The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood (로빈 후드의 즐거운 모험, English Version)
2014년 10월 20일 출간
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이 상품이 속한 분야
How Robin Hood Cane to Be an Outlaw
Robin Hood and the Tinker
The Shooting Match at Nottingham Town
Will Stutely Rescued by His Companions
Robin Hood Turns Butcher
Little John Goes to Nottingham Fair
How Little John Lived at the Sheriff's
Little John and the Tanner of Blyth
Robin Hood and Will Scarlet
The Adventure with Midge the Miller's Son
Robin Hood and Allan a Dale
Robin Hood Seeks the Curtal Friar
Robin Hood Compasses a Marriage
Robin Hood Aids a Sorrowful Knight
How Sir Richard of the Lea Paid His Debts
Little John Turns Barefoot Friar
Robin Hood Turns Beggar
Robin Hood Shoots Before Queen Eleanor
The Chase of Robin Hood
Robin Hood and Guy of Gisbourne
King Richard Comes to Sherwood Forest
저자(글) Howard Pyle
Howard Pyle was an American illustrator and author, primarily of books for young people.
During 1894 he began teaching illustration at the Drexel Institute of Art, Science and Industry (now Drexel University), and after 1900 he founded his own school of art and illustration named the Howard Pyle School of Illustration Art. The term Brandywine School was later applied to the illustration artists and Wyeth family artists of the Brandywine region by Pitz. Some of his more famous students were N. C. Wyeth, Frank Schoonover, Elenore Abbott, Ethel Franklin Betts, Anna Whelan Betts, Harvey Dunn, Clyde O. DeLand, Philip R. Goodwin, Violet Oakley, Ellen Bernard Thompson Pyle, Olive Rush, Allen Tupper True, and Jessie Willcox Smith.
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