alchedek (January 2025) / Bo Young Song, CEO of Habitus Associates Co., LTD.
2024년 12월 18일 출간
국내도서 : 2024년 12월 26일 출간
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월간인물이 발간하는 영문 전용 매거진 ‘alchedek(알케덱)’은 파울로 코엘료의 소설 ‘연금술사’에서 연금술사를 의미하는 ‘Alchemist’와 ‘Melchizedek’의 합성어에서 출발했으며, 현재 ‘alchedek’은 월간인물의 영문 전용 매거진을 나타내는 고유명사입니다. 또한, 알케덱은 코트라(대한무역투자진흥공사)에 공식적으로 배부되고 있으며, 기관 내 무역자료실에서 제작하는 코트라 뉴스레터의 자료로 공유되고 있습니다.
많은 기업과 연구자들이 국내를 넘어 해외 시장 판로를 개척하고 있는 모습에 언론 매체로서 조금이나마 도움을 드리고자 제작 및 유통을 시작하게 된 만큼, 알케덱을 통해 우리나라 기업들의 뛰어난 능력이 세계에 알려지기를 바라며 국내 최초로 한국에 기반을 둔 영문 전용 기술 및 산업경제 매거진이 되어 국내를 넘어 세계 비즈니스 산업 소식을 전하는 중심 언론사가 되고자 합니다. ‘알키미스트(Alchemist, 연금술사)’는 중세시대 납을 금으로 만들고자 실험을 반복했습니다. 무모한 도전이었고, 당연하게도 납을 금으로 만드는 일에는 실패했지만, 근대 화학이 발전할 수 있는 토대를 마련하는 역사의 아이러니를 남겼습니다. 저희 ‘alchedek’ 역시 국내를 넘어 세계로 진출하며 또 다른 기회와 발전의 역사를 만들어 보고자 합니다.
12p Bo Young Song, CEO of Habitus Associates Co., LTD.
Leading the digital transformation that will drive innovation in the art industry and realise Art for all
22p Hyi-Seung Lee, President of the Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology(KIOST)
With the creation of world-class research achievements, we will become a research institution that provides practical assistance to the lives of the people
28p Seoktae Kang, Chairman of the Korean Society of Environmental Engineers(KSEE) Professor of Construction and Environmental Engineering, KAIST
The Korean Society of Environmental Engineering approaches carbon neutrality by linking industry, academia, research and government based on scientific evidence
36p Mi-Ryung Song, Minister of Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs leads the way in industrialising future growth by fostering agricultural innovation and agrifood backward and forward industries to build a safe food base
44p Jae-Yong Lee, Director of the National Food Safety Information Service
Food safety directly linked to the lives of the people, proactive safety management and crisis response through rapid information sharing, and laying the foundation for food safety through proactive infrastructure construction
48p Soo-Hyun Noh, Director of the Korea Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology in Food, Agriculture, and Forestry(IPET)
IPET, the control tower for agricultural and food R&D, from building a safe agricultural ecosystem for the future of humanity to innovative food research based on food tech
52p Won-Young Choi, Director General for Global Growth Policy at the Ministry of SMEs and Startups
We will be a strong partner in policy support so that the globalisation of SMEs can serve as a foundation for economic growth
58p Jeong-Hwan Lee, CEO of HOPS Biosciences Corp.
Increasing Active Ingredients and Controlling Narcotic Components with Gene Editing Technology to Accelerate the Commercialization of Medical Cannabis
62p Suk-Jin Ko, Director General of Seoul Regional Customs
Proposing a new growth strategy for the era of new protectionism through tailored support for export and import companies and the establishment of a fair trade order
66p Seung-Ho Cheong, CEO of Shuny Tech co., Ltd.
Shuny Tech Leading the Growth of the Gim* Industry by Changing the Production Paradigm of Globally Loved ‘Gim’
70p Ji-Hoon Go, Director of Cosmetics Policy Division, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
To eliminate and support companie’s export restrictions and quality control, and to innovate the system, To lead the way in securing substantial competitiveness in the global market
74p JaeWook Shin, CEO of Chesedridge Inc.
Experts personally visit to provide wellness solutions with ‘Dallem’, creating a ‘win-win’ for both companies and employees
80p Mansung Park, CEO of Octa Solutions Inc.
OCTA Solution Leading the Regtech Industry with Industry-Specific, Cost-Effective ‘Compliance Risk Free’ Business Environment and Financial Compliance Innovation
86p Joon-Mo Kim, CEO of MoFin Co., Ltd.
An era of stable and sustainable investment opened by MOFIN, a leader in financial innovation
94p Korea Information Society Development Institute(KISDI)
Korea Information Society Development Institute(KISDI), the global think tank behind Korea’s rise as an ICT powerhouse
98p Ha Hwang, the Head of the Task Force for AI-Powered Regulatory Innovation at the Korea Institute of Public Administration (KIPA)
Regulatory information innovation with RegNavigator, an AI that leads administrative innovation
104p Jaejun Lee, Professor of Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Pusan National University
Dynamic cross-linked polymers created through research on new materials that can minimise the damage caused by shockwaves, new safety in our daily lives
108p Jin-Ki Ham, CEO of Glassdome Korea
Global carbon regulation requires a proactive, data-driven and systematic regulatory response
109p Seokjin Hong, CEO of Tres Works
Climate change is here, time to discuss new alternatives
저자(글) alchedek(알케덱) 편집부
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