메러디스 니콜슨의 가족을 위한 어려운 결정
2025년 01월 04일 출간
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이 상품이 속한 분야
"The Lords of High Decision"(초기 20세기 작품)은 가족 관계와 사회적 기대를 중심으로 이야기가 전개되는 Meredith Nicholson의 소설입니다.
이 작품은 Wayne Craighill과 그의 자매 Fanny를 중심으로, 그들의 아버지가 Adelaide Allen이라는 젊은 여성과 재혼하려는 상황에서 발생하는 갈등을 다룹니다.
소설은 Craighill 가의 저녁 식사 장면으로 시작됩니다. Wayne이 자매 Fanny를 만나는 자리에서, 두 남매는 아버지가 곧 결혼을 발표할 것이라 예감하며 긴장감이 고조됩니다. 특히 아직 죽은 어머니를 애도하는 중인 그들에게, 이 재혼은 가족 간의 유대를 흔들 수 있는 중대한 사건입니다.
Colonel Craighill이 워싱턴에서의 논의와 임박한 발표에 대해 이야기하는 동안, 남매는 아버지에 대한 가족애와 상황에 대한 불만 사이에서 갈등합니다. 이러한 도입부는 이후 전개될 그들의 갈등, 야망, 그리고 그들의 사회적 계층에서 요구되는 기대와 규범을 탐구하는 토대가 됩니다.
이 소설은 사랑, 원망, 그리고 상실 후 삶을 이어가는 과정의 복잡성을 섬세하게 다룹니다.
Classics Read in English _ The Lords of High Decision by Meredith Nicholson
"The Lords of High Decision" by Meredith Nicholson is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around familial dynamics and societal expectations as it follows Wayne Craighill and his sister Fanny, who confront the implications of their father's imminent second marriage to a younger woman, Adelaide Allen. The narrative delves into themes of love, resentment, and the complexities of moving forward after loss. At the start of the novel, we are introduced to a dinner at the Craighill household where tension brews as Wayne meets his sister Fanny. They suspect their father is about to announce a marriage that could disrupt their family bond, especially as they still mourn their deceased mother. As Colonel Craighill shares details about his discussions in Washington and the impending announcement, the siblings struggle between familial love and their growing discontent about the situation. This opening sets the stage for the exploration of their conflicts, ambitions, and the societal norms that enforce expectations within their circle.
I. The Face in the Locket
II. The Lady of Difficult Occasions
III. A Letter, a Bottle and an Old Friend
IV. The Ways of Wayne Craighill
V. A Child of the Iron City
VI. Before a Portrait by Sargent
VII. Wayne Counsels his Sister
VIII. The Coming of Mrs. Craighill
IX. “Help Me to be a Good Woman”
X. Mr. Walsh Meets Mrs. Craighill
XI. Paddock Delivers an Invitation
XII. The Shadows Against the Flame
XIII. Jean Morley
XIV. A Light Supper for Two
XV. Mrs. Blair is Displeased
XVI. The Trip to Boston
XVII. Mrs. Craighill Bides at Home
XVIII. The Snow_storm at Rosedale
XIX. Mr. Wingfield Calls on Mr. Walsh
XX. Evening at the Craighills’
XXI. Soundings in Deep Waters
XXII. A Conference at the Allequippa
XXIII. The End of a Sleigh-ride
XXIV. Jean Answers a Question
XXV. Colonel Craighill is Annoyed
XXVI. Colonel Craighill Scores a Point
XXVII. “I’m Going Back to Joe”
XXVIII. Closed Doors
XXIX. “You Love Another Man, Jean”
XXX. The House of Peace
XXXI. Wayne Sees Jean Again
XXXII. An Angry Encounter
XXXIII. The High Moment of Their Lives
XXXIV. The Heart of the Bugle
XXXV. Golden Bridge
XXXVI. Two Old Friends Seek Wayne
XXXVII. Wayne Visits His Father’s House
XXXVIII. “They’re Callin’ Strikes on Me”
XXXIX. We See Walsh Again
XL. The Belated Appearance of John McCandless Blair
XLI. “My City _ Our City”
Among the contents
AS Mrs. John McCandless Blair entered the house her brother, Wayne Craighill, met her in the hall. The clock on the stair landing was striking seven.
