앤드류 랭의 갈색 동화책
2025년 01월 27일 출간
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- ISBN 9791173311789
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이 상품이 속한 분야
"갈색 동화책"(앤드류 랭 저)은 19세기 후반에 편집된 동화 모음집입니다. 이 책은 전 세계 다양한 문화권의 매혹적인 이야기들을 특징으로 하며, 어린이와 성인 모두에게 호소력 있는 다채로운 민간전승을 선보입니다. 이야기들은 모험, 사랑, 그리고 도덕적 교훈이라는 주제들을 아우르며, 독자들을 마법과 경이로 가득한 환상적인 세계로 이끕니다.
"갈색 동화책"의 도입부는 모음집의 기원을 소개하는 서문을 담고 있으며, "장미가 사이프러스에게 한 일"과 "볼-캐리어와 나쁜 자"와 같은 이야기들이 아메리카 원주민, 호주, 아프리카, 페르시아 민간전승을 포함한 다양한 문화권에서 어떻게 수집되었는지 설명합니다. 이는 지리적 차이에도 불구하고 이야기들이 아이들에게 보편적인 매력을 지닌다는 점에 주목하며, 문화를 초월한 스토리텔링의 매력을 강조합니다.
첫 번째 이야기는 사랑에 이끌려 위험한 모험을 떠나는 용감한 타흐마스프 왕자를 소개하며, 아름다운 미흐르-아프루즈 공주가 제시한 수수께끼와 관련된 운명, 가족, 비극의 요소들도 함께 엮어냅니다.
Classics Read in English _ The Brown Fairy Book by Andrew Lang
"The Brown Fairy Book" by Andrew Lang is a collection of fairy tales edited during the late 19th century. It features enchanting stories from various cultures around the world, showcasing a diverse array of folklore that appeals to children and adults alike. The tales encompass themes of adventure, love, and moral lessons, drawing readers into fantastical worlds filled with magic and wonder. The opening of "The Brown Fairy Book" contains a preface that introduces the collection's origin, explaining how tales like “What the Rose Did to the Cypress” and “Ball-Carrier and the Bad One” were gathered from different cultures—including Red Indian, Australian, African, and Persian folklore. It highlights the charm of storytelling across cultures, noting that despite geographical differences, the stories have universal appeal to children. The initial story introduces the brave Prince Tahmasp, who embarks on a perilous quest motivated by love, while also weaving in elements of fate, family, and tragedy related to a riddle posed by the beautiful Princess Mihr-afruz.
What the Rose did to the Cypress
Ball-carrier and the Bad One
How Ball-carrier Finished His Task
The Bunyip
Father Grumbler
The Story of the Yara
The Cunning Hare
The Turtle and His Bride
How Geirald The Coward Was Punished
How the Little Brother Set Free His Big Brothers
The Sacred Milk of Koumongoé
The Wicked Wolverine
The Husband of the Rat’s Daughter
The Mermaid and the Boy
Pivi and Kabo
The Elf Maiden
How Some Wild Animals Became Tame Ones
Fortune and the Wood-Cutter
The Enchanted Head
The Sister of the Sun
The Prince and the Three Fates
The Fox and the Lapp
Kisa the Cat
The Lion and the Cat
Which was the Foolishest?
Asmund and Signy
Story Of The King Who Would Be Stronger Than Fate
Story of Wali Dâd the Simple _ Hearted
Tale of a Tortoise and of a Mischievous Monkey
The Knights of the Fish
Among the contents
At the place where the prince intended to hunt he saw a most beautiful deer. He ordered that it should not be killed, but trapped or captured with a noose. The deer looked about for a place where he might escape from the ring of the beaters, and spied one unwatched close to the prince himself. It bounded high and leaped right over his head, got out of the ring, and tore like the eastern wind into the waste. The prince put spurs to his horse and pursued it; and was soon lost to the sight of his followers. Until the world-lighting sun stood above his head in the zenith he did not take his eyes off the deer; suddenly it disappeared behind some rising ground, and with all his search he could not find any further trace of it. He was now drenched in sweat, and he breathed with pain; and his horse’s tongue hung from its mouth with thirst. He dismounted and toiled on, with bridle on arm, praying and casting himself on the mercy of heaven. Then his horse fell and surrendered its life to God. On and on he went across the sandy waste, weeping and with burning breast, till at length a hill rose into sight. He mustered his strength and climbed to the top, and there he found a giant tree whose foot kept firm the wrinkled earth, and whose crest touched the very heaven. Its branches had put forth a glory of leaves, and there were grass and a spring underneath it, and flowers of many colours.
