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볼테르의 로맨스 전집

Voltaire’s Romances, Complete by Voltaire

2023년 02월 08일 출간

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ISBN 9791169980319
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<영어로 읽는 고전 _ 볼테르의 로맨스 전집>
François-Marie Arouet; 1694년 11월 21일 – 1778년 5월 30일)는 Voltaire로 알려진 프랑스 계몽주의 작가, 역사가, 철학자로 그의 재치, 기성 가톨릭 교회에 대한 공격, 종교의 자유, 종교의 자유 옹호로 유명함 표현, 교회와 국가의 분리. 볼테르는 연극, 시, 소설, 에세이, 역사 및 과학 작품을 포함한 거의 모든 문학 형식으로 작품을 제작한 다재다능한 작가였다.
이 책에는 볼테르의 다음의 작품이 포함되어 있다. The White Bull: A 풍자 로맨스, Zadig; 또는 Fate, The Sage and the Atheist, The Princess of Babylon, The Man of Forty Crowns, The Huron; 또는 Pupil of Nature, Micromegas, The Study of Nature.

<Classics to read in English _ Voltaire’s Romances, Complete by Voltaire>
François-Marie Arouet; November 21, 1694 – May 30, 1778), known as Voltaire, was a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher known for his wit, attacks on the established Catholic Church, and advocacy of religious freedom, religious expression, and the church. and separation of states. Voltaire was a versatile writer who produced works in almost every literary form, including plays, poetry, novels, essays, and historical and scientific works.
This book includes the following works by Voltaire: The White Bull: A satirical romance, Zadig; or Fate, The Sage and the Atheist, The Princess of Babylon, The Man of Forty Crowns, The Huron; or Pupil of Nature, Micromegas, The Study of Nature.

CHAPTER I. How the Princess Amasidia meets a bull.
CHAPTER II. How the wise Mambres, formerly magician
of Pharoah, knew again the old woman, and was known by her.
CHAPTER III. How the beautiful Amasidia had a secret conversation with a beautiful serpent.
CHAPTER IV. How they wanted to sacrifice the bull and exorcise the Princess.
CHAPTER V. How the wise Mambres conducted himself wisely.
CHAPTER VI. How Mambres met three prophets, and gave them a good dinner.
CHAPTER VII. How king Amasis wanted to give the White Bull to be devoured by the fish of Jonah, and did not do it.
CHAPTER VIII. How the serpent told stories to the Princess to comfort her.
CHAPTER IX. How the serpent did not comfort the Princess.
CHAPTER X. How they wanted to behead the Princess, and did not do it.
CHAPTER XI. Apotheosis of the White Bull. Triumph of the wise Mambres. The seven years proclaimed by Daniel are accomplished. Nebuchadnezzar resumes the human form, marries the beautiful Amasidia, and ascends the throne of Babylon.

Epistle dedicatory to the Sultana Sheraa.
I. The Blind of one Eye.
II. The Nose.
III. The Dog and the Horse.
IV. The Envious Man.
V. The Generous.
VI. The Minister.
VII. The Disputes and the Audiences.
VIII. Jealousy.
IX. The Woman Beater.
X. Slavery.
XI. The Funeral Pile.
XII. The Supper.
XIII. The Rendezvous.
XIV. The Robber.
XV. The Fisherman.
XVI. The Basilisk.
XVII. The Combats.
XVIII. The Hermit.
XIX. The Enigmas.