“On time, Fanny? How did it ever happen?” he demanded as she caught his hands and peered into his face. He blinked under her scrutiny; she always gave him this sharp glance when they met,—and its significance was not wasted on him; but she was satisfied and kissed him, and then, as he took her wrap:
“For heaven’s sake what’s up, Wayne? Father was ominously solemn in telephoning me to come over. John’s dining at the Club—I think father wants to see us alone.”
“It rather looks that way, Fanny,” replied Wayne, laughing at his sister’s earnestness.
“Well, is he going to do it at last?”
“There’s no use kicking if he is, so be prepared for the worst.”
“Well, if it’s that Baltimore woman——”
"The Lords of High Decision"은 가족 관계의 복잡성과 변화를 섬세하게 다룬 작품입니다. Nicholson은 아버지의 재혼을 마주한 Wayne과 Fanny 남매의 이야기를 통해, 상실 후의 애도와 새로운 관계 수용 사이의 미묘한 갈등을 포착합니다. 특히 여전히 죽은 어머니를 그리워하는 자녀들의 감정과 새로운 삶을 시작하려는 아버지의 욕망이 충돌하는 순간들을 통해, 가족의 의미와 사랑의 다양한 형태를 깊이 있게 탐구합니다.
Book Review
"The Lords of High Decision" is a delicate work that explores the complexities and changes of family relationships. Through the story of Wayne and Fanny, a brother and sister who face their father's remarriage, Nicholson captures the subtle conflict between mourning a loss and accepting a new relationship. In particular, through moments when the children's feelings of longing for their dead mother clash with their father's desire to start a new life, he deeply explores the meaning of family and the many forms of love.
Meredith Nicholson (1866-1947)은 미국의 작가이자 정치인으로, 인디애나 주 크롤포드빌에서 태어났습니다. 그는 주로 소설과 수필을 집필했으며, 특히 중서부 지역의 삶과 문화를 작품의 주요 소재로 다뤘습니다.
그의 가장 유명한 작품은 1905년에 출간된 "The House of a Thousand Candles"로, 미스터리 소설의 특징을 잘 보여주는 작품입니다. 이 소설은 상업적으로도 큰 성공을 거두어 당시 베스트셀러가 되었습니다.
Nicholson은 작가 활동 외에도 정치 분야에서도 활발히 활동했는데, 1928년에는 민주당 소속으로 인디애나 주 의회 의원으로 선출되었습니다. 또한 1933년부터 1934년까지는 우드로 윌슨 대통령 임기 중 파라과이 주재 미국 대사로 재직했습니다.
그의 작품들은 주로 인디애나 주를 배경으로 하며, 지역의 역사와 문화를 상세히 묘사하는 것이 특징입니다. "The Hoosiers"(1915)와 같은 작품을 통해 인디애나 주의 문학적 전통을 확립하는 데 기여했습니다.
Meredith Nicholson (1866-1947) was an American author and politician born in Crawfordsville, Indiana. He primarily wrote novels and essays, often using the life and culture of the Midwest as the main subject matter in his works.
His most famous work, "The House of a Thousand Candles," published in 1905, exemplifies the characteristics of a mystery novel. This book achieved great commercial success and became a bestseller at the time.
Besides his writing career, Nicholson was also active in politics. In 1928, he was elected as a Democratic member of the Indiana State Legislature. He also served as the U.S. Ambassador to Paraguay from 1933 to 1934 during President Woodrow Wilson's administration.
His works are primarily set in Indiana, and are characterized by detailed descriptions of the region's history and culture. Through works such as "The Hoosiers" (1915), he contributed to establishing Indiana's literary tradition.
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