Bosom Land Artist Journal. 1
2022년 03월 15일 출간
- eBook 상품 정보
- 파일 정보 pdf (50.68MB)
- ISBN 9791197219511
- 쪽수 148쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야
About Bosom Land
Bosom Land explores attitudes that will allow us to bravely deal with breast cancer, losing loved ones to disease and death, and depression caused by an oppressive society. It is a platform that gathers “chest/breast friends” into an art movement, which makes our bodies and minds, as well as society, healthier.
“Bosom Land, Into The Breasts” 2018 Process Book, Jungsuh Sue Lim
1. How the Project Started
2. Creative Process
2-1. The Wit and Humor
2-2. From the Imagination to the Reality
2-3. The Eight Stations of Bosom Land
2-4. Collaborators
3. Bosom Land, 21st-Century Avant-Garde la Jungsuh Sue Lim by Ah Young Lee
저자(글) 임정서
Sue is an artist in various genres, including experimental film, performance, visual arts, and curatorial projects. She studied at Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand, where she majored in Graphic Design and minored in Illustration. While in graduate school, she spent a year at Kunstuniversit?t Linz in Austria as an exchange student at the Department of Time-based Media. In 2018, she holds MFA in Multimedia and Moving Images from the School of Film, TV & Multimedia of the Korea National University of Arts.With the release of her short film Penis Envy in 2013, Sue embarked on a career entirely devoted to artistic creation. In 2016, she presented Absolute Film Player, a work that brings together experimental films from the 1920s and contemporary dance, at Post Territory Ujeongguk. She followed up with Bosom Land, Into The Breasts in 2018. Since then, she has continued to work on Bosom Land, which she has developed into an independent project. In 2019, she participated in Understanding Risk Field Lab: Chiang Mai Urban Flooding, which led to the creation of the installation artwork Float of Value and the presentation of an immersive performance titled What Comes After. Since 2019, she has participated in Art Nomadic Trader, community art project where artists exchange ideas, values, and unusual artistic experiences one on one. In 2020, she curated an exhibition Earthian Center for Disease Control & Prevention (ECDCP) and a participatory dining performance series Disease on the Table.She researches ways to make art create “artistic” or “cinematic” moments in people’s lives. Moreover, she seeks to invite fellow artists and human beings into a shared “artistic journey” and appreciates new encounters on this journey. Art, for her, is primarily a path toward the attainment of a more positive attitude in life.
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