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The Recognition Motif in the Gospel of Luke

Su Yun Kim 지음

2023년 09월 08일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

In this dissertation, I will establish the Luke theology which calls the audience to become eyewitnesses who can hear and see the revelation events of the cross and the resurrection. The methodological characteristic of this dissertation is to acknowledge the continuity between the Old Testament and the New Testament and to shed new light on the New Testament through the context of the Old Testament quoted in the New Testament and through theological subjects. This dissertation applies restrictively the methodology of the intertextuality.
Abbreviations 7
Preface 10
I. Introduction 12
A. Purpose of Research 12
B. Topic of Study 12
C. Research Methodology 13
1. The Relationship between the New and Old Testaments 14
2. Intertextuality 21
a. The Restriction of the Promise-Fulfillment Structure 21
b. Intertextuality 23
D. Overview of the Research 29
1. History of Research Regarding the Recognition Motif in Isaiah 30
2. A Study History of the Gospel Quotations from Isaiah 6:9-10 32
II. The Recognition Motif 34
A. The Concept of the Motif 34
B. The Recognition Motif 36
1. To See 36
2. To Hear 37
3. To Know 38
4. The Mind 39
C. The Recognition Motif in the Old Testament 40
1. Interrelationships of Recognition Motifs 41
2. Reversal of the Recognition Motif 42
D. The Recognition Motif of Intertestamental Literature 43
1. The Recognition Motif In 1 Enoch 44
a. 1 Enoch 44
b. The Recognition Motif in Book of Dreams 45
c. Enoch’s Recognition Motif and the New Testament 47
2. The Recognition Motif of the Sibylline Oracles 48
a. Sibylline Oracles 48
b. Non-recognition Motif 49
c. The Reversal of The Recognition Motif 50
d. The Recognition Motif of the Similitudes and the New Testament 50
E. The Early Recognition Motif 51
III. The Recognition Motif in Isaiah 53
A. The Overview of Isaiah 55
1. The Unity of Isaiah 55
2. Isaiah's Historical Background 58
B. The Recognition Motif in Isaiah 60
1. The Non-recognition Motif 60
a. People who Do not Know God (Isa. 1:3) 60
b. People who Hear Do Not understand and See but Do Not Perceive (Isa. 6:9~10) 61
1) The Throne Vision: A Cosmic Panorama of Judgment and Salvation 61
2) Atonement: Escape from the Inability of Recognition 63
3) Isaiah 6:9~10 65
(1) Isaiah 6:9~10 in Qumran literature 66
(2) Isaiah 6:9-10 in the Septuagint 68
2. Reversal of the Recognition Motif 69
a. The Messiah and the Recognition Motif(Isa. 32:3~4) 69
b. The Salvation and the Recognition Motif(Isa. 35:4~9) 71
c. The Road and the Recognition Motif (Isa. 42:16) 73
d. Something New and the Recognition Motif(Isa. 48:6~8) 74
IV. The Recognition Motif in Luke 77
A. Preface and Recognition Motif 78
1. Luke and Its Readers 78
a. Theophilus 78
b. Luke’s Own Class or Readers 81
2. The Purpose of Recording and the Recognition Motif (Lk. 1:4) 82
B. The Birth of Jesus and the Recognition Motif 84
1. Chapter 1-2 and the Recognition Motif 84
2. The Birth of John the Baptist and the Recognition Motif 87
a. ‘The Knowledge of Salvation’ and the Recognition Motif(Lk. 1:77) 88
b. The Cognitive Reaction of ‘the Lord’s People’(Lk. 1:77) 91
c. Additional Discussion: Not turning Back and Turning Back 92
3. The Birth of Jesus and the Recognition Motif 93
a. The Son of God and the Recognition Motif (Lk. 1:26~38) 94
1) The Son of God 94
2) Maria’s Response 96
