화성으로 여행.The Book of Journeys to the Planet Mars or Our Mission to Ento,by Sara Weiss
2020년 01월 30일 출간
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화성으로 여행.The Book of Journeys to the Planet Mars or Our Mission to Ento,by Sara Weiss
책에보면 화성으로의 여행에 필요한 용어 언어 숫자 칼라색 이름 등이 새로 정리돼있음.
To all who may be concerned in an endeavor to acquire information relating to
affairs beyond the range of physical vision we offer for consideration what may
be regarded as an incredible narrative of journeys to, and explorations of the
Planet known as Mars, and we entreat that you shall not pass unfriendly judgment
upon that which may impress you as a merely imaginative composition, but which,
in all sincerity, is a statement of facts.
Desiring to, as far as practicable, simplify the relation of this absolutely truthful
narrative, of a not unexampled undertaking, I, and others of the Evon-thia, have
thought it well to present it in colloquial form, as being more realistic than any
other mode of expression, and also we have thought it well, that only a limited
number of our numerous Band shall present themselves as actors, in what may
appear a fanciful drama.
We are aware that we might offer certain special pleadings, which, in many minds,
would induce favorable consideration of the unvarnished relation of our varied
experiences, but we prefer to leave to the more or less enlightened seekers after
truth, such verdict as their inner perceptions may accord, not only for the facts
and philosophy involved in the narrative, but also for the services of our intrepid
conscientious and faithful instrument, who, during nearly two years, devoted her
time, her energy and such ability, as she alone of Earth's sensitives, at this period
possesses, for the accomplishment of an object which long has concerned the
denizens of our and other spirit worlds, an object for which wittingly she became
With occasional brief interruptions, our journeys to the Planet, astronomically
known as Mars, but to its inhabitants as Ento, which in the Ento language signifies
"chosen, or set apart," extended from October 6, 1892, to September 16, 1894.
During this period, through a rather rare phase of mediumship, which we term
semi-automatism, the objective, or soul consciousness of our instrument was
controlled to write certain observations and experiences, but through various
unavoidable conditions, the record was somewhat imperfect, fragmentary and
altogether too voluminous for the purpose in view. Hence, when after quite two
years, during which she gradually recovered from the devitalized condition, to
which her devotion to a most worthy object had reduced her, she expressed her
readiness to permit herself to pass under my control for the purpose of revising
the manuscript, the contents of which she was almost wholly ignorant, I found
myself a little dismayed over the magnitude of our mutual undertaking, which I
well knew would tax our endurance to the utmost, and certainly, only patient,
persistent endeavor on the part of our instrument, and myself, has resulted in
what, at the best, we all consider a not very satisfactory rendition of experiences
I. Interview with the Evon Thia 1
II. Special Features of Mars 14
III. Ento, and Entoans 35
IV. Descriptive Features 53
V. Giordano Bruno 74
VI. Inidora and Genessano 103
VII. First Approach to Ento
Sensitives 132
VIII. Spiritualized Man 166
IX. Meeting with Camarissa 177
X. Dr. Blank's Lesson 215
XI. In the Galar?sa 249
XII. Europe and the Far North 284
XIII. Ento's Precious Stones 317
XIV. Dano and Valloa
XV. Re-embodiment 382
XVI. Concerning the Eskimos 434
XVII. Culmination of the Mission 473
화성으로 여행.The Book of Journeys to the Planet Mars or Our Mission to Ento,by Sara Weiss
책에보면 화성으로의 여행에 필요한 용어 언어 숫자 칼라색 이름 등이 새로 정리돼있음.
화성으로 여행.The Book of Journeys to the Planet Mars or Our Mission to Ento,by Sara Weiss
화성으로 여행.The Book of Journeys to the Planet Mars or Our Mission to Ento,by Sara Weiss
책에보면 화성으로의 여행에 필요한 용어 언어 숫자 칼라색 이름 등이 새로 정리돼있음.
preface 연속.
as unique as ever have occurred to one yet embodied in physical form. So unique,
indeed, that she shrinks from the probable, nay, the certain unpleasant criticism
which the presentation of not new, but unrecognized facts, may elicit, and it is
only through the persistent entreaties of friends on both sides of life that finally
she has decided to offer for publication the rather sketchy narrative of our
journeys to Ento. Possessing neither a natural, nor a cultivated ability, for a
pictured presentation of form, our spirit artist, Aaron Poole, has found it difficult
to, through her automatism, represent even some of the simpler examples of the
Flora of your neighboring Planet, but I may assure you that, though from an
artistic standpoint, they are somewhat crude, they convey a fairly correct idea of
the form and color, of the species of plant life they represent. Also, I may state
that our mission to Ento was undertaken for a specific purpose, the record of its
various features being a secondary affair, but of sufficient importance to induce
us to undertake the task, which to all concerned, has been purely a labor of love.
Largely, it has been written for the purpose of affording our Earthians information
which only through the mediation of discarnated spirits can be obtained. To
scientific inquiry, in whatsoever direction, there is a limit beyond which the
physically embodied man cannot penetrate, but to freed, most exalted spirits
from whom we receive instruction, the depths of unthinkably boundless space
are accessible. To spirits less exalted as we are, the planets of our solar system
afford free fields of observation, and in some far distant time you and we, dear
reader, through loving service for Humanity, may find ourselves so purified,
through earnest investigation and lofty aspiration, so learned, so exalted, that
together we may journey beyond suns and worlds of which your photographers
catch imprints, as faint as smiles on the white faces of your dear dead. And may
we hope that in reading of our mission to Ento, you may find some expression
of thought, some lesson which may aid you in ascending the heights, ever leading
toward exalted states of being, thus nearer to a realizing sense of the all
pervading, infinite spirit of an infinite universe. We pray that it may be so.
To all who love their fellow man, to all who love truth, for truth's sake, and who
earnestly, prayerfully seek for it wheresoever it may be found, we dedicate this
narrative of loving endeavor.
Counsellor and Guide of one of the Spirit Bands, in Planetary language known as
Evon-thia (for love's sake).
[Pg 1]
저자(글) Sara Weiss
화성으로 여행.The Book of Journeys to the Planet Mars or Our Mission to Ento,by Sara Weiss
Author of "Story of Decimon Huydas: A Romance of the Planet Mars"
Copyright, 1903,
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