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토마스 W. 히긴슨의 미국 탐험가의 일기

A Book of American Explorers by Thomas Wentworth Higginson

2023년 11월 21일 출간

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ISBN 9791169988322
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<영어로 읽는. 고전 _ 토마스 W. 히긴슨의 미국 탐험가의 일기>
토머스 웬트워스 히긴슨(Thomas Wentworth Higginson)이 1877년에 출판한 유명한 미국 탐험가들의 전기 모음집이다.
책의 각 장에는 다양한 탐험가와 그들의 모험이 담겨 있으며, 그들의 동기, 도전, 원주민과의 만남, 탐험이 역사 과정에 미친 영향에 대한 통찰력을 제공해 준다. 이러한 이야기를 정리하는 히긴슨의 목표는 독자들에게 신세계의 탐험과 발견에 대한 포괄적인 개요를 제공하고 초기 모험가들의 용기와 호기심을 보여주는 것이었다.

<Read in English. Classic _ A Book of American Explorers by Thomas Wentworth Higginson>
This is a collection of biographies of famous American explorers published in 1877 by Thomas Wentworth Higginson.
Each chapter of the book describes a different explorer and their adventures, providing insight into their motivations, challenges, encounters with native peoples, and the impact of exploration on the course of history. Higginson's goal in compiling these stories was to provide his readers with a comprehensive overview of the exploration and discovery of the New World and to demonstrate the courage and curiosity of early adventurers.

I. The Legends of the Northmen (985–1008)
1. How the Northmen discovered North America
2. The Voyage of Leif the Lucky
3. Leif finds Vines, and goes back to Greenland
4. Thorvald, Leif’s Brother, goes to Vinland
5. Karlsefni’s Adventures

II. Columbus and his Companions (1492–1503)
1. The First Letter from Columbus
2. The Second Voyage of Columbus
3. Columbus reaches the Mainland
4. Columbus at the Mouth of the Orinoco
5. Columbus thinks himself near the Earthly Paradise
6. Daring Deed of Diego Mendez
7. How Diego Mendez got Food for Columbus
8. How Diego Mendez saved Columbus
9. Appeal of Columbus in his Old Age

III. Cabot and Verrazzano (1497–1524)
1. First News of John and Sebastian Cabot
2. Sebastian Cabot’s Voyage
3. Verrazzano’s Letter to the King

IV. The Strange Voyage of Cabeza de Vaca (1528–1533)
1. The Strange Voyage
2. Cabeza de Vaca saved by Indians
3. Cabeza de Vaca’s Captivity
4. The Indians of the Gulf of Mexico
5. Cabeza de Vaca’s Escape

V. The French in Canada (1534–1536)
1. Cartier’s Visit to Bay of Chaleur
2. Cartier sets up a Cross
3. Cartier ascends the St. Lawrence
4. How the Indians tried to frighten Cartier
5. How Cartier reached Hochelaga, now Montreal
6. The Festivities at Hochelaga

VI. Adventures of De Soto (1538–1542)
1. How De Soto set sail
2. De Soto attacks the Indians, and finds a Fellow Countryman
3. The Story of John Ortiz
4. De Soto discovers the Mississippi
5. De Soto’s Vain Attempts to reach the Sea
6. Death and Burial of De Soto

VII. The French in Florida (1562–1565)
1. Jean Ribaut in Florida
2. Alone in the New World
3. Laudonnière’s Search for the Colonists
4. Capture of Fort Caroline by the Spaniards

VIII. Sir Humphrey Gilbert (1583)

IX. The Lost Colonies of Virginia (1584–1590)
1. The First Voyage to Virginia
2. Visit to an Indian Princess
3. Adventures of the First Virginia Colony
4. The Second English Colony in Virginia
5. Search for the Lost Colony

X. Unsuccessful New England Settlements (1602–1607)
1. Gosnold’s Fort at Cuttyhunk
2. Captain Waymouth explores the Penobscot
3. The Popham Colony on the Kennebec
4. Captain Gilbert’s Adventure with Indians

XI. Captain John Smith (1606–1631)
1. The Virginia Colony
2. The Colonists
3. Captain Smith’s Capture by Indians
4. Captain Smith and Pocahontas
5. King Powhatan
6. A Virginia Princess
7. An Indian Dance in Virginia
8. Indian Children
9. “The Planter’s Pleasure and Profit”
10. The Glories of Fishing
11. Visit of Pocahontas to London
12. First Buildings of the Virginia Colonists
13. Captain Smith’s Recollections

XII. Champlain on the War-Path (1609)

XIII. Henry Hudson and the New Netherlands (1609–1626)
1. Discovery of the Hudson River
2. Indian Traditions of Hudson’s Arrival
3. Hudson’s Last Voyage, and how he was set adrift in the Ice
4. Dutch Settlement of the New Netherlands

XIV. The Pilgrims at Plymouth (1620–1621)
1.Sailing of the Pilgrims
2.Miles Standish at Cape Cod
3. The First Encounter
4. The Landing on Plymouth Rock
5. Plymouth Village founded
6. “Welcome, Englishmen!”

