alchedek (November 2024) / Kyo-Eon Shim, President, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS)
2024년 11월 01일 출간
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지난 10년간 정부 정책 및 산업 현황에 관해 월간지 인터뷰와 기획기사를 담당해온 월간인물은 한 단계 더 나은 성장을 위해 영문 전용 매거진을 제작하게 되었습니다.
월간인물이 발간하는 영문 전용 매거진 ‘alchedek(알케덱)’은 파울로 코엘료의 소설 ‘연금술사’에서 연금술사를 의미하는 ‘Alchemist’와 ‘Melchizedek’의 합성어에서 출발했으며, 현재 ‘alchedek’은 월간인물의 영문 전용 매거진을 나타내는 고유명사로서 한국 및 미국에 상표 출원 중에 있습니다. 또한, 알케덱은 코트라(대한무역투자진흥공사)에 공식적으로 배부되고 있으며, 기관 내 무역자료실에서 제작하는 코트라 뉴스레터의 자료로 공유되고 있습니다.
많은 기업과 연구자들이 국내를 넘어 해외 시장 판로를 개척하고 있는 모습에 언론 매체로서 조금이나마 도움을 드리고자 제작 및 유통을 시작하게 된 만큼, 알케덱을 통해 우리나라 기업들의 뛰어난 능력이 세계에 알려지기를 바라며 국내 최초로 한국에 기반을 둔 영문 전용 기술 및 산업경제 매거진이 되어 국내를 넘어 세계 비즈니스 산업 소식을 전하는 중심 언론사가 되고자 합니다. ‘알키미스트(Alchemist, 연금술사)’는 중세시대 납을 금으로 만들고자 실험을 반복했습니다. 무모한 도전이었고, 당연하게도 납을 금으로 만드는 일에는 실패했지만, 근대 화학이 발전할 수 있는 토대를 마련하는 역사의 아이러니를 남겼습니다. 저희 ‘alchedek’ 역시 국내를 넘어 세계로 진출하며 또 다른 기회와 발전의 역사를 만들어 보고자 합니다.
월간인물이 발간하는 영문 전용 매거진 ‘alchedek(알케덱)’은 파울로 코엘료의 소설 ‘연금술사’에서 연금술사를 의미하는 ‘Alchemist’와 ‘Melchizedek’의 합성어에서 출발했으며, 현재 ‘alchedek’은 월간인물의 영문 전용 매거진을 나타내는 고유명사로서 한국 및 미국에 상표 출원 중에 있습니다. 또한, 알케덱은 코트라(대한무역투자진흥공사)에 공식적으로 배부되고 있으며, 기관 내 무역자료실에서 제작하는 코트라 뉴스레터의 자료로 공유되고 있습니다.
많은 기업과 연구자들이 국내를 넘어 해외 시장 판로를 개척하고 있는 모습에 언론 매체로서 조금이나마 도움을 드리고자 제작 및 유통을 시작하게 된 만큼, 알케덱을 통해 우리나라 기업들의 뛰어난 능력이 세계에 알려지기를 바라며 국내 최초로 한국에 기반을 둔 영문 전용 기술 및 산업경제 매거진이 되어 국내를 넘어 세계 비즈니스 산업 소식을 전하는 중심 언론사가 되고자 합니다. ‘알키미스트(Alchemist, 연금술사)’는 중세시대 납을 금으로 만들고자 실험을 반복했습니다. 무모한 도전이었고, 당연하게도 납을 금으로 만드는 일에는 실패했지만, 근대 화학이 발전할 수 있는 토대를 마련하는 역사의 아이러니를 남겼습니다. 저희 ‘alchedek’ 역시 국내를 넘어 세계로 진출하며 또 다른 기회와 발전의 역사를 만들어 보고자 합니다.
alchedek (November 2024)
Samyang Group
Realizing Infinite Possibilities of Life with Pioneer Spirit, Opening a Prosperous and Convenient Future
Novelist Han Kang
(Winners of the 124th Nobel Prize in Literature)
The poetic prose that depicts fragile humans confronting intense historical traumas has achieved the milestone of 'the first Nobel Prize in Literature for South Korea.'
Young-Sang Yoo, CEO of SK Telecom
SKT to lead the ICT industry in South Korea with its ubiquitous communication network and AI technology for the future
Jung-Woo Park, CEO of NICE D&RCombining trusted data and IT technology, dreaming and realising shared growth (Dream & Realise)
Kyo-Eon Shim, President, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS)
A key policy research institute developing future strategies for balanced growth of the national territory and space
Young-Beom Lee, President of Architecture & Urban Research Institute (AURI)
Creating Sustainable Architectural and Urban Spaces for the Happiness of All Citizens
Innovative Technologies Added to Real Estate Lead to Groundbreaking Improvements in Residential and Work Environments, Driving Market Changes
Chi-Heon Kim, CEO of KECC (Korea Engineering Consultants Corp.)
