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손자병법. 孫子兵法.영어 중국어. The Book of Sun Tzu on the Art of War, by Sun Tzu

Tzu , Sun 지음

2021년 11월 18일 출간

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ISBN 9791168200678
쪽수 220쪽
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손자병법. 孫子兵法. The Book of Sun Tzu on the Art of War, by Sun Tzu
영문책,중국어한자한문. 1910년발행, 2400년전 중국 손자병법.
The Book of Sun Tzu on the Art of War, by Sun Tzu
Translated from the Chinese with introduction and critical notes
Assistant in the Department of Oriental Printed Books and MSS. in the British
PRINTED BY E. J. BBILL, Leyden (Holland).
To my brother
Captain Valentine Giles, R.G.
in the hope that a work 2400 years old
may yet contain lessons worth consideration
by the soldier of to-day
this translation
is affectionately dedicated
손자병법. 孫子兵法. The Book of Sun Tzu on the Art of War, by Sun Tzu

The Book of Sun Tzu on the Art of War, by Sun Tzu

Sun Wu and his Book The Text of Sun Tzu The Commentators Appreciations of Sun Tzu Apologies for War Bibliography

I. Laying Plans
II. Waging War
III. Attack by Stratagem
IV. Tactical Dispositions
V. Energy
VI. Weak Points and Strong
VII. Manœuvring
VIII. Variation of Tactics
IX. The Army on the March
X. Terrain
XI. The Nine Situations
XII. The Attack by Fire
XIII. The Use of Spies

손자병법. 孫子兵法. The Book of Sun Tzu on the Art of War, by Sun Tzu
The Book of Sun Tzu on the Art of War, by Sun Tzu
The seventh volume of “M?moires concernant l’histoire, les sciences, les arts, les mœurs, les usages, &c., des Chinois”[1] is devoted to the Art of War, and contains, amongst other treatises, “Les Treize Articles de Sun-tse,” translated from the Chinese by a Jesuit Father, Joseph Amiot. P?re Amiot appears to have enjoyed no small reputation as a sinologue in his day, and the field of his labours was certainly extensive. But his so-called translation of Sun Tz?, if placed side by side with the original, is seen at once to be little better than an imposture. It contains a great deal that Sun Tz? did not write, and very little indeed of what he did. Here is a fair specimen, taken from the opening sentences of chapter 5:―
Sun-tse dit: Ayez les noms de tous les
Officiers tant g?n?raux que subalternes; inscrivez-les dans un catalogue ? part, avec la note des talents & de la capacit? de chacun d’eux, afin de pouvoir les employer avec avantage lorsque l’occasion en sera venue. Faites en sorte que tous ceux que vous devez commander soient persuad?s que votre principale attention est de les pr?server de tout dommage. Les troupes que vous ferez avancer contre l’ennemi doivent ?tre comme des pierres que vous lanceriez contre des œufs. De vous ? l’ennemi il ne doit y avoir d’autre diff?rence que celle du fort au foible, du vuide au plein. Attaquez ? d?couvert, mais soyez vainqueur en secret. Voil? en peu de mots en quoi consiste l’habilet? & toute la perfection m?me du gouvernement des troupes.
Throughout the nineteenth century, which saw a wonderful development in the study of Chinese literature, no translator ventured to tackle Sun Tz?, although his work was known to be highly valued in China as by far the{VIII} oldest and best compendium of military science. It was not until the year 1905 that the first English translation by Capt. E. F. Calthrop, R.F.A., appeared at Tokyo under the title “Sonshi” (the Japanese form of Sun Tz?)[2]. Unfortunately, it was evident that the translator’s knowledge of Chinese was far too scanty to fit him to grapple with the manifold difficulties of Sun Tz?. He himself plainly acknowledges that without the aid of two Japanese gentlemen “the accompanying translation would have been impossible.” We can only wonder, then, that with their help it should have been so excessively bad. It is not merely a question of downright blunders, from which none can hope to be wholly exempt. Omissions were frequent; hard passages were wilfully distorted or slurred over. Such offences are less pardonable. They would not be tolerated in any edition of a Greek or Latin classic, and a similar standard of honesty ought to be insisted upon in translations from Chinese.


저자(글) Tzu

손자병법. 孫子兵法. The Book of Sun Tzu on the Art of War, by Sun Tzu

영문책,중국어한자한문. 1910년발행, 2400년전 중국 손자병법.
The Book of Sun Tzu on the Art of War, by Sun Tzu
Translated from the Chinese with introduction and critical notes
Assistant in the Department of Oriental Printed Books and MSS. in the British
PRINTED BY E. J. BBILL, Leyden (Holland).
To my brother
Captain Valentine Giles, R.G.
in the hope that a work 2400 years old
may yet contain lessons worth consideration
by the soldier of to-day
this translation
is affectionately dedicated

저자(글) Sun

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