XV. The Massachusetts Bay Colony (1629–1631)
1. Voyage of the Massachusetts Colonists
2. The Puritans in Salem Harbor
3. Th e Four Elements in New England
4.A Sea-Adventure of the Puritans
5. Governor Winthrop’s Night out of Doors
6. The Privations of the Puritans

이 책은 크리스토퍼 콜럼버스의 이야기로 시작하여 존 캐벗, 에르난도 데 소토, 루이스와 클라크 등 다른 유명한 탐험가들의 이야기가 이어진. 또한 Estevanico 및 Samuel de Champlain과 같이 덜 알려진 탐험가에 대한 장도 포함되어 있다.

The book begins with the story of Christopher Columbus and continues with the stories of other famous explorers, including John Cabot, Hernando de Soto, and Lewis and Clark. It also includes chapters on lesser-known explorers such as Estevanico and Samuel de Champlain.

고전을 읽는 다는 것은 우리 보다 앞선 세대를 살아간 위인과 작가들과 교제를 하는 것이다. 우리 보다 훌륭한 삶을 살다 간 사람들을 만나고 교제하는 시간이고 공간이다. 이를 통해 당대의 삶, 사회, 역사. 사상, 철학 등을 만날 수 있고 그것을 기반으로 우리는 삶, 일, 인간, 세상, 우주에 대해 교훈을 얻고 그들보다 더 나은 인간이 될 수 있는 기회를 가지는 것이다.

이 책은 미국 작가 토마스 W. 히긴슨(Thomas Wentworth Higginson)의 작품으로 오늘날에도 중요한 메시지를 주는 고전을 메타버스 시대에 맞추어 전자책으로 새롭게 출판을 하는 것은, 누구나 어디서, 편리하게 스마트폰이나 테블릿 등 디지털 기기로 읽을 수 있도록 하기 위해서다.

고전 작품을 원서로 구매해 읽기는 원하는 독자들이 있다. 하지만 원서를 구입하는데 시간이 많이 소요되고 비용도 꽤 든다. 독자들의 이러한 문제를 해결하고 원할 때 쉽게 빨리 구매해 언제 어디서나 읽을 수 있도록 전자책으로 출판하였다.

Reading classics means interacting with great people and writers who lived in generations before us. It is a time and space to meet and socialize with people who have lived better lives than us. Through this, contemporary life, society, and history. We can encounter ideas, philosophies, etc., and based on that, we have the opportunity to learn lessons about life, work, people, the world, and the universe and become better people than them.

This book is a work by American writer Thomas W. Higginson. A classic that still carries important messages today, it is being published as an e-book in line with the metaverse era, making it accessible to anyone, anywhere, conveniently, such as on a smartphone or tablet. This is so that it can be read on digital devices.

There are readers who want to purchase and read classic works in their original form. However, purchasing an application takes a lot of time and costs quite a bit. To solve this problem for readers, we published it as an e-book so that readers can easily purchase it quickly and read it anytime, anywhere.


토머스 웬트워스 히긴슨(1823-1911)은 미국의 유니테리언 목사, 작가, 폐지론자, 정치인, 군인이었다. 그는 1840년대와 1850년대 미국의 노예 제도 폐지 운동의 주도자였으며, 하퍼스 페리에 대한 존 브라운의 습격을 지원한 시크릿 식스의 일원이기도 했다.

또한 히긴슨은 다작의 작가였습. 그는 노예폐지론, 여성 참정권, 교육, 문학 등 광범위한 주제에 관해 60권이 넘는 책과 수많은 기사를 출판했습. 그는 또한 Emily Dickinson을 포함한 많은 젊은 작가들의 멘토이기도 했다.
사회운동가로서 히긴슨은 여성의 권리 운동에 열렬하게 참여하였으며, 에밀리 딕슨(Emily Dickinson)과도 친분을 맺기도 했다. 그는 여성의 교육을 지지하고 여성들의 문학 참여를 촉진하는 데 기여했다. 기타 히긴슨은 노예 해방 운동의 활발한 지지자였으며, 이러한 활동은 그의 생애를 통해 지속되었다. 그는 해방된 흑인들의 교육을 지원하고 흑인 권리에 대한 대중의 인식을 높이는 데 기여했다.

Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823-1911) was an American Unitarian minister, author, abolitionist, politician, and soldier. He was a leader in the American abolitionist movement in the 1840s and 1850s, and was a member of the Secret Six who supported John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry.

Higginson was also a prolific writer. He published more than 60 books and numerous articles on a wide range of topics, including abolitionism, women's suffrage, education, and literature. He was also a mentor to many young writers, including Emily Dickinson.
As a social activist, Higginson was passionately involved in the women's rights movement, and he also became acquainted with Emily Dickinson. He supported women's education and contributed to promoting women's participation in literature. Other Higginson was an active supporter of the abolitionist movement, and this activity continued throughout his life. He supported the education of freed blacks and contributed to raising public awareness of black rights.

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    토마스 W. 히긴슨의 미국 탐험가의 일기
    A Book of American Explorers by Thomas Wentworth Higginson
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