Art Disease Research Report
2024년 07월 31일 출간
- eBook 상품 정보
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- ISBN 9791198770257
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이 상품이 속한 분야
In 2020, what we used to call Wuhan pneumonia was named COVID-19. It swept through China, Korea, and Europe, spreading globally, leading to the World Health Organization declaring it a pandemic. Observing this situation felt almost prophetic. Artists who were on board approached as real “art disease researchers,” collectively experiencing the actual fear of a disease through the “COVID-19 crisis.”
In particular, the performance series that took place in Seoul, South Korea, in 2020 under the special circumstances of the pandemic was an artistic activity in which young artists attempted to overcome their frustrations and fears in response to the changing circumstances of the time.
Disease Control & Prevention
1-1 _ Art for Citizens Exhausted
by COVID-19
<Earthian Center for Disease
Control & Prevention>
1-2 _ How to make artist turned into a
researcher “visible”
1-3 Art Disease Research Report
Exhibition Floor Plan
Covid19 Questionnaire
[2] _ Art Disease Research Report
2-1 _ Sir, what’s the meaning of
- Eusun Ko
2-2 _ A Study on Warmhearted Management
Strategies Utilizing Disc Patients
Exhausted in Body and Mind
- Chanwoo Kim
2-3 _ The research laboratory of
the eminent authority Gyunghwa Roh
on Mwoji-mwoji Disease
- Gyunghwa Roh
2-4 _ Research on Treatment for Side
Effects of Zaro Aga by Patients
Go-Back Gwang
- Chulho Park
2-5 _ ~In Need of Updates~ HIV/AIDS
Pocket Stop Salchingu
- Salchingu(Seungwook Yang, Huh Ho)
2-6 _ Aloha Earth Burnout Bakery Branch 1
- Sohyun Son
2-7 _ Frontal Lobe Soothing
- Jaerin Son
2-8 _ Grandpa Mangtae and Grandpa Mangtae
and Grandpa Mangtae
- Youkyong Song
2-9 _ Find Positive Potatoes
- Sebin Shin
2-10 _ KBS Morning Show(Achim Madang)
- Shinah Lee
2-11 _ Test808
- Seungkyun Lim
2-12 _ COVID-19 Newspaper Collage
- Jihae Lim
2-13 _ I Shall Please
- Geunyoung Hong
Artist Sue Lim, who oversaw and planned the exhibition, said, “This exhibition allows us to examine the various stakeholders and structures of our society through disease” and “At a time when we are all struggling due to COVID-19, I hope this will be an opportunity to find some comfort through art.”
저자(글) Sue Jungsuh Lim
Sue Jungshu Lim is a multidisciplinary artist and producer working with various mediums and creative activities.
She is interested in creating ‘cinematic moments’ in someone’s life through art. She creates an environment where audiences can engage and be involved through their own experiences. This is a cookbook format, archiving of
이 상품의 총서
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