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제임스 올리버 커우드의 침묵의 계곡

The Valley of Silent Men _ A Story of the Three River Country by Curwood

2024년 12월 24일 출간

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ISBN 9791173311093
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영어로 읽는 고전 _ 제임스 올리버 커우드의 침묵의 계곡
제임스 올리버 커우드의 "침묵의 사람들의 계곡: Three River Country의 이야기"는 20세기 초에 쓰여진 소설로 추정됩니다. 이 이야기는 독자를 캐나다의 자연, 특히 철도가 침범하기 전 모험과 상업의 중심지였던 애서배스카 랜딩으로 데려가 문명과 야생의 상호 작용에 초점을 맞춥니다. 이 이야기는 왕립 북서 기마 경찰의 상사인 제임스 켄트를 중심으로 전개되며, 그는 임박한 죽음과 그의 현실과 관계를 복잡하게 만드는 살인 자백에 직면합니다. 이야기의 시작 부분에서 켄트는 총상을 입은 후 자신의 죽음에 대한 지식과 씨름하면서 특이한 상황에 처하게 됩니다. 그의 생각은 자신을 둘러싼 아름다운 자연에 대한 숙고와 존 바클리의 살인에 연루된 자신의 자백에 대한 암울한 인정 사이를 오갑니다. 오프닝은 Kent가 Kedsty 경위와 O'Connor 상사를 포함한 친구들과 교류하는 무대를 마련하는데, 그들은 Kent의 자백에 불신을 표한다. 줄거리에 흥미를 더하는 것은 Marette Radisson이라는 젊은 여성의 수수께끼 같은 존재로, 그녀는 전개되는 사건과 상당한 관련이 있는 듯하다. 그들의 만남은 긴장감과 그녀의 동기에 대한 의문으로 가득하다. Kent의 이야기가 전개되면서 명예, 진실, 죽음에 직면한 인간 관계의 복잡성이라는 주제가 서사의 핵심이 된다.

The Valley of Silent Men _ A Story of the Three River Country by Curwood
"The Valley of Silent Men: A Story of the Three River Country" by James Oliver Curwood is a novel likely penned in the early 20th century. This narrative transports readers to the Canadian wilderness, particularly to Athabasca Landing, a hub of adventure and commerce before the encroachment of the railroad, focusing on the interplay between civilization and the wild. The story centers on James Kent, a sergeant in the Royal Northwest Mounted Police, who is faced with his impending death and a murder confession that complicates his reality and relationships. At the start of the narrative, Kent finds himself in an unusual situation as he grapples with the knowledge of his mortality following a gunshot wound. His thoughts drift between contemplation of the beauty of the wilderness surrounding him and the grim acknowledgment of his confession implicating himself in the murder of John Barkley. The opening sets the stage for Kent’s interactions with his friends, including Inspector Kedsty and Staff-Sergeant O'Connor, who express disbelief at his confession. Adding intrigue to the plot is the enigmatic presence of a young woman named Marette Radisson, who appears to have a significant connection to the unfolding events—their meeting laden with tension and questions regarding her motives. As Kent's story unfolds, themes of honor, truth, and the complexities of human relationships in the face of death are central to the narrative.
CHAPTER I. In the mind of James Grenfell Kent
CHAPTER II. Outside Kent's window was Spring
CHAPTER III. Again the world came back to Kent
CHAPTER IV. It was a long time after O'Connor had gone
CHAPTER V. The latch moved slowly
CHAPTER VI. James Kent, among his other qualities good
CHAPTER VII. From the window, the glorious day outside
CHAPTER VIII. For some time after the door to Kent's room
CHAPTER IX. That morning Kent ate a breakfast
CHAPTER X. What a terrible and inexcusable madness had possessed
CHAPTER XI. Where a bit of the big river curved inward
CHAPTER XII. That morning Kent had heard wild songs floating up
CHAPTER XIII. In that moment Kent did not speak
CHAPTER XIV. The manner in which Kent stared at Marette Radisson
CHAPTER XV. For a space he stood where she had left him
CHAPTER XVI. Kent stood still while Marette moved in that gloom
CHAPTER XVII. In ten seconds, it seemed to Kent
CHAPTER XVIII. Kent did not move
CHAPTER XIX. To the cabin Kent groped his way
CHAPTER XX. It was that hour when, with clear skies
CHAPTER XXI. In the slowly breaking gloom of the cabin
CHAPTER XXII. For a brief space after the breaking of the scow-sweep
CHAPTER XXIII. An hour later the fighting forces in his body dragged
CHAPTER XXIV. Kent had not forgotten that he was an outlaw
CHAPTER XXV. How long it was before his brain cleared
CHAPTER XXVI. A little later, clasping hands in the lamp glow