CHAPTER I. Adventures of Johnny, a young Englishman, written by Donna Las Nalgas
CHAPTER II. Continuation of the adventures of John, the young Englishman; also those of his worthy father, D.D., M.P., and F.R.S.
CHAPTER III. Summary of the controversy of the "Buts," between Mr. Freind and Don Inigo-y-Medroso, y-Comodios, y-Papalamiendos, Bachelor of Salamanca
CHAPTER IV. John returns to London and is led into bad company
CHAPTER V. They want to get John married
CHAPTER VI. A terrible adventure
CHAPTER VII. What happened in America
CHAPTER VIII. Dialogue between Freind and Birton on Atheism
CHAPTER IX. On Atheism
CHAPTER X. On Atheism
CHAPTER XI. Return to England—John's marriage

I. Royal contest for the hand of Formosanta
II. The King of Babylon convenes his Council and consults the Oracle
III. Royal festival given in honor of the kingly visitors. The bird converses eloquently with Formosanta
IV. The beautiful bird is killed by the King of Egypt. Formosanta begins a journey. Aldea elopes with the King of Scythia
V. Formosanta visits China and Scythia in search of Amazan
VI. The Princess continues her journey
VII. Amazan visits Albion
VIII. Amazan leaves Albion to visit the land of Saturn
IX. Amazan visits Rome
X. An unfortunate adventure in Gaul
XI. Amazan and Formosanta become reconciled

I. National Poverty
II. Disaster of the Man of Forty Crowns
III. Conversation with a Geometrician
IV. An adventure with a Carmelite
V. Audience of the Comptroller General
VI. The Man of Forty Crowns marries, becomes a father, and discants upon the monks
VII. On taxes paid to a foreign power
VIII. On Proportions
IX. A great quarrel
X. A rascal repulsed
XI. The good sense of Mr. Andrew
XII. The good supper at Mr. Andrew's

I. The Huron arrives in France
II. The Huron, called the Ingenu, acknowledged by his relatives
III. The Huron converted
IV. The Huron baptized
V. The Huron in love
VI. The Huron flies to his mistress, and becomes quite furious
VII. The Huron repulses the English
VIII. The Huron goes to Court. Sups upon the road with some Huguenots
IX. The arrival of the Huron at Versailles. His reception at Court
X. The Huron is shut up in the Bastile with a Jansenist
XI. How the Huron discloses his genius
XII. The Huron's sentiments upon theatrical pieces
XIII. The beautiful Miss St. Yves goes to Versailles
XIV. Rapid progress of the Huron's intellect
XV. The beautiful Miss St. Yves visits M. de St. Pouange
XVI. Miss St. Yves consults a Jesuit
XVII. The Jesuit triumphs
XVIII. Miss St. Yves delivers her lover and a Jansenist
XIX. The Huron, the beautiful Miss St. Yves, and their relatives, are convened
XX. The death of the beautiful Miss St. Yves and its consequences

I. A voyage to the planet Saturn, by a native of Sirius
II. The conversation between Micromegas and the inhabitant of Saturn
III. The voyage of these inhabitants of other worlds
IV. What befell them upon this our globe
V. The travelers capture a vessel
VI. What happened in their intercourse with men


I. Introduction
II. The study of Nature
III. Good advice
IV. Dialogue upon the soul and other topics


맞추어 전자책으로 새롭게 출판을 하는 것은, 누구나 어디서, 편리하게 스마트폰이나 테블릿 등 디지털 기기로 읽을 수 있도록 하기 위해서다.

François-Marie Arouet; 1694년 11월 21일 – 1778년 5월 30일)는 Voltaire로 알려진 프랑스 계몽주의 작가, 역사가, 철학자로 그의 재치, 기성 가톨릭 교회에 대한 공격, 종교의 자유, 종교의 자유 옹호로 유명함 표현, 교회와 국가의 분리. 볼테르는 연극, 시, 소설, 에세이, 역사 및 과학 작품을 포함한 거의 모든 문학 형식으로 작품을 제작한 다재다능한 작가였다.

This book is a novel by Voltaire, and the reason why the classics that give important messages even today are newly published as e-books in line with the metaverse era is to allow anyone, anywhere, to conveniently read them with digital devices such as smartphones or tablets.
François-Marie Arouet; November 21, 1694 – May 30, 1778), known as Voltaire, was a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher known for his wit, attacks on the established Catholic Church, and advocacy of religious freedom, religious expression, and the church. and separation of states. Voltaire was a versatile writer who produced works in almost every literary form, including plays, poetry, novels, essays, and historical and scientific works.