A vision of the ‘environment’ based on the capabilities of the 60-year history of Korea’s land development
Joo-Hong Kang, Deputy Head of Fine Dust Improvement Planning Team in the Office for Government CoordinationTake the lead in building a pleasant atmospheric environment as a bridgehead for policy cooperation to protect the health and safety of the people from fine dust
Seok-Hoon Park, Director of the Korea Water Cluster (KWC)
Supporting from R&D to Demonstration and Overseas Expansion in a One-Stop Manner, Reflecting Corporate Needs and Leading the Promotion of the Domestic Water Industry
Taehyung Park, CEO of Aetech Co., Ltd
Establish a one-stop resource circulation value chain based on artificial intelligence (AI) and open the era of a true circular economy
A last-ditch effort not to cross the red line of climate change
Myung-Hoon Kim, CEO of KMD BIO Co., Ltd.
Innovative New Drugs Completed Through Integrated and Strategic Approaches, Challenging to Become a Global Innovative New Drug Holding Company
Hye-Dong Yoo, CEO of InnoCure Therapeutics, Inc
Innovative Treatment Based on 'TPD' Technology Offers New Methodology for Disease Treatment, Easing the Suffering of Patients with Intractable Diseases
Young-Chul Shin, Chairman of the Mental Health Policy Innovation Committee
Efforts and considerations toward protective factors for the stability and health of society as a whole, aiming for the happy lives of the people
Jin-Young Yang, Chairman of K-MEDIhub
K-MEDIhub Leading the Growth and Establishment of a Virtuous Cycle in the National Medical Industry
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB)
Era of Bioeconomy Driven by Biotechnology to Solve Humanity's Challenges: South Korea to Become a Global Bio Powerhouse through Core Technologies and Domestic and International Cooperation Networks
Dae-Sung Kim, Managing Director for Korea, Thailand and Vietnam of ASMPT SMT Solutions
ASMPT, a global high-tech company, is a leading provider of highly integrated hardware and software solutions. They are an enabler of the digital world
Samyang Group
Realizing Infinite Possibilities of Life with Pioneer Spirit, Opening a Prosperous and Convenient Future
Novelist Han Kang
(Winners of the 124th Nobel Prize in Literature)
The poetic prose that depicts fragile humans confronting intense historical traumas has achieved the milestone of 'the first Nobel Prize in Literature for South Korea.'
Young-Sang Yoo, CEO of SK Telecom
SKT to lead the ICT industry in South Korea with its ubiquitous communication network and AI technology for the future
Jung-Woo Park, CEO of NICE D&RCombining trusted data and IT technology, dreaming and realising shared growth (Dream & Realise)
Kyo-Eon Shim, President, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS)
A key policy research institute developing future strategies for balanced growth of the national territory and space
Young-Beom Lee, President of Architecture & Urban Research Institute (AURI)
Creating Sustainable Architectural and Urban Spaces for the Happiness of All Citizens
Innovative Technologies Added to Real Estate Lead to Groundbreaking Improvements in Residential and Work Environments, Driving Market Changes
Chi-Heon Kim, CEO of KECC (Korea Engineering Consultants Corp.)
A vision of the ‘environment’ based on the capabilities of the 60-year history of Korea’s land development
Joo-Hong Kang, Deputy Head of Fine Dust Improvement Planning Team in the Office for Government CoordinationTake the lead in building a pleasant atmospheric environment as a bridgehead for policy cooperation to protect the health and safety of the people from fine dust
Seok-Hoon Park, Director of the Korea Water Cluster (KWC)
Supporting from R&D to Demonstration and Overseas Expansion in a One-Stop Manner, Reflecting Corporate Needs and Leading the Promotion of the Domestic Water Industry
Taehyung Park, CEO of Aetech Co., Ltd
Establish a one-stop resource circulation value chain based on artificial intelligence (AI) and open the era of a true circular economy
A last-ditch effort not to cross the red line of climate change
Myung-Hoon Kim, CEO of KMD BIO Co., Ltd.
Innovative New Drugs Completed Through Integrated and Strategic Approaches, Challenging to Become a Global Innovative New Drug Holding Company
Hye-Dong Yoo, CEO of InnoCure Therapeutics, Inc
Innovative Treatment Based on 'TPD' Technology Offers New Methodology for Disease Treatment, Easing the Suffering of Patients with Intractable Diseases
Young-Chul Shin, Chairman of the Mental Health Policy Innovation Committee
Efforts and considerations toward protective factors for the stability and health of society as a whole, aiming for the happy lives of the people
Jin-Young Yang, Chairman of K-MEDIhub
K-MEDIhub Leading the Growth and Establishment of a Virtuous Cycle in the National Medical Industry
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB)
Era of Bioeconomy Driven by Biotechnology to Solve Humanity's Challenges: South Korea to Become a Global Bio Powerhouse through Core Technologies and Domestic and International Cooperation Networks
Dae-Sung Kim, Managing Director for Korea, Thailand and Vietnam of ASMPT SMT Solutions
ASMPT, a global high-tech company, is a leading provider of highly integrated hardware and software solutions. They are an enabler of the digital world
저자(글) alchedek(알케덱) 편집부
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