In the mind of James Grenfell Kent, sergeant in the Royal Northwest Mounted Police, there remained no shadow of a doubt. He knew that he was dying. He had implicit faith in Cardigan, his surgeon friend, and Cardigan had told him that what was left of his life would be measured out in hours—perhaps in minutes or seconds. It was an unusual case. There was one chance in fifty that he might live two or three days, but there was no chance at all that he would live more than three. The end might come with any breath he drew into his lungs. That was the pathological history of the thing, as far as medical and surgical science knew of cases similar to his own.
Personally, Kent did not feel like a dying man. His vision and his brain were clear. He felt no pain, and only at infrequent intervals was his temperature above normal. His voice was particularly calm and natural.

"The Valley of Silent Men"은 캐나다 북부의 매킨지 강 유역을 배경으로, 죽음을 앞두고 있다고 생각한 왕립 기마경찰관 James Kent가 자신의 비밀을 고백하면서 시작되는 모험과 로맨스를 그린 소설입니다. 예상치 못하게 회복된 Kent가 신비로운 여인 Marette Radisson과 함께 진실을 찾아가는 여정을 통해, Curwood는 북부 황야의 장엄함과 인간의 정의, 복수, 그리고 구원이라는 주제를 깊이 있게 탐구한 작품입니다.

Book Review
"The Valley of Silent Men" is a novel of adventure and romance set in the Mackenzie River Valley of Northern Canada, beginning with the confession of a secret by Royal Mounted Policeman James Kent, who was believed to be near death. As Kent unexpectedly recovers and embarks on a journey to find the truth with the mysterious woman Marette Radisson, Curwood explores the majesty of the northern wilderness and themes of human justice, revenge, and redemption.


James Oliver Curwood (1878-1927)는 미국의 작가이자 자연주의자였습니다. 미시간 주 오워소에서 태어난 그는 주로 캐나다의 황야와 알래스카를 배경으로 한 모험 소설을 썼으며, 자연과 야생동물을 소재로 한 작품들로 유명합니다.
그는 17세의 나이에 글쓰기를 시작했으며, 디트로이트 뉴스-트리뷴에서 기자로 일하면서 작가의 길을 걸었습니다. 그의 대표작으로는 "카잔, 늑대개"(Kazan, the Wolf Dog), "곰사냥꾼"(The Grizzly King) 등이 있습니다.
Curwood는 단순한 작가를 넘어 열정적인 자연보호운동가이기도 했습니다. 그는 야생동물 보호와 자연보전의 중요성을 강조했으며, 미시간 주의 자연보호 위원회 위원으로도 활동했습니다.
그의 작품들은 영화로도 여러 차례 제작되었으며, 특히 1920년대에 많은 인기를 얻었습니다. 49세의 비교적 젊은 나이에 세상을 떠났지만, 그의 작품들은 자연과 인간의 관계, 그리고 황야의 아름다움을 생생하게 전달하는 귀중한 유산으로 남아있습니다.
현재 그의 집은 Curwood Castle Museum으로 보존되어 있으며, 미시간 주 오워소에서 관광명소로 사랑받고 있습니다.

James Oliver Curwood (1878-1927) was an American author and naturalist. Born in Owosso, Michigan, he wrote adventure novels set primarily in the Canadian wilderness and Alaska, and is known for his works on nature and wildlife.
He began writing at the age of 17 and worked as a reporter for the Detroit News-Tribune before embarking on a career as a writer. His most famous works include Kazan, the Wolf Dog and The Grizzly King.
Curwood was not just a writer; he was also a passionate conservationist. He emphasized the importance of wildlife conservation and nature preservation, and he served on the Michigan State Conservation Commission.
His works were made into films several times, and were especially popular in the 1920s. Although he died at the relatively young age of 49, his works remain a valuable legacy that vividly conveys the relationship between nature and humans, and the beauty of the wilderness. Today, his home is preserved as the Curwood Castle Museum and is a beloved tourist attraction in Owosso, Michigan.

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