Greedy Soul
2024년 05월 01일 출간
- eBook 상품 정보
- 파일 정보 ePUB (9.77MB)
- ISBN 9791197207372
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이 상품이 속한 분야
* What is the principle of the revival of all things and where does life come from?
* Why did the human head get bigger and bigger and develop a brilliant brain?
* How did humans grow into the species that dominates the Earth?
* Where does human greed come from and what are the means to control it?
Here, I believe that the background of human brain growth and the source of greed are the same reasons for the birth of all life. I would like to introduce my hypothesis about the secret of human brain growth along with the secret of life. Based on this hypothesis, I would like to explain how life was born on Earth, why human brains became larger and larger, and why humans become greedy and constantly rising in the same context. I am neither a scientist nor an anthropologist, so the hypothesis on which this book is based may be absurd, but rather, I am trying to uncover the secrets of the birth of life and the .....
Beginning of life
Growth of the human brain
Birth of soul
Surging desire
저자(글) 정덕기
After graduating from Korea University in Seoul, he has spent over 30 years in the business field, working at a global conglomerate and a government organization supporting small and medium-sized enterprises after completing his military service.
He was stationed and worked in Australia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Vietnam to experience different cultures. Spending nearly half of his social life abroad, he has taken it as a great opportunity to broaden his horizons and experience different races, religions and languages.
While staying in Vietnam, he published his first book, "Good Morning Vietnam," which explores the culture and lifestyle of the Vietnamese people. His second book, "Capitalism Plus Democracy," introduces a new concept of democracy into flawed capitalist systems by suggesting a new understanding of land ownership. "Real Democracy" is a book about individual freedom, equality, and a stronger autonomous system in which people directly monitor and control .....
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