앤드류 랭의 켈리 목사
2025년 01월 21일 출간
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"켈리 목사" (A. E. W. 메이슨, 앤드류 랭 공저)는 19세기 후반에 쓰여진 역사소설입니다. 18세기 초를 배경으로, 이야기는 주인공 켈리 목사를 중심으로 전개되며, 영국과 프랑스의 정치적 음모가 가득했던 시기에 자코바이트 운동을 지지하는 음모에 휘말리게 되는 그의 이야기를 다룹니다. 서사는 충성심, 우정, 그리고 소소한 일상과 거대한 음모가 뒤섞인 이야기를 암시합니다.
책의 도입부는 제임스 왕의 대의를 위해 음모를 꾸미는 데 관여하는 은퇴한 대령 니콜라스 워건과, 유머러스하면서도 위태로운 상황에 자주 처하게 되는 그의 활기찬 친구 켈리 목사를 소개합니다. 그들의 운명은 파리의 눈 덮인 거리에서 얽히게 되는데, 워건이 비밀스러운 정치적 사안들에 대해 논쟁하는 가운데 켈리를 활기차게 만나게 됩니다.
그들의 대화는 서로의 우정을 보여주며, 대담하고 쾌활한 워건과 신중하고 조심스러운 켈리라는 대조적인 성격을 드러냅니다. 그들이 자신들의 노력과 사업의 본질에 대해 논의하면서, 풍자적 유머와 날카로운 사회적 관찰이 담긴 그들의 모험과 복잡한 계략이 펼쳐질 무대가 마련됩니다.
Classics Read in English _ Parson Kelly by A. E. W. Mason and Andrew Lang
"Parson Kelly" by A. E. W. Mason and Andrew Lang is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. Set in the early 18th century, the story revolves around the titular character, Parson Kelly, and his entanglements in a plot supporting the Jacobite cause during a time of political intrigue in England and France. The narrative hints at themes of loyalty, friendship, and the blend of lowly affairs with grand conspiracies. The opening of the book introduces us to Nicholas Wogan, a retired colonel involved in plotting for King James's cause, and his lively friend, Parson Kelly, who often finds himself in humorous yet precarious situations. Their fates intertwine as they navigate the snowy streets of Paris, where Wogan energetically meets Kelly amid some bickering about their secrets and political affairs. The dialogue showcases their camaraderie, revealing their contrasting personalities—Wogan with his boldness and joviality, and Kelly displaying a kind of cautious prudence. As they discuss their endeavors and the nature of their business, the stage is set for an engaging, character-driven exploration of their adventures and the elaborate schemes that unfold, accompanied by satirical humor and keen observations of societal norms.
I. The Parson expresses Irreproachable Sentiments at the Mazarin Palace.
II. Mr. Wogan refuses to Acknowledge an Undesirable Acquaintance in St. James's Street.
III. Mr. Wogan instructs the Ignorant Parson in the Ways of Women.
IV. Shows the Extreme Danger of knowing Latin.
V. A Literary Discussion in which a Critic, not for the first time, turns the tables upon an Author.
VI. Mr. Nicholas Wogan reminds the Parson of a Night at the Mazarin Palace.
VII. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu has a word to say about Smilinda.
