Aunt Jo's Scrap Bag part 2
2025년 01월 20일 출간
- eBook 상품 정보
- 파일 정보 ePUB (14.68MB)
- ISBN 9791173235818
- 지원기기 교보eBook App, PC e서재, 리더기, 웹뷰어
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The book vividly captures their experiences aboard a ship and their travels through France, portraying their adventures, mishaps, and candid reactions. Themes of camaraderie, independence, and the joys and challenges of travel are woven throughout the narrative.
The story begins with Amanda enthusiastically planning a trip from Boston to Messina aboard a fruit ship. Her excitement leads to humorous exchanges that reveal the contrasting attitudes of her companions. Matilda is thrilled by the prospect of adventure, while Lavinia is hesitant, often feeling unwell and anxious.
Despite Lavinia’s reluctance, the group sets off, encouraged by the support of their friends and family. Onboard the ship, they endure seasickness and navigate the chaos of travel preparations with humor and determination, setting the stage for their upcoming adventures in Europe. The book blends Alcott’s characteristic humor and warmth, offering an entertaining and heartfelt portrayal of the joys and trials of exploration.
저자(글) Louisa May Alcott
Louisa May Alcott (1832–1888) was an American author best known for her novel Little Women. Born in Massachusetts, she grew up in an idealistic environment and began writing at a young age to support her family’s difficult financial situation. Early in her career, she published gothic and adventure stories under a pseudonym but gained widespread success with Little Women. Based on her family and childhood experiences, the novel explores themes of love, sacrifice, growth, and women’s independence. Sequels include Good Wives, Little Men, and Jo’s Boys. Her experience as a nurse during the Civil War inspired another notable work, Hospital Sketches. Alcott’s writing delves deeply into women’s roles and independent identities during her time. She passed away in 1888 due to health issues, but her works continue to resonate with readers worldwide. Little Women, in particular, has been adapted into various media, offering timeless messages of hope and resilience. Alcott is celebrated as a literary pioneer who inspires generations with her life and works.
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