Shack, the Fly
2024년 11월 07일 출간
- eBook 상품 정보
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- ISBN 9791193436349
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이 상품이 속한 분야
A Tense Showdown Between Mischievous Shack the Fly and Joe, Whos Trying to Catch Him!
“Shack, the Fly” tells the story of Shack, Wack, and Quack, who live peacefully in Joe’s house until they decide to start playing pranks. This sets off a tense showdown between them and Joe. Ignoring Joe’s warnings about flies, Shack tries to annoy him but ends up in danger. With Wack’s help, Shack is rescued, but his wing gets torn in the process. Although Shack considers stopping his mischief, Quack persuades him to make one last attempt to bother Joe, which leads to disaster. Quack is caught by Joe, and Shack, now on the brink of death, is miraculously revived with a golden body. How will this showdown between Shack and Joe end?
● Publisher’s Review
The Journey of Growth and Maturity
Shack, who initially acted on his own impulses, begins to reflect on his actions as he faces various dangers in his conflict with Joe. With the help of his friend, Shack overcomes thes.....
A Warning to the Flies
A Fly Shack in Danger
The Revived Fly Shack
저자(글) Junwon Choi
Junwon Choi, a picture book author, studied web design at Affinity Universe and published his first book, “Shack, the Fly”. As the fifteenth picture book from Affinity Universe, it shows that learning and growing from mistakes is an important part of life, and conveys the message that change and growth lead to greater maturity.
이 상품의 총서
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