VIII. Mr. Kelly has an Adventure at a Masquerade Ball.
IX. Wherein the Chivalrous Mr. Kelly behaves with Deplorable Folly.
X. What came of Mr. Kelly's Winnings from the South Sea.
XI. The Parson departs from Smilinda and learns a number of Unpalatable Truths.
XII. The Parson meets Scrope for the Third Time, and what came of the Meeting.
XIII. Of the Rose and the Rose-Garden in Avignon.
XIV. Of the Great Confusion produced by a Ballad and a Drunken Crow.
XV. At the Deanery of Westminster.
XVI. Mr. Wogan acts as Lightning Conductor at Lady Oxford's Rout.
XVII. Lady Oxford's 'Coup De Théâtre'.
XVIII. Wherein a New Fly discourses on the innocence of the Spider's Web.
XIX. Stroke and Counter-stroke.
XX. Mr. Scrope bathes by Moonlight and in his Peruke.
XXI. In which Mr. Kelly surprises Smilinda.
XXII. An Eclogue which demonstrates the Pastoral Simplicity of Corydon and Strephon.
XXIII. How the Messengers captured the wrong Gentleman; and of what Letters the Colonel burned.
XXIV. Mr. Wogan wears Lady Oxford's Livery, but does not remain in her Service.
XXV. How the Miniature of Lady Oxford came by a Mischance.
XXVI. Mr. Wogan Traduces his Friend, with the Happiest Consequences.
XXVII. How, by keeping Parole, Mr. Kelly broke Prison.
XXVIII. Mr. Wogan again invades England, meets the elect Lady, and bears witness to her Perfections.
So wrote Mr. Alexander Pope, whom Nicholas Wogan remembers as a bookish boy in the little Catholic colony of Windsor Forest. The line might serve as a motto for the story which Mr. Wogan (now a one-armed retired colonel of Dillon's Irish Brigade in French Service) is about to tell. The beginnings of our whole mischancy business were trivial in themselves, and in all appearance unrelated to the future. They were nothing more important than the purchase of a couple of small strong-boxes and the placing of Parson Kelly's patrimony in Mr. Law's company of the West. Both of these events happened upon the same day.
It was early in February of the year 1719, and the streets of Paris were deep in snow. Wogan, then plotting for King James's cause, rode into Paris from St. Omer at ten o'clock of the forenoon, and just about the same hour Parson Kelly, plotting too in his way, drove through the Orleans gate.
서평(Book Review)
"켈리 목사"는 메이슨과 랭이 공동으로 창작한 매력적인 역사소설입니다. 18세기 초 영국과 프랑스를 배경으로, 자코바이트 운동을 둘러싼 정치적 음모와 모험을 다루고 있습니다. 대조적인 성격의 두 주인공 켈리 목사와 니콜라스 워건을 통해 충성심과 우정이라는 보편적 주제를 효과적으로 탐구하며, 역사적 사실과 허구를 교묘하게 결합한 이야기는 독자들에게 흥미진진한 읽을거리를 제공합니다.
"Parson Kelly" is an engaging historical novel co-authored by Mason and Lang. Set in early 18th century England and France, it weaves a tale of political intrigue and adventure surrounding the Jacobite cause. Through the contrasting characters of Parson Kelly and Nicholas Wogan, the novel effectively explores universal themes of loyalty and friendship. The skillful blend of historical fact and fiction provides readers with an entertaining narrative that captures the spirit of the era.
저자(글) 앤드류 랭(Andrew Lang)
Andrew Lang은 19세기 후반부터 20세기 초반에 활동한 스코틀랜드의 저명한 작가, 시인, 인류학자, 민속학자입니다. 1844년 스코틀랜드 셀커크에서 태어나 세인트앤드루스 대학교와 옥스퍼드 대학교에서 수학했습니다.
Lang은 특히 동화와 민담 수집가로 잘 알려져 있으며, 그의 가장 유명한 업적은 'Lang's Fairy Books' 시리즈입니다. 이 시리즈는 각 책마다 다른 색깔의 이름을 붙여 '블루 페어리 북', '레드 페어리 북' 등으로 불립니다. 전 세계의 다양한 민담과 전설을 수집하여 영어로 번역하고 편집했으며, 이를 통해 빅토리아 시대의 영국 어린이들에게 세계의 민담을 소개했습니다.
학문적으로도 뛰어난 업적을 남겼는데, 특히 신화와 종교에 관한 연구에서 두각을 나타냈습니다. 그의 저서 'Custom and Myth'(1884)와 'Myth, Ritual and Religion'(1887)은 비교신화학 분야의 중요한 저작으로 평가받고 있습니다.
또한 Lang은 문학 비평가로도 활발히 활동했으며, 호머의 작품에 대한 연구와 번역에도 큰 기여를 했습니다. 그의 저술 활동은 문학, 민속학, 인류학을 아우르는 광범위한 분야에 걸쳐 있었으며, 1912년 생을 마감할 때까지 왕성한 저술 활동을 이어갔습니다.
Andrew Lang was a prominent Scottish writer, poet, anthropologist, and folklorist who was active from the late 19th to early 20th century. Born in Selkirk, Scotland in 1844, he studied at the University of St Andrews and Oxford University.
Lang is particularly well-known as a collector of fairy tales and folk stories, with his most famous work being the 'Lang's Fairy Books' series. These books were named by colors, such as 'The Blue Fairy Book' and 'The Red Fairy Book'. He collected, translated, and edited folk tales and legends from around the world, introducing world folklore to Victorian British children through these works.
He also achieved significant academic accomplishments, particularly in the study of mythology and religion. His works 'Custom and Myth' (1884) and 'Myth, Ritual and Religion' (1887) are considered important contributions to comparative mythology.
Furthermore, Lang was active as a literary critic and made significant contributions to the study and translation of Homer's works. His writing activities spanned across a wide range of fields including literature, folklore, and anthropology, and he continued his prolific writing career until his death in 1912.
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