제인 그레이의 U.P. 대륙횡단철도
2024년 08월 30일 출간
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이 상품이 속한 분야
Zane Grey의 "The U. P. Trail"은 1918년에 출판된 역사 소설입니다. 이 작품은 19세기 중반 미국 대륙횡단철도 건설의 대서사시적 이야기를 다룹니다.
소설의 제목 "U. P."는 Union Pacific Railroad를 의미하며, 이 철도의 건설 과정이 작품의 중심 배경이 됩니다. 이야기는 William Neale이라는 젊은 엔지니어를 주인공으로 하여 전개됩니다. Neale은 철도 건설 프로젝트에 참여하면서 다양한 도전과 모험을 경험합니다.
Grey는 이 작품을 통해 미국의 서부 개척과 산업화 과정을 생생하게 그려냅니다. 철도 건설이라는 거대한 프로젝트를 둘러싼 인간 드라마, 기술적 도전, 자연과의 투쟁, 그리고 다양한 집단 간의 갈등이 세밀하게 묘사됩니다.
소설은 역사적 사실에 기반을 두고 있으며, 실제 인물들도 등장합니다. 동시에 Grey 특유의 로맨스와 모험 요소가 가미되어 있어, 역사와 픽션이 절묘하게 어우러집니다.
"The U. P. Trail"은 미국의 성장과 발전, 개척 정신, 그리고 그 과정에서의 희생과 고난을 탐구합니다. 작품은 또한 원주민, 중국인 노동자, 아일랜드 이민자 등 다양한 집단의 이야기를 포함하여 당시 미국 사회의 복잡한 모습을 그려냅니다.
Grey의 뛰어난 자연 묘사 능력은 이 작품에서도 빛을 발하며, 광활한 평원과 험준한 산맥 등 서부의 장대한 풍경이 이야기의 중요한 배경이 됩니다.
"The U. P. Trail"은 Zane Grey의 대표작 중 하나로 평가받으며, 미국의 중요한 역사적 순간을 문학적으로 재현해낸 작품으로 인정받고 있습니다. 이 소설은 서부 개척의 대서사시적 면모와 인간 드라마를 균형 있게 다루어, 역사 소설과 서부 소설의 장점을 모두 갖춘 작품으로 여겨집니다.
<Reading Classics in English _ The U. P. Trail by Zane Grey >
Zane Grey's "The U.P. Trail" is a historical novel published in 1918. It deals with the epic story of the construction of the transcontinental railroad in the United States in the mid-19th century.
The title of the novel, "U.P.", refers to the Union Pacific Railroad, and the construction of this railroad is the central setting of the work. The story unfolds with a young engineer named William Neale as the main character. Neale experiences various challenges and adventures while participating in the railroad construction project.
Through this work, Grey vividly depicts the process of western development and industrialization in the United States. The human drama, technical challenges, struggles with nature, and conflicts between various groups surrounding the huge project of railroad construction are described in detail.
The novel is based on historical facts and features real people. At the same time, Gray's unique elements of romance and adventure are added, creating an exquisite blend of history and fiction.
"The U.P. Trail" explores the growth and development of the United States, the pioneering spirit, and the sacrifices and hardships along the way. The work also portrays the complexities of American society at the time, including the stories of various groups such as Native Americans, Chinese laborers, and Irish immigrants.
Gray's outstanding ability to describe nature shines in this work, and the magnificent landscapes of the West, including the vast plains and rugged mountains, serve as important backdrops to the story.
"The U.P. Trail" is considered one of Zane Grey's masterpieces, and is recognized as a literary reenactment of a significant moment in American history. The novel is considered to have the strengths of both historical fiction and Western fiction, balancing the epic aspect of the Western frontier with the human drama.
