Stock Investing, The absolute Science of Getting Rich
2022년 06월 12일 출간
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- ISBN 9791169290036
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There is an absolute science of getting rich by investing in stocks. This book explains the basics of stock investment mindset and stock selection. Rising Storm Tornado tactics which the Author explain are easy and simple. The important thing is to do exactly what is written in the book. Let's get started now.
Don't buy on credit.
Do not buy receivables.
Never buy all at once.
I buy it in small portions every day.
Don't be greedy
Sometimes I trust and wait.
The minus of the account is also your own money.
Evaluate the enterprise value and invest in stocks of future growth enterprises.
Investing in stocks is about sharing the results of enterprise value growth.
Rise and fall are always right.
Hits rather than home runs
If you earn 1% per day, your annual income will exceed 100%.
Sell when it rises above the purchase price and buy when it falls
Just like in greenhouse farming, when they are fully grown, they harvest. And plant again.
When you buy, you pay 1 won more, and when you sell, you get even 1 less.
Stock Selection Principles
Invest when future growth is certain.
Invest in stocks that grow in size over the long term.
We refer to data to discover stocks that dominate the market.
I choose the stocks I know of from all over the world.
The stock with the app downloaded to my phone is the best stock.
Investment mind
Even if you pay taxes, you choose to make a profit.
When investing abroad, exchange currency in consideration of the exchange rate.
When investing, do it with human respect.
Use an investment strategy that suits each investment situation.
Rising Storm Tornado Tactics
Keep in mind
When investing in stocks, you check the stock price and respond to changes in corporate value.
When it comes to investing, nothing is 100% certain.
저자(글) Happy Diamond
About the Author: Happy Diamond I majored in Accounting in University. I entered Department of Accounting at the top of the class. In graduate school I majored in business administration and graduated. I have completed the Future Innovation Program and am an enterprise value evaluator. I have been writing for 20 years investing in stocks for 25 years and working for over 30 years. I am a creator who writes and engages in social media activities such as blogs cafes forums Facebook Pinterest Twitter Instagram Roblox and YouTube.
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