제임스 올리버 커우드의 사로잡힌 여인
2024년 12월 23일 출간
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- ISBN 9791173311062
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제임스 올리버 커우드의 "사냥당한 여인"은 20세기 초에 쓰인 소설입니다. 험난한 국경을 배경으로 한 이 이야기는 모험, 생존, 무법의 땅에 내재된 위험이라는 주제를 중심으로 전개됩니다. 이야기는 철도 노동자와 모험가로 가득한 거칠고 험난한 캠프인 테트 자운 카셰로 여행을 떠난 신비한 여성 조앤 그레이로 시작됩니다. 그녀가 여행을 하면서 그녀의 성격은 작가 존 올더스를 포함한 다양한 개인과의 상호 작용을 통해 드러납니다. 그는 그녀의 아름다움과 용기에 매료됩니다. 책의 시작 부분에서 독자는 조앤이 주변을 탐색하는 모습을 소개합니다. 그곳에는 행운의 약속과 그러한 삶에 수반되는 위협에 끌리는 "무리"의 남자들로 가득 차 있습니다. 그녀의 아름다움은 빌 콰드라는 위협적인 인물을 포함한 여러 캐릭터의 관심을 끌며, 그는 그녀에게 반하게 됩니다. 오프닝은 친구가 아직 살아있을지도 모른다고 말한 후, 죽은 것으로 여겨지는 남편의 운명에 대한 답을 찾는 그녀의 복잡한 성격을 드러냅니다. Joanne과 John Aldous의 만남은 싹트는 관계의 무대를 마련하는데, Quade가 제기하는 위험과 Tête Jaune의 혼란스러운 환경으로 인해 복잡해집니다. 긴장감이 고조되면서 보호, 욕망, 회복력이라는 주제가 등장하여 흥미진진한 모험의 토대를 마련합니다.
The Hunted Woman by James Oliver Curwood
"The Hunted Woman" by James Oliver Curwood is a novel written in the early 20th century. Set against the backdrop of the rugged frontier, the story revolves around themes of adventure, survival, and the inherent dangers of a lawless land. The narrative begins with a mysterious woman, Joanne Gray, who is on a journey to Tête Jaune Cache, a rough-and-tumble camp filled with railroad workers and adventurers. As she travels, her character is revealed through her interactions with various individuals, including John Aldous, a writer who becomes intrigued by her beauty and bravery. At the start of the book, the reader is introduced to Joanne as she navigates her surroundings—a place filled with a "horde" of men who are both drawn to the promise of fortune and the threats that such a life entails. Her beauty catches the attention of several characters, including a menacing figure named Bill Quade, who becomes enamored with her. The opening reveals the complexities of her character as she seeks answers about her husband’s fate, believed to be dead, after a friend suggests he might still be alive. The encounter between Joanne and John Aldous sets the stage for a budding connection, complicated by the dangers posed by Quade and the chaotic environment of Tête Jaune. As tension mounts, the themes of protection, desire, and resilience emerge, laying the groundwork for an exciting adventure.
CHAPTER I. It was all new
CHAPTER II. They passed down an aisle through the tall trees
CHAPTER III. If John Aldous had betrayed no visible
CHAPTER IV. To John Aldous Joanne's appearance at this moment
CHAPTER V. As soon as he had passed from the view of the cabin door
CHAPTER VI. Silent, his head bowed a little
CHAPTER VII. It was in the blood of John Aldous to kill Quade
CHAPTER VIII. John Aldous confessed to himself
CHAPTER IX. Stevens, dreaming of twenty horses plunging
CHAPTER X. A moment later some one came surging through the crowd
CHAPTER XI. As John Aldous stood hidden in the darkness
CHAPTER XII. For an hour after Donald MacDonald had pledged
CHAPTER XIII. For a space of perhaps twenty seconds after
CHAPTER XIV. To sleep after the excitement through
CHAPTER XV. From the hour in which she had listened to the story
CHAPTER XVI. Plunged from one extreme of mental strain to
CHAPTER XVII. Half an hour later Blackton had shown Aldous
CHAPTER XVIII. The next morning, when Aldous joined the engineer
CHAPTER XIX. Joanne's white lips spoke first
CHAPTER XX. At last Joanne realized
CHAPTER XXI. For a minute, perhaps longer
CHAPTER XXII. Not until they had rushed up out of the coulee
CHAPTER XXIII. There was no doubt in the mind of John Aldous now
CHAPTER XXIV. For an hour after Joanne had gone into her tent
CHAPTER XXV. Donald MacDonald's startling assertion
CHAPTER XXVI. They rode on into the Valley of Gold
CHAPTER XXVII. As they went up out of the basin into the broad
CHAPTER XXVIII. If MacDonald slept at all that night
CHAPTER XXIX. Sheer amazement made Aldous hold his fire in
CHAPTER XXX. In that chaotic night in which he was drifting
It was all new—most of it singularly dramatic and even appalling to the woman who sat with the pearl-gray veil drawn closely about her face. For eighteen hours she had been a keenly attentive, wide-eyed, and partly frightened bit of humanity in this onrush of "the horde." She had heard a voice behind her speak of it as "the horde"—a deep, thick, gruff voice which she knew without looking had filtered its way through a beard. She agreed with the voice. It was the Horde—that horde which has always beaten the trails ahead for civilization and made of its own flesh and blood the foundation of nations. For months it had been pouring steadily into the mountains—always in and never out, a laughing, shouting, singing, blaspheming Horde, every ounce of it toughened sinew and red brawn, except the Straying Angels. One of these sat opposite her, a dark-eyed girl with over-red lips and hollowed cheeks, and she heard the bearded man say something to his companions about "dizzy dolls" and "the little angel in the other seat."