CHAPTER I. In the early sixties a trail led from the broad Missouri
CHAPTER II. Deep in the Wyoming hills lay a valley watered
CHAPTER III. Bill Horn, leader of that caravan
CHAPTER IV. In 1865, just after the war
CHAPTER V. Neale had not been wrong
CHAPTER VI. Some ten miles from the scene of the massacre
CHAPTER VII. Neale rode to Slingerland’s cabin twice
CHAPTER VIII. That summer the engineers crossed the Wyoming hills
CHAPTER IX. Slingerland appeared younger to Neale
CHAPTER X. Neale and King traveled light
CHAPTER XI. After Neale and Larry left
CHAPTER XII. Allie Lee possessed a mind at once active
CHAPTER XIII. When Allie Lee came back from that black gap
CHAPTER XIV. Allie recovered to find herself lying in a canvas-covered wagon
CHAPTER XV. The building of the U. P. R. as it advanced westward
CHAPTER XVI. Neale slept until late the next day
CHAPTER XVII. Neale and Larry and Slingerland planned to go into the hills
CHAPTER XVIII. Neale seemed to come into another world
CHAPTER XIX. Neale slept in a tent
CHAPTER XX. Neale took up lodgings with his friend Larry
CHAPTER XXI. Benton slowed and quieted down a few days
CHAPTER XXII. To Allie Lee, again a prisoner in the clutches of Durade
CHAPTER XXIII. Neale conceived an idea
CHAPTER XXIV. So for Neale the wonderful dream had come to pass
CHAPTER XXV. The afternoon and night of pay-day in Benton
CHAPTER XXVI. Beauty Stanton threw a cloak over her bare shoulders
CHAPTER XXVII. For many moments after the beautiful bare-armed woman
CHAPTER XXVIII. Beauty Stanton opened her eyes to see blue sky
CHAPTER XXIX. Casey left Benton on the work-train
CHAPTER XXX. Neale, aghast and full of bitter amaze
CHAPTER XXXI. It was half-past five
CHAPTER XXXII. The mere sight of Warren Neale had transformed
CHAPTER XXXIII. The sun set pale-gold and austere
CHAPTER XXXIV. The home to which Allie Lee was brought stood
CHAPTER XXXV. Building a railroad grew to be an exact
CHAPTER XXXVI. Slingerland saw Allie Lee married to Neale
CHAPTER XXXVII. A band of Sioux warriors rode out upon a promontory
In the early sixties a trail led from the broad Missouri, swirling yellow and turgid between its green-groved borders, for miles and miles out upon the grassy Nebraska plains, turning westward over the undulating prairie, with its swales and billows and long, winding lines of cottonwoods, to a slow, vast heave of rising ground—Wyoming—where the herds of buffalo grazed and the wolf was lord and the camp-fire of the trapper sent up its curling blue smoke from beside some lonely stream; on and on over the barren lands of eternal monotony, all so gray and wide and solemn and silent under the endless sky; on, ever on, up to the bleak, black hills and into the waterless gullies and through the rocky gorges where the deer browsed and the savage lurked;
"The U. P. Trail"은 Zane Grey가 쓴 역사적 서부 소설로, 유니언 퍼시픽 철도(Union Pacific Railroad) 건설을 배경으로 합니다. 이 작품은 19세기 중반 미국 대륙횡단 철도 건설의 대서사시적인 이야기를 그립니다. 소설은 젊은 엔지니어 William Neale과 그의 연인 Allie Lee의 사랑 이야기를 중심으로, 철도 건설 과정의 고난과 도전, 그리고 이를 둘러싼 다양한 인물들의 삶을 묘사합니다. Grey는 철도 건설의 역사적 중요성과 함께 당시의 사회적, 문화적 변화를 생생하게 표현하며, 개척 시대의 모험과 낭만, 그리고 인간의 의지와 인내를 탐구합니다. 역사적 사실과 픽션이 잘 어우러진 이 작품은 미국 서부 개척의 중요한 한 장면을 그린 대표적인 서부 소설입니다.
Book Review
"The U.P. Trail" is a historical western novel written by Zane Grey, set during the construction of the Union Pacific Railroad. It is an epic tale of the construction of the transcontinental railroad in the mid-19th century in the United States. The novel centers on the love story of young engineer William Neale and his lover Allie Lee, and describes the hardships and challenges of building the railroad, as well as the lives of various characters surrounding it. Grey vividly portrays the historical significance of the railroad construction, as well as the social and cultural changes of the time, and explores the adventure and romance of the pioneer era, as well as the will and perseverance of human beings. This work, which combines historical fact and fiction, is a representative western novel that depicts an important scene in the development of the American West.
저자(글) 제인 그레이(Zane Grey)
펄 제인 그레이(Pearl Zane Grey)는 미국의 작가이자 치과 의사였습니다. 그는 인기 있는 모험 소설과 문학과 예술에서 서부 장르와 관련된 이야기로 유명합니다. 그는 미국 개척지를 이상화했습니다.
서부물의 대중 소설가로서 54편의 소설을 썼다.
1898~1904년까지 뉴욕에서 치과 의사로 개업하고 있었으나, 처녀작인 《베티 제인 Betty Zane》(1904)을 자비로 출판한 이후부터 오직 저작에 전념하였다. 《변경의 영혼 The Spirit of the Border》(1905)으로 호평을 받았고, 그 후에 《홍의(紅衣)의 기사들 Riders of the Purple Sage》(1912)로 작가의 위치를 굳혔다. 서부물의 대중소설가로서 54편의 소설을 썼는데, 그 가운데에서도 《최후의 평원아 The Last of the Plainsmen》(1908)는 최고의 작품으로 꼽힌다.
Pearl Zane Grey was an American author and dentist. He is known for his popular adventure novels and stories related to the Western genre in literature and art. He idealized the American frontier.
As a popular novelist of Westerns, he wrote 54 novels.
He practiced dentistry in New York from 1898 to 1904, but after publishing his first novel, Betty Zane (1904), at his own expense, he devoted himself to writing. He received favorable reviews for The Spirit of the Border (1905), and later solidified his position as a writer with Riders of the Purple Sage (1912). As a popular novelist of Westerns, he wrote 54 novels, of which The Last of the Plainsmen (1908) is considered his best work.
이 상품의 총서
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