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잭 런던의 마틴 에덴

Martin Eden by Jack London

2023년 07월 17일 출간

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ISBN 9791169984096
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<영어로 읽는 고전 _ 잭 런던의 마틴 에덴>
"마틴 에덴"은 잭 런던이 쓰고 1909년에 출판한 소설이다. 런던의 가장 중요한 작품 중 하나로 널리 알려져 있으며 작가로서의 자신의 경험과 투쟁을 바탕으로 하고 있다.
이 소설은 노동 계급 배경을 뛰어넘어 작가로서의 경력을 쌓기로 결심한 젊고 야심 찬 선원 마틴 에덴의 삶을 따라간다. Martin은 지식과 자기 계발에 대한 열망에 이끌려 지적 및 예술적 성장의 여정을 시작한다.
"Martin Eden"은 야망, 사랑, 인간 정신의 복잡성이라는 주제를 탐구하는 강력하고 시사하는 바가 많은 소설이다. 이 작품은 잭 런던의 문학 유산에서 중요한 작품으로 남아 있으며 꿈을 추구하는 과정과 자기 발견을 향한 여정에 내재된 투쟁을 묘사한 점에서 독자들에게 계속해서 공감을 불러일으킨다.

<Classics to read in English _ Martin Eden by Jack London>
"Martin Eden" is a novel written by Jack London and published in 1909. It is widely regarded as one of the most important of his London works and is based on his own experiences and struggles as a writer.
The novel follows the life of Martin Eden, a young and ambitious sailor who decides to rise above his working-class background and pursue a career as a writer. Martin embarks on a journey of intellectual and artistic growth, driven by his desire for knowledge and self-improvement.
"Martin Eden" is a powerful and thought-provoking novel that explores the themes of ambition, love and the complexities of the human mind. This work remains an important work in Jack London's literary legacy and continues to resonate with readers for its depiction of the struggles inherent in the pursuit of his dreams and journey towards self-discovery.

CHAPTER I. The one opened the door with a latch-key and went in,
CHAPTER II. The process of getting into the dining room was a nightmare to him.
CHAPTER III. As Martin Eden went down the steps, his hand dropped into his coat pocket.
CHAPTER IV. Martin Eden, with blood still crawling from contact with his brother-in-law,
CHAPTER V. He awoke next morning from rosy scenes of dream
CHAPTER VI. A terrible restlessness that was akin to hunger afflicted Martin Eden.
CHAPTER VII. A week of heavy reading had passed since the evening he first met Ruth Morse,
CHAPTER VIII. Several weeks went by, during which Martin Eden studied his grammar,
CHAPTER IX. Back from sea Martin Eden came,
CHAPTER X. He stopped to dinner that evening,
CHAPTER XI. Martin went back to his pearl-diving article,
CHAPTER XII. Early one evening,
CHAPTER XIII. It was the knot of wordy socialists and working-class philosophers
CHAPTER XIV. It was not because of Olney, but in spite of Ruth,
CHAPTER XV. “The first battle, fought and finished,”
CHAPTER XVI. The alarm-clock went off,
CHAPTER XVII. Martin learned to do many things.
CHAPTER XVIII. Monday morning,
CHAPTER XIX. Ruth and her family were home again,
CHAPTER XX. The desire to write was stirring in Martin once more.
CHAPTER XXI. Came a beautiful fall day, warm and languid,
CHAPTER XXII. Mrs. Morse did not require a mother’s intuition
CHAPTER XXIII. That Ruth had little faith in his power as a writer,
CHAPTER XXIV. The weeks passed.
CHAPTER XXV. Maria Silva was poor, and all the ways of poverty were clear to her.
CHAPTER XXVI. Martin Eden did not go out to hunt for a job in the morning.
CHAPTER XXVII. The sun of Martin’s good fortune rose.
CHAPTER XXVIII. But success had lost Martin’s address,
CHAPTER XXIX. It was a hard summer for Martin.
CHAPTER XXX. On a beautiful fall day,
CHAPTER XXXI. Martin had encountered his sister Gertrude
CHAPTER XXXII. Promptly, the next afternoon, Maria was excited
CHAPTER XXXIII. Martin was steadily losing his battle.
CHAPTER XXXIV. Arthur remained at the gate
CHAPTER XXXV. Brissenden gave no explanation of his long absence,
CHAPTER XXXVI. “Come on,—I’ll show you the real dirt,”
CHAPTER XXXVII. The first thing Martin did next morning
CHAPTER XXXVIII. “Come on, let’s go down to the local.”
CHAPTER XXXIX. Over the coffee, in his little room, Martin read next morning’s paper.
CHAPTER XL. “Overdue” still continued to lie forgotten on the table.
CHAPTER XLI. He slept heavily all night,
CHAPTER XLII. One day Martin became aware that he was lonely.
CHAPTER XLIII. “The Shame of the Sun” was published in October.
CHAPTER XLIV. Mr. Morse met Martin in the office of the Hotel Metropole.
CHAPTER XLV. Kreis came to Martin one day—Kreis, of the “real dirt”
CHAPTER XLVI. “Say, Joe,” was his greeting to his old-time working-mate next morning,

노동 계급 배경을 뛰어넘어 작가로서의 경력을 쌓기로 결심한 젊고 야심 찬 선원 마틴 에덴의 삶을 이야기 한다. Martin은 지식과 자기 계발에 대한 열망에 이끌려 지적 및 예술적 성장의 여정을 시작한다.

