플루타르크의 선별된 에세이 제2집.Selected Essays of Plutarch, Vol. II., by Plutarch
2020년 08월 09일 출간
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플루타르크 46?-120? 그리스의 철학자로 영웅전 작가
책 내용은 목차에 있는 것 처럼, 소크라테스, 프라톤 아리스토텔레스도 공부한 텔파이라는 아테네학당, 그리고 오라클 ,다빈 신성, 초자연 미신 등등의 주제로 우리에게 알려진 이름들도 등장함.
영국 옥스포드대학에서 번역해서 1918년도에 출간한 것.
Title: Selected Essays of Plutarch, Vol. II.
Author: Plutarch
Translator: Arthur Octavius Prickard
Language: English
On the Genius of Socrates 1
Three Pythian Dialogues 52
I. On the ‘E’ at Delphi 57
II. Why the Pythia does not now give Oracles in
III. On the Cessation of the Oracles 112
On the Instances of Delay in Divine Punishment 171
From the Dialogue ‘On the Soul’ 214
On Superstition 219
Appendix: A Short Discourse of Superstition. By
John Smith
On the Face which appears on the Orb of the Moon 246
Notes 309
Note on the Myths in Plutarch 313
Note on the Plurality of Worlds and the Five Regular
Index 321
플루타르크의 선별된 에세이 제2집. Selected Essays of Plutarch, Vol. I., by Plutarch
This volume covers about one- eighth part of the miscellaneous works of Plutarch
known as the Moralia, much the same quantity as is contained in Professor
Tucker’s volume of this series which appeared in 1913. All the pieces now offered
are in the form of dialogue, except the short treatise On Superstition, which
seemed to justify its inclusion by a certain affinity of thought.
The text followed is that of Wyttenbach, issued by the Clarendon Press in 1795-
1800, or rather a text compounded of the Greek text there printed, his own critical
notes and revision of the old Latin version, his commentary, where one exists,
and his posthumous Index of Greek words used by Plutarch (1830). A few
corrections by C. F. Hermann, Emperius, Madvig, and other scholars, have been
introduced, for many of which I am indebted, in the first place, as I have
acknowledged more particularly, to M. G. N. Bernardakis, the accomplished
editor of the Moralia in the Teubner series (1888- 96). A very few fresh corrections,
mostly on obvious points, have been admitted.
The notes at the foot of the page are intended to show all deviations from
Wyttenbach’s text, so constituted, or to give references to the authors of
passages quoted by Plutarch; there may be a few exceptions, where an
illustrative reference or an obvious explanation is given. For the plays and
fragments of the Tragic Poets reference is made to Dindorf’s Poetae Scenici; for
Pindar and other lyric poets, to Bergk’s Poetae Lyrici Graeci (ed. 1900); for the
fragments of Heraclitus, to Bywater’s Heracliti Ephesii reliquiae (Oxford, 1877);
iv those of other early philosophers will be found in their places in Diels’
Vorsokratiker (1903) or other collections.
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