제임스 올리버 커우드의 국경너머_황야의 로맨스
2024년 12월 18일 출간
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제임스 올리버 커우드의 "The Country Beyond: A Romance of the Wilderness"는 20세기 초에 쓰인 소설입니다. 이 이야기는 슈피리어호 근처의 황무지에서 펼쳐지며 모험, 생존, 인간 정신의 힘이라는 주제에 초점을 맞춥니다. 이 서사는 사랑스러운 강아지 피터와 제드 호킨스의 학대적인 존재를 포함하여 삶의 혹독한 현실에 직면한 아름다운 어린 소녀 나다를 소개합니다. 소설의 서두는 그림 같으면서도 우울한 분위기를 설정하여 캐나다 황무지의 대조적인 아름다움과 등장인물의 괴로운 상황을 강조합니다. 봄이 꽃피우면서 피터는 용감하고 새롭게 찾은 용기의 여정을 시작하는 반면, 나다는 호킨스의 통제 하에 갇힌 그녀의 어려운 삶에 씨름합니다. 서사가 임박한 갈등과 자유의 희망적인 가능성을 암시하면서 그들의 길은 얽힙니다. 피터의 충성심과 순수함은 이야기의 전개에 중요한 역할을 하는데, 그와 나다는 모두 격동하는 주변 환경에서 발생하는 어려움을 극복하려고 노력하며, 이는 그들의 고난을 초월하여 그들 사이의 더욱 깊어지는 유대감을 암시한다.
The Country Beyond _ A Romance of the Wilderness by James Oliver Curwood
"The Country Beyond: A Romance of the Wilderness" by James Oliver Curwood is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in the wilderness near Lake Superior, focusing on themes of adventure, survival, and the strength of the human spirit. The narrative introduces us to Peter, an endearing puppy, and Nada, a beautiful young girl faced with the harsh realities of her life, including the abusive presence of Jed Hawkins. The opening of the novel sets a picturesque yet somber atmosphere, highlighting the contrasting beauty of the Canadian wilderness and the troubling circumstances of the characters. As spring flourishes, Peter embarks on a journey of bravery and newfound courage, while Nada grapples with her difficult life, trapped under the control of Hawkins. Their paths intertwine as the narrative hints at impending conflict and the hopeful possibility of freedom. Peter’s loyalty and innocence play a critical role in the evolving story, as both he and Nada seek to overcome the challenges posed by their tumultuous surroundings, suggesting a deepening bond between them that transcends their hardships.
CHAPTER I. Not far from the rugged
CHAPTER II. She followed Peter
CHAPTER III. From the little old cabin of dead Indian Tom
CHAPTER IV. seemed an interminable wait to Peter
CHAPTER V. It was in the third week after his hurt that Peter
CHAPTER VI. A frosty mist dulled the light of the stars
CHAPTER VII. Peter was on his way to the mystery of the bundle
CHAPTER VIII. Peter, thrust back from the door through
CHAPTER IX. It was the restlessness of Peter
CHAPTER X. North and west, in the direction of Yellow Bird's people
CHAPTER XI. Days of new hope and gladness followed in the camp
CHAPTER XII. In Cassidy's canoe
CHAPTER XIII. McKay still had his mind on a certain stretch of timber
CHAPTER XIV. Jolly Roger did not answer
CHAPTER XV. Through the blizzard Jolly Roger made his way
CHAPTER XVI. It was Peter who roused Jolly Roger many hours later
CHAPTER XVII. From the cabin McKay went first to the great rock
CHAPTER XVIII. Following this day Peter was observant of a strange excitement
CHAPTER XIX. In the star dusk of evening the time came
CHAPTER XX. The Sabbath was a day of glory
CHAPTER XXI. A slow illumination filled the cabin
CHAPTER XXII. Dripping from the bog-holes
CHAPTER XXIII. Dawn came softly where the quiet waters
Not far from the rugged and storm-whipped north shore of Lake Superior, and south of the Kaministiqua, yet not as far south as the Rainy River waterway, there lay a paradise lost in the heart of a wilderness world—and in that paradise “a little corner of hell.”
That was what the girl had called it once upon a time, when sobbing out the shame and the agony of it to herself. That was before Peter had come to leaven the drab of her life. But the hell was still there.
One would not have guessed its existence, standing at the bald top of Cragg's Ridge this wonderful thirtieth day of May. In the whiteness of winter one could look off over a hundred square miles of freezing forest and swamp and river country, with the gleam of ice-covered lakes here and there, fringed by their black spruce and cedar and balsam—a country of storm, of deep snows, and men and women whose blood ran red with the thrill that the hardship and the never-ending adventure of the wild.
