칸트의 순수이성비판. The Book of The Critique of Pure Reason, by Immanuel Kant
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Title: The Critique of Pure Reason Author: Immanuel Kant Translator: J. M. D. Meiklejohn Language: English
한자.純粹理性批判. 독일어.Kritik der reinen Vernunft. 영어.the Critique of Pure Reason
1. 개요
2. 형이상학과 순수이성비판
2.1. 형이상학에 대해서
2.2. 순수이성비판의 형이상학적 목표
2.3. 순수이성비판에서는 수학과 물리학을 정초했다?
2.4. 순수이성비판 번역어를 둘러싼 논쟁
3. 주요 내용 정리
3.1. 도입
3.1.1. 선천과 후험
3.1.2. 분석과 종합, 그리고 '선천적 종합'
3.1.3. 선험철학 혹은 순수이성비판의 이념
3.2. 순수이성비판의 구조
3.3. 선험적 감성론
3.3.1. 공간론
3.3.2. 시간론
3.3.3. 사물들 자체와 사물들 자체의 불가지론
3.4. 선험적 논리학
3.4.1. 본문에 들어가기에 이해를 위한 보충 설명들 (들어가기에 앞서) 순수이성비판 선험적 논리학의 이해를 위한 배경 선험적 분석론의 개괄적 요약 선험적 분석론의 세항을 이해하기 위한 예비적 주의 코페르니쿠스적 전회
3.4.2. (제1편) 개념의 분석론 제1편 개념의 분석론 중 '제2절 지성의 순수한 개념의 선험적 연역' 에 대해서 가능한 하나의 이해
3.4.3. (제2편) 원칙의 분석론
이마누엘 칸트의 주요 저서. 서양 근대 철학사를 합리주의와 경험주의 에서 철학사에서 인식론, 형이상학, 과학철학, 심리철학 등 무수한 분야에서 큰 영향.
칸트의 주요 3대 저서.
첫 번째 "순수 이성 비판"이요, 이는 "어떻게 인간이 지식을 창출해 내며, 사물을 알 수 있는지"를 논한다.
두 번째 "실천 이성 비판"이요, 이는 "어떻게 인간이 (윤리적으로) 옳고 그름을 판단하며, 그것을 실천할 수 있는지"를 논한다.
세 번째는 "판단력 비판"이요, 이는 "어떻게 인간이 심미적으로 아름다운 것의 여부를 판단하며, 그것을 직관할 수 있는지"를 담고 있다. 이 세 저서은 "진리(眞)", "윤리(善)", "아름다움(美)".
진리에 대해서 논하는 순수이성비판이라는 저작에서 칸트가 굳이 순수이성이라는 단어를 사용한 이유는 다음과 같다. 인간의 지식은 경험과 판단에 의해서 만들어지는데, "경험"은 "후험적"인 것이고, "외부적"인 것이다. 그래서, 외부적인 "경험"이라는 요소를 제거한 채, 순수한 인간 이성만을 둔 채로 그 작용 방식을 논하고자 하였다. "순수이성"은 오직 이성 그 자체만을 의미하는 것이고, "비판"이라는 단어는 "판단", "분석"이라는 의미를 내포. 결론으로 이 책은 "순수한 인간이성을 분석한다." 라는 의미.
칸트는 인간 이성의 그 작용원리와 근거를 제시하고, 모든 인간 지식의 참과 거짓에 대한 기준을 제시할 수 있을 것이라 생각.
Preface to the First Edition (1781)
Preface to the Second Edition (1787)
I. Of the difference between Pure and Empirical Knowledge
II. The Human Intellect, even in an Unphilosophical State, is in Possession of Certain Cognitions “? priori”.
III. Philosophy stands in need of a Science which shall Determine the Possibility, Principles, and Extent of Human Knowledge “? priori”
IV. Of the Difference Between Analytical and Synthetical Judgements.
V. In all Theoretical Sciences of Reason, Synthetical Judgements “? priori” are contained as Principles.
VI. The Universal Problem of Pure Reason.
VII. Idea and Division of a Particular Science, under the Name of a Critique of Pure Reason.
I. Transcendental Doctrine of Elements
§ 1. Introductory
§ 2. Metaphysical Exposition of this Conception.
§ 3. Transcendental Exposition of the Conception of Space.
§ 4. Conclusions from the foregoing Conceptions.
§ 5. Metaphysical Exposition of this Conception.
§ 6. Transcendental Exposition of the Conception of Time.
§ 7. Conclusions from the above Conceptions.
§ 8. Elucidation.
§ 9. General Remarks on Transcendental Æsthetic.
§ 10. Conclusion of the Transcendental Æsthetic.
Introduction. Idea of a Transcendental Logic
I. Of Logic in General
II. Of Transcendental Logic
III. Of the Division of General Logic into Analytic and Dialectic
IV. Of the Division of Transcendental Logic into Transcendental Analytic and Dialectic
BOOK I. Analytic of Conceptions. § 2
Chapter I. Of the Transcendental Clue to the Discovery of all Pure Conceptions of the Understanding
Introductory § 3
Section I. Of the Logical Use of the Understanding in General. § 4
Section II. Of the Logical Function of the Understanding in Judgements. § 5
Section III. Of the Pure Conceptions of the Understanding, or Categories. § 6
Chapter II. Of the Deduction of the
칸트의 순수이성비판. The Book of The Critique of Pure Reason, by Immanuel Kant
Human reason, in one sphere of its cognition, is called upon to consider questions, which it cannot decline, as they are presented by its own nature, but which it cannot answer, as they transcend every faculty of the mind.
