영국의 유명한 시인들.제1권.The Mentor:Famous English Poets,Vol1,Num.44,by Hamilton Wright Mabie
2020년 01월 22일 출간
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- ISBN 9791190577632
- 쪽수 87쪽
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1800년도 전후의 영국의 자연주의 낭만주의 시인들을 소개. 바이런,셀리,키츠,워드워스,테니슨,브라우닝.
이시기는 영국의 빅토리아 여왕 시기의 전후로 영국에서 가장 아주 풍부하고 좋은 시들을 지은 시인들임.
By HAMILTON W. MABIE, Author and Critic.
Modern English poetry
is rich not only in its
quality, but in its variety, both of theme and of
manner. The exuberant imagination and splendid
profusion of Swinburne are in striking contrast
with the restraint and clearness of style of
Matthew Arnold; the fluency and narrative faculty
of William Morris, with the strongly etched and
powerfully phrased work of Francis Thompson
and Henley. The classical dignity of Landor, the
humor of Hood, the seriousness of mood of
Clough (kluff), the pictorial genius of Rossetti,
the fresh invention of Stevenson and Kipling,
suggest the range of poetic production of an age
not matched in wealth of genius since the age of
Shakespeare. Among the throng of poets who
made lasting contributions to English literature
during the nineteenth century, six may be
regarded as most representative.
책소개서 연속.
Byron died ninety- one years ago; but, although
there has been a great change in the way poets
look at life and in their way of writing verse, he
holds his place as one of the greater poets, not
only in reputation, but in popular regard; and for
two reasons,―he was one of the born singers to
whom men will always stop to listen, and he was
also a poet of revolt. He is not read in this
country as Browning and Kipling are read; nor,
on the other hand, is he neglected as Milton and
Landor are neglected. His stormy nature and his
tempestuous career add an element of personal
interest to the claims of his poetry upon the
attention of reading people today, and he is one
of those men of genius about whom it is difficult
to be judicial: those who like his work become
his partizans, those who dislike him charge him
with insincerity and immorality.
It must be frankly confessed that Byron had
moments of insincerity, and that he often posed;
but he was largely the victim of his temperament.
Mr. Symonds has said of him that he was well
born and ill bred. He had noble impulses, and he
had the strong passions that give energy of
feeling and vitality of imagination to many of the
greatest men and women; but he had neither
clearness of moral vision nor steadiness of
purpose. He had great genius; but he was
neither intellectually nor morally great. And yet
he had such force of mind and eloquence that
Goethe, (gay´- te) who was the greatest critic of
his time, if not of all time, declared that the
English could show no poet to be compared with
저자(글) Hamilton Wright Mabie
영국의 유명한 시인들.제1권.The Mentor:Famous English Poets,Vol1,Num.44,by Hamilton Wright Mabie
영국의 작가 비평가.
By HAMILTON W. MABIE, Author and Critic.
이 상품의 총서
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