Martin은 글쓰기에 대한 열정을 추구하면서 수많은 도전과 좌절에 직면하게 된다. 그는 문학과 상류층 사회의 계급적 장벽과 속물근성을 마주하는 동시에 자신의 개인적인 악마와 불안과도 씨름해야 하는데..

It tells the life of Martin Eden, a young and ambitious sailor who decides to rise above his working-class background and pursue a career as a writer. Martin embarks on a journey of intellectual and artistic growth, driven by his desire for knowledge and self-improvement.

Martin faces numerous challenges and setbacks as he pursues his passion for writing. He must contend with his own personal demons and insecurities while facing the class barriers and snobbery of literature and high society.

고전을 읽는 다는 것은 우리 보다 앞선 세대를 살아간 위인과 작가들과 교제를 하는 것이다. 우리 보다 훌륭한 삶을 살다 간 사람들을 만나고 교제하는 시간이고 공간이다. 이를 통해 당대의 삶, 사회, 역사. 사상, 철학 등을 만날 수 있고 그것을 기반으로 우리는 삶, 일, 인간, 세상, 우주에 대해 교훈을 얻고 그들보다 더 나은 인간이 될 수 있는 기회를 가지는 것이다.

이 책은 미국 작가 잭 런던(Jack London)의 작품으로 오늘날에도 중요한 메시지를 주는 고전을 메타버스 시대에 맞추어 전자책으로 새롭게 출판을 하는 것은, 누구나 어디서, 편리하게 스마트폰이나 테블릿 등 디지털 기기로 읽을 수 있도록 하기 위해서다.

고전 작품을 원서로 구매해 읽기는 원하는 독자들이 있다. 하지만 원서를 구입하는데 시간이 많이 소요되고 비용도 꽤 든다. 독자들의 이러한 문제를 해결하고 원할 때 쉽게 빨리 구매해 언제 어디서나 읽을 수 있도록 전자책으로 출판하였다.

To read the classics is to have fellowship with great men and writers who lived a generation before us. It is a time and space to meet and fellowship with people who have lived a better life than ours. Through this, the life, society, and history of the time. We can meet ideologies and philosophies, and based on them, we have the opportunity to learn lessons about life, work, humans, the world, and the universe and become better human beings than them.

This book is the work of American author Jack London, and new publication of classics that give important messages even today as e-books in line with the metaverse era is available to anyone, anywhere, conveniently on digital devices such as smartphones or tablets. to make it readable.

There are readers who want to buy and read classic works in original. However, it takes a lot of time to purchase the application form and costs quite a bit. It was published as an e-book so that readers could solve this problem and purchase it easily and quickly when they wanted to read it anytime, anywhere.


잭 런던(Jack London)의 본명은 잭 그리스피 채니(Jack Griffith Chaney)로 미국의 작가, 언론인, 사회 운동가였다. 그는 세계적인 유명인이 된 최초의 작가 중 한 명으로 소설로 많은 돈을 벌었다. 런던은 캐나다 유콘 준주의 험준한 풍경과 클론다이크 골드러시를 배경으로 한 모험 소설과 단편 소설로 가장 잘 알려져 있다.
작가는 런던은 캘리포니아 주 샌프란시스코에서 태어났다. 그의 어린 시절은 가난해서 어린 시절부터 생존을 위해 일해야 했다. 그는 독서와 글쓰기를 좋아했으며 선원, 금 탐사자, 모험가로서의 경험은 그의 후기 작품에 큰 영향을 미쳤다.
런던의 가장 유명한 작품으로는 "The Call of the Wild"(1903), "White Fang"(1906), "The Sea-Wolf"(1904)가 있다. 이 책들은 생존이라는 주제, 자연과 문명 사이의 갈등, 광야 생활의 가혹한 현실을 다루고 있다. 그의 글쓰기 스타일은 종종 생생한 묘사, 자연주의적 주제, 강하고 독립적인 성격으로 특징지어진다.
런던은 모험 소설 외에도 사회적, 정치적 문제에 대해서도 썼다. 그는 헌신적인 사회주의자였으며 노동자의 권리, 사회주의 및 기타 다양한 대의를 옹호하기 위해 자신의 글을 사용했다. 이와 관련하여 그의 주목할만한 작품으로는 과두제가 지배하는 미래 사회를 묘사한 디스토피아 소설 "The Iron Heel"(1908)과 런던 이스트엔드 노동계급의 열악한 생활환경을 그린 "The People of the Abyss" (1903)가 있다.

Jack London, whose real name was Jack Griffith Chaney, was an American author, journalist, and social activist. He was one of the first authors to become a world celebrity and made a lot of money from his novels. London is best known for its adventure novels and short stories set in the rugged landscapes of Canada's Yukon Territory and the Klondike Gold Rush.
The artist London was born in San Francisco, California. His childhood was poor and he had to work to survive from an early age. He loved reading and writing, and his experiences as a sailor, gold prospector, and adventurer greatly influenced his later work.
London's most famous works include "The Call of the Wild" (1903), "White Fang" (1906), and "The Sea-Wolf" (1904). These books deal with the subject of survival, the conflict between nature and civilization, and the harsh realities of life in the wilderness. His writing style is often characterized by vivid descriptions, naturalistic themes, and a strong, independent personality.
Besides adventure novels, London also wrote about social and political issues. He was a committed socialist and used his writings to advocate for workers' rights, socialism, and various other causes. His notable works in this regard include "The Iron Heel" (1908), a dystopian novel depicting a future society ruled by an oligarchy, and "The People of the Abyss" (1903), depicting the poor living conditions of working-class London East End.

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    잭 런던의 마틴 에덴
    Martin Eden by Jack London
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