It falls into this difficulty without any fault of its own. It begins with principles, which cannot be dispensed with in the field of experience, and the truth and sufficiency of which are, at the same time, insured by experience. With these principles it rises, in obedience to the laws of its own nature, to ever higher and more remote conditions. But it quickly discovers that, in this way, its labours must remain ever incomplete, because new questions never cease to present themselves; and thus it finds itself compelled to have recourse to principles which transcend the region of experience, while they are regarded by common sense without distrust. It thus falls into confusion and contradictions, from which it conjectures the presence of latent errors, which, however, it is unable to discover, because the principles it employs, transcending the limits of experience, cannot be tested by that criterion. The arena of these endless contests is called Metaphysic.
Time was, when she was the queen of all the sciences; and, if we take the will for the deed, she certainly deserves, so far as regards the high importance of her object-matter, this title of honour. Now, it is the fashion of the time to heap contempt and scorn upon her; and the matron mourns, forlorn and forsaken, like Hecuba:
Modo maxima rerum,
Tot generis, natisque potens...
Nunc trahor exul, inops.
―Ovid, Metamorphoses. xiii
At first, her government, under the administration of the dogmatists, was an absolute despotism. But, as the legislative continued to show traces of the ancient barbaric rule, her empire gradually broke up, and intestine wars introduced the reign of anarchy; while t
BOOK II. Analytic of Principles
INTRODUCTION. Of the Transcendental Faculty of judgement in General.
Chapter I. Of the Schematism at of the Pure Conceptions of the Understanding.
Chapter II. System of all Principles of the Pure Understanding.
Section I. Of the Supreme Principle of all Analytical Judgements.
Section II. Of the Supreme Principle of all Synthetical Judgements.
Section III. Systematic Representation of all Synthetical Principles of the Pure Understanding.
Chapter III Of the Ground of the Division of all Objects into Phenomena and Noumena.
I. Of Transcendental Illusory Appearance.
II. Of Pure Reason as the Seat of Transcendental Illusory Appearance.
Section I―Of Ideas in General.
Section II. Of Transcendental Ideas.
Section III. System of Transcendental Ideas.
Chapter I. Of the Paralogisms of Pure Reason.
Chapter II. The Antinomy of Pure Reason.
Section I. System of Cosmological Ideas.
Section II. Antithetic of Pure Reason.
Section III. Of the Interest of Reason in these Self-contradictions.
Section IV. Of the necessity imposed upon Pure Reason of presenting a Solution of its Transcendental Problems.
Section V. Sceptical Exposition of the Cosmological Problems presented in the four Transcendental Ideas.
Section VI. Transcendental Idealism as the Key to the Solution of Pure Cosmological Dialectic.
Section VII. Critical Solution of the Cosmological Problem.
Section VIII. Regulative Principle of Pure Reason in relation to the Cosmological Ideas.
Section IX. Of the Empirical Use of the Regulative Principle of Reason with regard to the Cosmological Ideas.
I. Solution of the Cosmological Idea of the Totality of the Composition of Phenomena in the Universe.
II. Solution of the Cosmological Idea of the Totality of the Division of a Whole given in Intuition.
III. Solution of the Cosmological Idea of the Totality of the Deduction of Cosmical Events from their Causes.
IV. Solution of the Cosmological Idea of the Totality of the Dependence of Phenomenal Existences.
Chapter III. The Ideal of Pure Reason.
Section I. Of the Ideal in General.
Section II. Of the Transcendental Ideal (Prototypon Trancendentale).
Section III. Of the Arguments employed by Speculative Reason in Proof of the Existence of a Supreme Being.
Section IV. Of the Impossibility of an Ontological Proof of the Existence of God.
Section V. Of the Impossibility of a Cosmological Proof of the Existence of God.
Section VI. Of the Impossibility of a Physico-Theological Proof.
Section VII. Critique of all Theology based upon Speculative Principles of Reason.
Appendix. Of the Regulative Employment of the Ideas of Pure Reason.
II. Transcendental Doctrine of Method
Chapter I. The Discipline of Pure Reason.
Section I. The Discipline of Pure Reason in the Sphere of Dogmatism.
Section II. The Discipline of Pure Reason in Polemics.
Section III. The Discipline of Pure Reason in Hypothesis.
Section IV. The Discipline of Pure Reason in Relation to Proofs.
Chapter II. The Canon of Pure Reason.
Section I. Of the Ultimate End of the Pure Use of Reason.
Section II. Of the Ideal of the Summum Bonum as a Determining Ground of the Ultimate End of Pure Reason.
Section III. Of Opinion, Knowledge, and Belief.
Chapter III. The Architectonic of Pure Reason.
Chapter IV. The History of Pure Reason.
저자(글) Immanuel Kant
칸트의 순수이성비판. The Book of The Critique of Pure Reason, by Immanuel Kant독일 철학자 교수. 칸트. 독일의 칸트는 영국의 자연낭만주의 시인인 윌리암 워즈워스의 서정시에서 마음의 순수한 서정시를 경험.Title: The Critique of Pure Reason Author: Immanuel Kant Translator: J. M. D. Meiklejohn Language: English
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