Calamity and Church Pastoral and Educational Reflections on COVID-19 and Thereafter
2020년 07월 06일 출간
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- ISBN 9788973694617
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이 상품이 속한 분야
Ministry is a Journey of Trusting in God
Who Is Greater than Suffering!
Our daily life as well as that of the Korean church have been changed due to COVID-19. Due to the spread of COVID-19, which is invisible to our eyes but has strong contagious features unlike other disasters, people have reduced contact between each other and the so-called social distancing is considered as a responsibility beyond merely recommendation. Local churches offer worship in limited spaces or at home, and in many cases weekly meetings and spiritual nurturing training have been reduced or suspended. All schools such as daycare centers, kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, and universities had to postpone their openings, and many public facilities began to be closed for a while. Working from home began to increase, and the government’s national countermeasures and support for small business owners and enterprises that have become economically strained have begun to be discussed and implemented.
Who Is Greater than Suffering!
Our daily life as well as that of the Korean church have been changed due to COVID-19. Due to the spread of COVID-19, which is invisible to our eyes but has strong contagious features unlike other disasters, people have reduced contact between each other and the so-called social distancing is considered as a responsibility beyond merely recommendation. Local churches offer worship in limited spaces or at home, and in many cases weekly meetings and spiritual nurturing training have been reduced or suspended. All schools such as daycare centers, kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, and universities had to postpone their openings, and many public facilities began to be closed for a while. Working from home began to increase, and the government’s national countermeasures and support for small business owners and enterprises that have become economically strained have begun to be discussed and implemented.
Part 1. Pastoral Reflection
081 The Way That Miracle Comes So Yoon Lee
086 The Role and Response of NGOs in COVID-19 Sungho Hong
093 COVID-19 Seen through the Eyes of Life Saving MiHo You
100 How Should We Live after COVID-19? Hyun Myung Do
Part 2. Educational Reflection
105 _ Back to Worship and the Renewal of Its Value: The Importance of Gathering Church and Worship in the Post COVID-19 Era _ Won Seok Koh
109 _ Different Sensibility of Coordination Faith Education _ Daehyun Kwon
116 _ We are Compulsorily Recalled to Reflect on the Purpose of Education _ Sungwoo Baek
122 _ Parents as the Faith Tutors of Home _ Jina Roh
128 _ Crisis Is an Opportunity _ Shin Ae Park
135 _ Stomp Your Feet in between Tomorrow and Today _ Hee Sung Kang
140 _ Now Is the Time to Consider Young Adults _ Yin Jae Cho
147 _ From STAY-at-Home Order to FAITH-at-HOME Vocation _ Sena Choi
081 The Way That Miracle Comes So Yoon Lee
086 The Role and Response of NGOs in COVID-19 Sungho Hong
093 COVID-19 Seen through the Eyes of Life Saving MiHo You
100 How Should We Live after COVID-19? Hyun Myung Do
Part 2. Educational Reflection
105 _ Back to Worship and the Renewal of Its Value: The Importance of Gathering Church and Worship in the Post COVID-19 Era _ Won Seok Koh
109 _ Different Sensibility of Coordination Faith Education _ Daehyun Kwon
116 _ We are Compulsorily Recalled to Reflect on the Purpose of Education _ Sungwoo Baek
122 _ Parents as the Faith Tutors of Home _ Jina Roh
128 _ Crisis Is an Opportunity _ Shin Ae Park
135 _ Stomp Your Feet in between Tomorrow and Today _ Hee Sung Kang
140 _ Now Is the Time to Consider Young Adults _ Yin Jae Cho
147 _ From STAY-at-Home Order to FAITH-at-HOME Vocation _ Sena Choi
이 상품의 총서
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