고전을 읽는 다는 것은 우리 보다 앞선 세대를 살아간 위인과 작가들과 교제를 하는 것이다. 우리 보다 훌륭한 삶을 살다 간 사람들을 만나고 교제하는 시간이고 공간이다. 이를 통해 당대의 삶, 사회, 역사. 사상, 철학 등을 만날 수 있고 그것을 기반으로 우리는 삶, 일, 인간, 세상, 우주에 대해 교훈을 얻고 그들보다 더 나은 인간이 될 수 있는 기회를 가지는 것이다.
이 책은 미국 작가인 제임스 올리버 커우드( James Oliver Curwood)의 작품으로 오늘날에도 중요한 메시지를 주는 고전을 메타버스 시대에 맞추어 전자책으로 새롭게 출판을 하는 것은, 누구나 어디서, 편리하게 스마트폰이나 테블릿 등 디지털 기기로 읽을 수 있도록 하기 위해서다.
고전 작품을 원서로 구매해 읽기는 원하는 독자들이 있다. 하지만 원서를 구입하는데 시간이 많이 소요되고 비용도 꽤 든다. 독자들의 이러한 문제를 해결하고 원할 때 쉽게 빨리 구매해 언제 어디서나 읽을 수 있도록 전자책으로 출판하였다.
Book Review
Reading classics means interacting with great people and writers who lived before us. It is a time and space to meet and interact with people who lived better lives than us. Through this, we can encounter contemporary life, society, history, ideas, and philosophy, and based on this, we can learn lessons about life, work, people, the world, and the universe, and have the opportunity to become better people than them.
This book is a work by American author James Oliver Curwood. It is a classic that still gives important messages today. It is being republished as an e-book to fit the metaverse era, so that anyone can read it conveniently anywhere, on digital devices such as smartphones and tablets.
There are readers who want to purchase and read classic works in their original form. However, it takes a lot of time and costs a lot to purchase the original book. In order to solve this problem for readers, we published it as an e-book so that they can easily purchase it quickly and read it anytime, anywhere.
James Oliver Curwood (1878-1927)는 미국의 작가이자 자연주의자였습니다. 미시간 주 오워소에서 태어난 그는 주로 캐나다의 황야와 알래스카를 배경으로 한 모험 소설을 썼으며, 자연과 야생동물을 소재로 한 작품들로 유명합니다.
그는 17세의 나이에 글쓰기를 시작했으며, 디트로이트 뉴스-트리뷴에서 기자로 일하면서 작가의 길을 걸었습니다. 그의 대표작으로는 "카잔, 늑대개"(Kazan, the Wolf Dog), "곰사냥꾼"(The Grizzly King) 등이 있습니다.
Curwood는 단순한 작가를 넘어 열정적인 자연보호운동가이기도 했습니다. 그는 야생동물 보호와 자연보전의 중요성을 강조했으며, 미시간 주의 자연보호 위원회 위원으로도 활동했습니다.
그의 작품들은 영화로도 여러 차례 제작되었으며, 특히 1920년대에 많은 인기를 얻었습니다. 49세의 비교적 젊은 나이에 세상을 떠났지만, 그의 작품들은 자연과 인간의 관계, 그리고 황야의 아름다움을 생생하게 전달하는 귀중한 유산으로 남아있습니다.
현재 그의 집은 Curwood Castle Museum으로 보존되어 있으며, 미시간 주 오워소에서 관광명소로 사랑받고 있습니다.
James Oliver Curwood (1878-1927) was an American author and naturalist. Born in Owosso, Michigan, he wrote adventure novels set primarily in the Canadian wilderness and Alaska, and is known for his works on nature and wildlife.
He began writing at the age of 17 and worked as a reporter for the Detroit News-Tribune before embarking on a career as a writer. His most famous works include Kazan, the Wolf Dog and The Grizzly King.
Curwood was not just a writer; he was also a passionate conservationist. He emphasized the importance of wildlife conservation and nature preservation, and he served on the Michigan State Conservation Commission.
His works were made into films several times, and were especially popular in the 1920s. Although he died at the relatively young age of 49, his works remain a valuable legacy that vividly conveys the relationship between nature and humans, and the beauty of the wilderness. Today, his home is preserved as the Curwood Castle Museum and is a beloved tourist attraction in Owosso, Michigan.
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