b. Savior, Christ the Lord and the Recognition Motif (Lk 2:11) 96
1) Savior, Christ, Lord 96
2) Maria’s Response 98
3) Signs, Swords, and The Recognition Motif (Lk. 2:34~35) 99
4. Teenage Jesus and the Recognition Motif 101
a. Finding Jesus and the Recognition Motif (Lk. 2:49~50) 101
b. Maria’s Response (Lk. 2:51) 103
C. Jesus' Ministry and the Recognition Motif 104
1. Jesus’ Mission and the Recognition Motif 104
a. Isaiah 61:1~2 105
b. Jesus’ Mission (Lk. 4:18~19) 107
c. The People’s Response (Luke 4:28~29) 112
2. The Teaching of Jesus and the Recognition Motif 113
a. Introduction and the Overall Structure of 8:1~21 114
b. The Parable of the Sower (Lk. 8:4~15) 116
1) Four lands (Luke 8:4~8) 116
(1) Four Lands 117
(2) Concluding Phrase: Cognitive Exhortation 118
2) Warning against Non-recognition (Lk. 8:9-10) 121
(1) The Function of Separation of μυστήριον 121
(2) Quotation from Isaiah 6:9~10 126
(3) Apocalyptic Invitation and Warning 130
3) Interpretation of Parables (Lk. 8:11-15) 131
(1) Roadside 133
(2) The Rock 134
(3) The Thorns 135
(4) The Good Land 137
c. The Three Proverbs (Lk. 8:16~18) 140
d. The True Family of Jesus (Lk. 8:19~21) 142
3. Prayers, Blessings and the Recognition Motif 144
a. Isaiah 29:14 144
1) Non-recognition of God’s Word (Isaiah 29:9~12) 144
2) Recognition of God's Word (Isa. 29:18~24) 147
b. Isaiah 52:15 148
c. Jesus’ Prayer and Blessing (Lk. 10:21~24) 149
d. The Intertextuality of Lk. 10:21~24 154
4. Space and the Recognition Motif 154
a. Jerusalem 155
1) A Political and Religious Center 155
2) Jerusalem and the Recognition Motif 156
b. Temple 159
c. Separation of Space and the Recognition Motif 160
D. The Death of Jesus and the Recognition Motif 161
1. The Prediction of the Passion and the Recognition Motif 161
a. The Implicit Prediction 161
1) The Mount of the Transfiguration (Lk. 9:28~36) 162
2) The Sign of Jonah (Lk. 11:29-32) 163
3) The Lamp (Lk. 11:33~36) 164
4) The Rich Man and Lazarus (Lk. 16:31) 167
b. Direct Prediction 168
1) First Passion Prediction (Lk. 9:22) 168
2) The Second Prediction of Passion (Lk. 9:44~45) 168
3) The Third Prediction of the Passion (Lk. 18:31~34) 170
2. The Passion and the Recognition Motif 172
E. The Resurrection of Jesus and the Recognition Motif 174
1. The Road to Emmaus and the Recognition Motif (Lk. 24:13~16) 175
a. The Road to Emmaus 175
b. Not Recognizing 177
c. Recognition Process 178
2. The Breaking of Bread and the Recognition Motif (Lk. 24:30~32) 180
a. Breaking Bread 180
b. Eyes Open 182
3. Faith and the Recognition Motif 183
4. The Witnesses and the Recognition Motif 185
a. Isaiah's Witness and the Recognition Motif 185
1) Meaning of μάρτυς 185
2) A Witness who Knows, Believes, and Perceives (Isa. 43:8~10) 186
3) Witnesses of God and Witnesses of Idols (Isa. 44:8~9) 189
b. Luke's Witnesses and the Recognition Motif (Lk. 24:44~48) 190
V. Conclusion 193
A. Summary 193
1. The Birth of Jesus and the Recognition Motif 193
2. The Ministry of Jesus and the Recognition Motif 194
3. The Cross of Jesus and the Recognition Motif 195
4. The Resurrection of Jesus and the Recognition Motif 196
B. Conclusion 197
1. Functions and Characteristics of the Recognition Motif 197
2. The Intertextuality of Isaiah and Luke 201
a. Luke 8:1~21 201
b. Luke 10:21~24 202
c. Luke 24:1~49 202
C. The Suggestion 205
Bibliography 207


저자(글) Su Yun Kim

Department of New Testament
Presbyterian College & Theological Seminary

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