Performance Cookbook for Disease & the Dining Table
2024년 07월 31일 출간
- eBook 상품 정보
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- ISBN 9791198770240
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이 상품이 속한 분야
1-1 _ About Diseases and the Dining Table
1-2 _ Archiving performance art in a
cookbook format
1-3 _ Earthian Center for Disease Control &
Prevention, Director’s Note
1-3-1 Project Participation Proposal
1-3-2 _ Feedback from participating
1-4 Overview
[2] _ Performance Cookbook for Diseases
and the Dining Table
2-1 _ Table 1. Health Center for Immunity
Boost Juice-Club
Gyunghwa Roh, Jihae Lim,
Sue Jungsuh Lim
2-2 _ Table 2. Lumbar Herniated
Intervertebral Disc Set Meal
Chanwoo Kim, Sue Jungsuh Lim
2-3 _ Table 3. ChaChaCha (Tea Tea Tea)
Eu sun Ko, Sohyun Son,
Sue Jungsuh Lim
2-4 _ Table 4. Restaurant 2046
Chulho Park, Geunyoung Hong,
Sue Jungsuh Lim
2-5 _ Table 5. Health Prayer Ceremony
Youkyong Song, Sue Jungsuh Lim
2-6 _ Table 6. Take care of the Potato
Shinah Lee, Sebin Shin,
Sue Jungsuh Lim
2-7 _ Table 7. Heart Hall Gong-Hwa-Choon
Seungkyun Lim, Jaerin Son,
Sue Jungsuh Lim
2-8 _ Table 8. RNA Cocktail Salon
Salchingu(Seungwook Yang,
Huh Ho), Yurim Lee,
Sue Jungsuh Lim
[3] _ Yakgi(Pinky) Finger Teaspoon Workshop
Shinah lee, Sue Jungsuh Lim
If someone were to re-enact or reimagine the “Diseases and the Dining Table” performance, the future context in which the work would be shown would not be the same as the COVID-19 pandemic we experienced in 2020. However, the “Diseases and the Dining Table” performance cookbook goes beyond simply archiving (organizing and recording) the performance work, and embodies the cookbook as a way to build the foundational data of memory that will enable the re-enactment of the performance. This will play an important role in showing future generations how young artists in Seoul in 2020 fought against the challenges of the times through their artistic endeavors.
저자(글) Sue Jungsuh Lim
Sue Jungshu Lim is a multidisciplinary artist and producer working with various mediums and creative activities.
She is interested in creating ‘cinematic moments’ in someone’s life through art. She creates an environment where audiences can engage and be involved through their own experiences. This is a cookbook format, archiving of
이 상품의 총서
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