18세기 계몽주의를 대표하는 사상가이자 역사가, 극작가, 시인이며, 본명은 프랑수아 마리 아루에. 1694년 프랑스 파리의 유복한 집안에서 태어났으며, 아버지의 뜻에 따라 법률 공부를 시작했으나 곧 그만두고 시를 썼다. 1717년 루이 15세의 섭정 오를레앙 공에 대한 풍자시가 문제가 되어 투옥되었는데, 옥중에서 비극 「오이디푸스」를 완성하고 ‘볼테르’라는 필명을 쓰기 시작했다. 1726년 지체 높은 귀족 로앙 샤보에게 결투를 신청했다가 또다시 옥살이를 겪고는 영국으로 망명했다. 영국에서 신체제를 접한 그는 타고난 비판정신으로 봉건적 프랑스 사회를 비판하는 『영국인들에 대한 편지 혹은 철학 편지』를 출간하였다. 이 때문에 또 정부의 노여움을 사게 되어 피신했다가, 벨기에, 파리 등을 오가며 『뉴턴 철학 개요』 등 집필에 몰두했다. 1745년 그간의 작품 활동을 인정받아 왕실 역사편찬관과 아카데미프랑세즈 회원으로 선출되었다. 그러나 풍자를 즐기는 자유분방한 성격 때문에 애써 얻은 지위는 다시 위태로워졌다. 1758년 볼테르는 시골에 내려가 농사지으며 동료 계몽주의자들과 함께 계급, 인권 문제, 구교도의 차별 등에 맞서 싸웠다. 이는 반세기 후 일어난 프랑스혁명 사상에 영향을 끼쳤다. 디드로와 함께 집필한 『백과전서』을 비롯하여 볼테르의 저서들이 금서가 되어 불태워졌지만, 1778년 파리로 돌아간 볼테르는 열광적인 환영을 받았다. 그러나 흥분 속에서 무리한 활동으로 그해 볼테르는 84세로 다사다난했던 생을 마감했다. 『관용론』, 『뉴턴 철학 개요』, 『루이 14세의 세기』, 『자연법』, 『캉디드』, 『자디그』, 『자이르』 등 철학에서 비극까지 다양하고 많은 작품들을 남겼다.
A thinker, historian, playwright, and poet representing the Enlightenment of the 18th century, whose real name is Fran?ois Marie Arue. Born into a well-to-do family in Paris, France, in 1694, he began his law studies in accordance with his father's will, but soon quit and wrote poetry. In 1717, Louis XV's satirical poem about the Duke of Orl?ans, regent, became a problem, and he was imprisoned. In 1726, he challenged a high-ranking nobleman, Rohan Chabot, to a duel. Having encountered the new regime in England, he published 『Letters to the British or Philosophical Letters』 criticizing the feudal French society with an innate critical spirit. Because of this, he again incurs the government's wrath and escapes, then travels back and forth to Belgium and Paris to devote himself to his writings, such as 『Outline of Newton's Philosophy』. In 1745, in recognition of his work, he was elected a member of the Royal Historian and Acad?mie Fran?aise. However, his hard-earned position was again jeopardized by his freewheeling personality who enjoyed satire. In 1758, Voltaire went down to the countryside to farm and fight class, human rights, and Catholic discrimination with his fellow Enlightenment fellows. This influenced the thought of the French Revolution that occurred half a century later. Voltaire's books, including Encyclopedia, which he wrote with Diderot, were banned and burned, but Voltaire, who returned to Paris in 1778, received an enthusiastic welcome. However, due to excessive activity in his excitement, Voltaire ended his eventful life at the age of 84 that year. He left many works ranging from philosophy to tragedy, such as 『On Tolerance』, 『Overview of Newton's Philosophy』, 『The Century of Louis XIV』, 『Natural Law』, 『Candide』, 『Za Digue』, and 『Zaire.

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