"The Hunted Woman"은 캐나다 록키 산맥을 배경으로, 위험한 상황에서 도망치는 Joanne Gray와 그녀를 돕게 되는 John Aldous의 이야기를 그린 모험 로맨스입니다. 철도 건설 현장에서 벌어지는 음모와 위험 속에서, 비밀스러운 과거를 가진 Joanne을 보호하려는 John의 분투를 중심으로 이야기가 전개됩니다. Curwood는 험준한 산악 지대의 위험과 아름다움을 배경으로, 사랑과 용기, 그리고 구원의 테마를 긴장감 있게 풀어낸 작품입니다.
Book Review
"The Hunted Woman" is an adventure romance set in the Canadian Rockies that follows Joanne Gray as she escapes a dangerous situation and John Aldous as she helps her. The story centers around John's struggle to protect Joanne, who has a secret past, amid intrigue and danger on a railroad construction site. Curwood's work is a tense exploration of love, courage, and redemption against the backdrop of the dangers and beauty of the rugged mountainous terrain.
James Oliver Curwood (1878-1927)는 미국의 작가이자 자연주의자였습니다. 미시간 주 오워소에서 태어난 그는 주로 캐나다의 황야와 알래스카를 배경으로 한 모험 소설을 썼으며, 자연과 야생동물을 소재로 한 작품들로 유명합니다.
그는 17세의 나이에 글쓰기를 시작했으며, 디트로이트 뉴스-트리뷴에서 기자로 일하면서 작가의 길을 걸었습니다. 그의 대표작으로는 "카잔, 늑대개"(Kazan, the Wolf Dog), "곰사냥꾼"(The Grizzly King) 등이 있습니다.
Curwood는 단순한 작가를 넘어 열정적인 자연보호운동가이기도 했습니다. 그는 야생동물 보호와 자연보전의 중요성을 강조했으며, 미시간 주의 자연보호 위원회 위원으로도 활동했습니다.
그의 작품들은 영화로도 여러 차례 제작되었으며, 특히 1920년대에 많은 인기를 얻었습니다. 49세의 비교적 젊은 나이에 세상을 떠났지만, 그의 작품들은 자연과 인간의 관계, 그리고 황야의 아름다움을 생생하게 전달하는 귀중한 유산으로 남아있습니다.
현재 그의 집은 Curwood Castle Museum으로 보존되어 있으며, 미시간 주 오워소에서 관광명소로 사랑받고 있습니다.
James Oliver Curwood (1878-1927) was an American author and naturalist. Born in Owosso, Michigan, he wrote adventure novels set primarily in the Canadian wilderness and Alaska, and is known for his works on nature and wildlife.
He began writing at the age of 17 and worked as a reporter for the Detroit News-Tribune before embarking on a career as a writer. His most famous works include Kazan, the Wolf Dog and The Grizzly King.
Curwood was not just a writer; he was also a passionate conservationist. He emphasized the importance of wildlife conservation and nature preservation, and he served on the Michigan State Conservation Commission.
His works were made into films several times, and were especially popular in the 1920s. Although he died at the relatively young age of 49, his works remain a valuable legacy that vividly conveys the relationship between nature and humans, and the beauty of the wilderness. Today, his home is preserved as the Curwood Castle Museum and is a beloved tourist attraction in Owosso, Michigan.
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