prayer at Hope Farm.
Miss Galindo.
London as John Barton saw it.
Major Jenkyns visits Cranford.
Mrs. Gibson visits Lady Cumnor.
Mrs. Gibson’s Little Dinner Party.
A Visit to an Old Bachelor.
A Love Affair of Long Ago.
The Cat and the Lace.
Small Economies.
Elegant Economy.
Sally tells of her Sweethearts.
Sally Makes her Will.
Betty’s Advice to Phillis.
Practical Christianity.
Betty Gives Paul Manning a Lecture.
Green Heys Fields.
A Lancashire Tea-party in the Early Forties.
Babby’s Journey from London to Manchester.
A Dissenting Minister’s Household.
The Chapel at Eccleston.
The Dawn of a Gala Day.
A Manchester Mill on Fire.
In Pursuit of the John Cropper.
Hobbies among the Lancashire Poor.
The Press-gang in Yorkshire during the latter part of the Eighteenth Century.
The Sailor’s Funeral at Monkshaven.
A Press-gang Riot at Monkshaven.
A Game of Blind-man’s Buff.
Philip Hepburn Leaves the New Year’s Party.
Kinraid’s Return to Monkshaven.
Roger Hamley’s Farewell.
Cousin Phillis.
The Dawn of Love.
She was a 19th-century English novelist and biographer, best known for her works that address social issues and class conflicts during the Industrial Revolution. Gaskell was born on September 29, 1810, in London, and passed away on November 12, 1865.
Gaskell gained recognition for her detailed and sensitive depictions of the hardships of workers and the social inequalities caused by industrialization in England. Her works often reflect a perspective supportive of social reform. Additionally, her novels explore a variety of themes, including religion, morality, human relationships, and the role of women, while maintaining a tone that is both warm and critical.
Her major works include Mary Barton, North and South, Cranford, Wives and Daughters, and the biography The Life of Charlotte Brontë. Gaskell is widely known for her strong female characters and for her realistic portrayal of the societal changes of her time.
이 상품의 총서
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