What the World is Reading (2013)
2013년 08월 08일 출간
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여기에서 만날 수 있는 도서들은 펭귄이 독자들에게 자신 있게 소개하는 새로운 목소리의 소설들 입니다.
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“What the World is Reading”는 펭귄그룹(USA)에서 출간된 베스트셀링 도서 중 열 권을 엄선하여 첫 일부분을 발췌, 독자들께 소개해 드리고자 만들어졌습니다.
Did you just finish an amazing book and are wondering what to read next?
Penguin invites you to explore What the World is Reading.
The novels you'll discover here are some of our favorite paperbacks, carefully selected to introduce readers to several wonderful new voices in fiction.
Trust Penguin and you can discover your next amazing book to read and What the World is Reading.
“What the World is Reading” is about excerpts from a selection of bestselling paperback titles from Penguin Group (USA).
By Sarah Jio
2. City of Dark Magic
By Magnus Flyte
3. The Confidant
By Helene Gremillon, Alison Anderson
4. Believing the Lie
By Elizabeth George
5. A Good American
By Alex George
6. The Memory of Love
By Linda Olsson
7. The Book of Jonas
By Stephen Dau
8. Escape from Camp 14
By Blaine Harden
9. The Gods of Gotham
By Lyndsay Faye
10. Some Assembly Required
By Anne Lamott, Sam Lamott
1. Blackberry Winter
By Sarah Jio
In 2011, Sarah Jio burst onto the fiction scene with two sensational novels―The Violets
of March and The Bungalow. With Blackberry Winter―taking its title from a late season, cold weather phenomenon―Jio continues her rich exploration of the ways personal connections can transcend the boundaries of time.
2. City of Dark Magic
By Magnus Flyte
Cosmically fast-paced and wildly imaginative, this debut novel is a perfect potion of magic and suspense
3. The Confidant
By Helene Gremillon, Alison Anderson
"A gripping first novel" (Le Figaro Litt?raire) and an award-winning international sensation as haunting and unforgettable as Suite Fran?aise
4. Believing the Lie
By Elizabeth George
The #1 New York Times bestseller ―and Elizabeth George's New American Library debut
5. A Good American
By Alex George
“This lush, epic tale of one family's journey...had me alternately laughing and crying, but always riveted. It's a rich, rare treat of a book.” ―Sara Gruen, bestselling author of Water for Elephants
6. The Memory of Love
By Linda Olsson
From the beloved author of Astrid & Veronika, a moving tale of friendship and Redemption
7. The Book of Jonas
By Stephen Dau
“A humane and unforgettable portrayal of the lives behind those casualty counts . . . Genuinely important.”― The Wall Street Journal
8. Escape from Camp 14
By Blaine Harden
The heart-wrenching New York Times bestseller about the only known person born inside a North Korean prison camp to have escaped
9. The Gods of Gotham
By Lyndsay Faye
“If your concept of paradise is popping in a DVD of Gangs of New York while reading Caleb Carr's The Alienist, then put The Gods of Gotham on your tobuy list” ( USA Today ).
1845: New York City forms its first police force. The great potato famine hits Ireland. These two events will change New York City forever...
10. Some Assembly Required
By Anne Lamott, Sam Lamott
The New York Times bestseller from the “doyenne of the parenting memoir” (Time)―“it's one Lamott's fans will want” (The Washington Post).
“If there is a doyenne of the parenting memoir, it would be Anne Lamott.”―Time
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Penguin Group은 1935년에 Penguin Books로 설립되어 현재는 미디어 콘텐트까지 아우르는 글로벌 출판사이다.
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