Tragic Korean History and Its Connections to World History
2025년 01월 17일 출간
- 오디오북 상품 정보
- 듣기 가능 오디오
- 제공 언어 한국어
- 파일 정보 mp3 (32.00MB)
- ISBN 9791194081340
판매가 6,900원
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- 3만원 이상 구매 시, 등급별 2~4% 추가 최대 416P
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이 상품이 속한 분야
History is not just about the past; it’s a tool to better understand ourselves, our society, and our potential for growth. What part of history are you most interested in exploring right now? By studying history, we can learn from past successes and failures. This can help us avoid repeating mistakes and replicate strategies that worked well in solving problems.
1. Japanese invasions of Korea, Imjin War
2. Second Manchu Invasion of Korea, Byeongja Horan
3. French Campaign against Korea, Byeonjin Yangyo
3-1 Outer branch of the royal library, Oegyujanggak
3-2 Royal Protocols of the Joseon Dynasty, Uigwe
4. The First Sino-Japanese War
4-1 Treaty of Shimonoseki
4-2 Gabo Reforms
5. The Russo-Japanese War
5-1 The Treaty of Portsmouth
5-2 The Japan-Korea Protectorate Treaty of 1905, Eulsa Treaty
6. The Second Anglo-Japanese Alliance
7. The First Russo-Japanese Agreement
7-1 The forced abdication of Emperor Gojong
8. The Second Sino-Japanese War
8-1 The Marco Polo Bridge Incident, Lugouqiao Incident
8-2 Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor
9. The Pacific War
10. Korea’s Struggle Against Japanese Imperialism
11. Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers
12. United Nations General Assembly
The Imjin War is remembered as a significant historical event in East Asia, marking a moment of resilience for Korea and the importance of maritime defense strategies.
The Byeongja Horan is remembered as a traumatic event in Korean history, symbolizing the vulnerability of the Joseon Dynasty during a period of political and military weakness.
The Byeongin Yangyo illustrates the tension between Korea's traditional isolationism and the growing pressures of Western imperialism during the 19th century.
Understanding history is essential for several reasons, as it provides us with context, lessons, and tools to navigate the present and shape the future. Here’s why studying history is important.
History helps explain how the world got to where it is today. From social structures to political systems, cultural norms, and international relationships, understanding their origins provides clarity about why things are the way they are.
By studying history, we can learn from past successes and failures. This can help us avoid repeating mistakes and replicate strategies that worked well in solving problems.
History connects us to our roots, helping us understand our cultural heritage, values, and traditions. It fosters a sense of identity and pride while also promoting empathy for others' experiences and histories.
Exploring history sharpens analytical and critical thinking skills. It challenges us to evaluate sources, question perspectives, and understand the complexity of human decisions and events.
Historical movements, revolutions, and innovations inspire us to drive change. By examining how individuals or groups achieved progress, we can apply those lessons to modern challenges.
Understanding the struggles, triumphs, and everyday lives of people in the past fosters empathy and a broader perspective on human nature.
History teaches us about different cultures, civilizations, and global interactions. This helps build mutual respect and cooperation in an interconnected world.
History provides patterns and trends that can guide decision-making in politics, economics, and societal development. It helps us anticipate and prepare for potential challenges by understanding past cycles.
Studying history equips individuals with the knowledge to engage meaningfully in civic life. Understanding historical contexts behind laws, rights, and conflicts allows people to participate thoughtfully in democracy.
In essence, history is not just about the past; it’s a tool to better understand ourselves, our society, and our potential for growth.
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