롱펠로의 히어와서 노래의 희곡.The Book of A dramatization of Longfellow's Hiawatha, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
2022년 01월 14일 출간
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이 상품이 속한 분야
롱펠로. Henry Wadsworth - .1807-82. 미국의 시인.
히어와서 노래. 헨리 워즈워드 롱펠로. 북미 원주민 영웅서사시
아메리카 인디안의 원주민 서사시를 가지고 연극으로 만든 책.
The Song of Hiawatha, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
SYNOPSIS. contents
The Peace Pipe. Hiawatha’s Childhood.
Scene 1st. Hiawatha’s Discussion
with Nokomis and Departure.
Act 1st. Act 2nd.
Hiawatha’s Wooing.
Act 3rd.
Scene 2nd.
Hiawatha’s Journey.
Scene 3rd. Wooing of Minnehaha.
Home of Arrow-maker. View of Minnehaha Falls.
Wedding Feast.
Fever and Famine and Minnehaha’s Death.
Act 4th. Act 5th.
Act 6th. Hiawatha’s Reunion with Minnehaha and Departure.
The Song of Hiawatha, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
?Editor's Introduction
?Longfellow's Introduction
?I. The Peace Pipe
?II. The Four Winds
?III. Hiawatha's Childhood
?IV. Hiawatha and Mudjekeewis
?V. Hiawatha's Fasting
?VI. Hiawatha's Friends
?VII. Hiawatha's Sailing
?VIII. Hiawatha's Fishing
?IX. Hiawatha and the Pearl-Feather
?X. Hiawatha's Wooing
?XI. Hiawatha's Wedding-Feast
?XII. The Son of the Evening Star
?XIII. Blessing the Corn-Fields
?XIV. Picture-Writing
?XV. Hiawatha's Lamentation
?XVI. Pau-Puk-Keewis
?XVII. The Hunting of Pau-Puk-Keewis
?XVIII. The Death of Kwasind
?XIX. The Ghosts
?XX. The Famine
?XXI. The White Man's Foot
?XXII. Hiawatha's Departure
? Gitche Manito; the Indian Great Spirit and Father of all Nations.
? Hiawatha; the Prophet of Peace, of the tribe of Ojibways, sent to guide the Indian nations.
? Ancient Arrow-maker; Minnehaha’s Father.
? Chibiabos; the Singer.
? Pau-Puk-Keewis; the Dancer.
? Bukadawin; Famine.
? Ahkosewin; Fever.
? Minnehaha; Hiawatha’s Bride, a Dakotah Maiden.
? Old Nokomis; Hiawatha’s Grand-mother.
? Miscellaneous Indian Braves.
? Miscellaneous Indian Women.
롱펠로의 히어와서 노래의 희곡.The Book of A dramatization of Longfellow's Hiawatha, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
롱펠로. Henry Wadsworth - .1807-82. 미국의 시인.
히어와서 노래. 헨리 워즈워드 롱펠로. 북미 원주민 영웅서사시
아메리카 인디안의 원주민 서사시를 가지고 연극으로 만든 책.
The Song of Hiawatha, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
롱펠로의 히어와서 노래의 희곡.The Book of A dramatization of Longfellow's Hiawatha, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
To ye whose hearts are fresh and simple Who have faith in God and Nature, Who believe that in all ages
Every human heart is human,
That in even savage bosoms
There are longings, yearnings, strivings For the good they comprehend not, That the feeble hands and helpless, Groping blindly in the darkness, Touch God’s right hand in that darkness And are lifted up and strengthened,
IS SUBMITTED this portrayal of the primitive life of the American Indians in their native forest home. Fully realizing how rapidly the race is becoming extinct before the onward march of civilizing influences, and how little the people of this and other countries really know of such customs, dress, and peculiarities, it is believed this spectacular drama will be found historical, an educator to the young and interesting to ALL. In thus depicting the higher and better life of the Indian race, their mode of living, dress, pastimes, feats of skill, dances, wooings, wedding feasts, festivities, death scenes and legends, the author has adhered to the original language of the poem as closely as is consistent with a faithful dramatization thereof.
This is the first and only known drama of this kind or character in existence, and no other subject, throughout the wide and varied field of poetry, offers like opportunities to the facile pen of the skilled playwright.
롱펠로의 히어와서 노래의 희곡.The Book of A dramatization of Longfellow's Hiawatha, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow롱펠로. Henry Wadsworth - .1807-82. 미국의 시인.
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