Anton Tchekhov, and Other Essays
2025년 01월 13일 출간
- eBook 상품 정보
- 파일 정보 ePUB (14.48MB)
- ISBN 9791173363313
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At the beginning of the collection, Shestov reflects on Tchekhov’s life and impact, pointing out that the author is often misunderstood. He argues that Tchekhov’s works critique the very hopes that sustain human existence. Shestov highlights Tchekhov’s portrayal of characters trapped in disillusionment, suggesting that his artistic mission was to expose the futility of human aspirations. Rather than offering solace, Tchekhov’s writings illuminate the harsh truths of life, depicting the bitter realities faced by his protagonists as they struggle with despair and helplessness.
Thus, Shestov positions Tchekhov not simply as a storyteller but as an unrelenting seeker who delves deeply into the profound complexities of human experience.
THE GIFT OF PROPHECY(For the twenty-fifth anniversary of F. M. Dostoevsky's death.)
I De omnibus dubitandum
II Self-renunciation and Megalomania
III Eternal Truths
IV Earth and Heaven
V The Force of Argument
VI Swan Songs
VII What is Philosophy?
VIII Heinrich Heine
IX What is Truth?
X More of Truth
XI I and Thou
The Theory of Knowledge as Apologetics
Truth and Utility
Philosophers and Teachers
Truth as a Social Substance
Doctrines and Deductions
Truths, Proven and Unproven
The Limits of Reality
The Given and the Possible
Experiment and Proof
The Seventh Day of Creation
What does the History of Philosophy teach us?
Science and Metaphysics
A Tacit Assumption
The First and the Last
저자(글) Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904) was a Russian short story writer and playwright, regarded as a master of realist literature. He explored the everyday lives of ordinary people with psychological depth, leaving a strong impression through his unique sensitivity and concise style. His notable works include short stories such as “The Darling” and “Misery,” and plays like “The Seagull,” “Three Sisters,” and “The Cherry Orchard.” As a practicing physician, he infused his writing with compassion and an understanding of human suffering. Chekhov was exceptional at portraying the irony of life and the complexities of human nature. He profoundly influenced modern drama by focusing on subtle conflicts and emotions rather than dramatic events. His works continue to be loved and performed worldwide, cementing his place as a pivotal figure in both Russian and global literature.
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