서평(Book Review)
"갈색 동화책"은 앤드류 랭이 세계 각지의 민간설화를 수집하여 엮은 매력적인 동화집입니다. 아메리카 원주민부터 페르시아에 이르기까지 다양한 문화권의 이야기들을 통해, 지리적 경계를 넘어서는 보편적인 인간의 가치와 동화의 매력을 보여줍니다. 특히 타흐마스프 왕자의 이야기로 시작되는 이 책은 사랑, 모험, 운명이라는 보편적 주제를 다양한 문화적 맥락 속에서 흥미진진하게 풀어냅니다.
"The Brown Fairy Book" is a captivating collection of fairy tales compiled by Andrew Lang from various world folklores. Through stories ranging from Native American to Persian tales, it demonstrates the universal values of humanity and the charm of fairy tales that transcend geographical boundaries. Beginning with Prince Tahmasp's story, this book weaves universal themes of love, adventure, and destiny through diverse cultural contexts in an engaging manner.
저자(글) 앤드류 랭(Andrew Lang)
Andrew Lang은 19세기 후반부터 20세기 초반에 활동한 스코틀랜드의 저명한 작가, 시인, 인류학자, 민속학자입니다. 1844년 스코틀랜드 셀커크에서 태어나 세인트앤드루스 대학교와 옥스퍼드 대학교에서 수학했습니다.
Lang은 특히 동화와 민담 수집가로 잘 알려져 있으며, 그의 가장 유명한 업적은 'Lang's Fairy Books' 시리즈입니다. 이 시리즈는 각 책마다 다른 색깔의 이름을 붙여 '블루 페어리 북', '레드 페어리 북' 등으로 불립니다. 전 세계의 다양한 민담과 전설을 수집하여 영어로 번역하고 편집했으며, 이를 통해 빅토리아 시대의 영국 어린이들에게 세계의 민담을 소개했습니다.
학문적으로도 뛰어난 업적을 남겼는데, 특히 신화와 종교에 관한 연구에서 두각을 나타냈습니다. 그의 저서 'Custom and Myth'(1884)와 'Myth, Ritual and Religion'(1887)은 비교신화학 분야의 중요한 저작으로 평가받고 있습니다.
또한 Lang은 문학 비평가로도 활발히 활동했으며, 호머의 작품에 대한 연구와 번역에도 큰 기여를 했습니다. 그의 저술 활동은 문학, 민속학, 인류학을 아우르는 광범위한 분야에 걸쳐 있었으며, 1912년 생을 마감할 때까지 왕성한 저술 활동을 이어갔습니다.
Andrew Lang was a prominent Scottish writer, poet, anthropologist, and folklorist who was active from the late 19th to early 20th century. Born in Selkirk, Scotland in 1844, he studied at the University of St Andrews and Oxford University.
Lang is particularly well-known as a collector of fairy tales and folk stories, with his most famous work being the 'Lang's Fairy Books' series. These books were named by colors, such as 'The Blue Fairy Book' and 'The Red Fairy Book'. He collected, translated, and edited folk tales and legends from around the world, introducing world folklore to Victorian British children through these works.
He also achieved significant academic accomplishments, particularly in the study of mythology and religion. His works 'Custom and Myth' (1884) and 'Myth, Ritual and Religion' (1887) are considered important contributions to comparative mythology.
Furthermore, Lang was active as a literary critic and made significant contributions to the study and translation of Homer's works. His writing activities spanned across a wide range of fields including literature, folklore, and anthropology, and he continued his prolific writing career until his death in 1912.
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