E.M. 포스터의 가장 긴 여행
2024년 11월 27일 출간
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“가장 긴 여행(The Longest Journey)”은 1907년 출간된 E. M. Forster의 두 번째 장편소설이다. 이 작품은 한 젊은 지식인의 성장과 자아 발견의 여정을 통해 교육, 진실, 관습의 문제를 탐구한다.
주인공 리키 엘리엇은 케임브리지 대학에서 철학을 공부하는 지적인 청년이다. 그는 학문적 진실과 현실의 타협, 예술적 이상과 일상의 관습 사이에서 고뇌하며 자신의 정체성을 찾아가는 여정을 시작한다. 이 과정에서 그는 시골 출신의 이복형제 스티븐과의 관계, 교사 애그니스와의 결혼 등 중요한 선택의 순간들을 맞이한다.
Forster는 이 소설을 통해 당시 영국 사회의 허위의식과 교육 제도의 문제점을 날카롭게 비판한다. 특히 진정한 교육과 인간성의 가치를 강조하며, 관습적 도덕과 진실한 삶의 대립을 섬세하게 그려낸다. 작품은 영국 시골 생활의 순수성과 도시적 지성의 대비를 통해 근대성의 문제를 탐구한다.
이 소설은 Forster의 가장 자전적인 작품으로 평가받으며, 작가 자신의 교육 경험과 성장 과정이 반영되어 있다. 작품은 표면적으로는 성장소설의 형식을 취하고 있지만, 그 안에는 진실과 거짓, 자연과 문명, 본능과 이성의 대립이라는 깊이 있는 주제를 담고 있다. 특히 인간의 내면 성장이 얼마나 복잡하고 고통스러운 과정인지를 섬세하게 포착한 걸작으로 평가받고 있다.
Classics in English The Longest Journey by E. M. Forster
“The Longest Journey” is E.M. Forster's second full-length novel published in 1907. This work explores the issues of education, truth, and custom through the journey of growth and self-discovery of a young intellectual.
The main character, Ricky Elliot, is an intellectual young man studying philosophy at Cambridge University. He begins a journey to find his identity while struggling between academic truth and reality, artistic ideals and everyday customs. In the process, he faces important moments of choice, such as his relationship with his half-brother Stephen from the countryside, and his marriage to his teacher Agnes.
Through this novel, Forster sharply criticizes the false consciousness and problems of the educational system in British society at the time. In particular, he emphasizes the value of true education and humanity, and delicately depicts the conflict between conventional morality and true life. The work explores the issue of modernity through the contrast between the purity of British rural life and urban intelligence. This novel is considered Forster's most autobiographical work, and reflects the author's own educational experiences and growth process. On the surface, the work takes the form of a coming-of-age novel, but it contains deep themes such as truth and falsehood, nature and civilization, and the conflict between instinct and reason. In particular, it is considered a masterpiece that delicately captures how complex and painful the inner growth of a human being is.
I. The cow is there
II. A little this side of Madingley
III. Mr. Ansell, a provincial draper of moderate prosperity
IV. Sawston School had been founded by a tradesman
V. Gerald died that afternoon
VI. He did not stop for the funeral
VII. Love, say orderly people, can be fallen into by two methods
VIII. Ansell stood looking at his breakfast-table
IX. The rain tilted a little from the south-west
X. The rain tilted a little from the south-west
XI. Cadover was not a large house
XII. The excursion to Salisbury was but a poor business
XIII. Glad as Agnes was when her lover returned for lunch
XIV. On the way back
XV. The sense of purity is a puzzling
XVI. In three years Mr. Pembroke had done much
XVII. In practical matters Mr. Pembroke was often a generous man
XVIII. Meanwhile he was a husband
XIX. They did not get to Italy at Easter
XX. Ansell was in his favourite haunt
XXI. The mists that had gathered round
XXII. That same term there took place at Dunwood House
XXIII. Riekie went straight from Varden to his wife
XXIV. The coming months
XXV. “I am afraid,” said Agnes
XXVI. Poor Mr. Ansell was actually sitting in the garden
XXVII. The parlour-maid took Mr. Wonham to the study
XXVIII. The soul has her own currency
XXIX. Robert—there is no occasion to mention his surname
XXX. Stephen, the son of these people
XXXI. Hither had Rickie moved in ten days
XXXII. Mr. Pembroke did not receive a clear account of what had happened
XXXIII. That same day Rickie, feeling neither poor nor aimless
XXXIV. The carriage that Mrs. Failing had sent to meet
XXXV. From the window they looked over a sober valley
"The Longest Journey" by E. M. Forster is a novel written in the early 20th century. The book explores the lives of its central characters, primarily a thoughtful and introspective young man named Rickie Elliot, as he navigates his way through the complexities of relationships, philosophy, and society during his time at Cambridge University. The narrative delves into themes of identity, existential thought, and the contrast between intellectual pursuits and the realities of human emotion. The opening of the novel introduces a lively philosophical debate among Rickie and his friends, centering around the existence of a cow as a metaphor for objectivity versus subjectivity. While the others engage actively in this discussion, Rickie feels overwhelmed and chooses to observe rather than participate. We also meet Agnes Pembroke, a young woman who arrives at Rickie's room unannounced, disrupting the philosophical gathering. The initial interactions hint at the complexities of relationships and the social dynamics among students at Cambridge. The atmosphere is infused with warmth and humor, yet underscored by Rickie's inner struggles with his sense of belonging and understanding of his own identity as he confronts both personal and societal expectations. Through vivid descriptions and character dynamics, the opening sets the stage for a deeper exploration of Rickie's journey toward self-discovery and the challenges he will face along the way.
“가장 긴 여행”은 한 젊은 지식인의 자아 발견 여정을 통해 진정한 교육과 삶의 의미를 탐구한 작품이다. Forster는 주인공 리키 엘리엇의 성장 과정을 통해 당시 영국 사회의 허위의식과 교육 제도의 문제점을 예리하게 포착한다.
작가는 케임브리지의 지적 세계와 영국 시골의 순수한 삶을 대비시키며, 진정성과 관습, 본능과 이성의 대립을 섬세하게 그려낸다. 특히 이복형제 스티븐과의 관계, 애그니스와의 결혼은 주인공의 내면적 성장을 이끄는 중요한 전환점이 된다.
이 소설의 가치는 성장이라는 보편적 주제를 통해 인간 존재의 본질적 고뇌를 드러낸 작가의 문학적 성취에 있다. Forster의 자전적 경험이 녹아든 이 작품은 진정한 자아를 찾아가는 여정이 얼마나 길고 고통스러운 것인지를 설득력 있게 보여준다.
Book Review
“The Longest Journey” is a work that explores true education and the meaning of life through a young intellectual’s journey of self-discovery. Forster keenly captures the false consciousness of British society and the problems of the education system at the time through the main character Ricky Elliot’s growth process.
The author contrasts the intellectual world of Cambridge with the pure life of the English countryside, and delicately depicts the conflict between authenticity and custom, instinct and reason. In particular, the relationship with his half-brother Stephen and his marriage to Agnes become important turning points that lead to the protagonist’s inner growth.
The value of this novel lies in the author’s literary achievement in revealing the essential agony of human existence through the universal theme of growth. This work, which incorporates Forster’s autobiographical experiences, persuasively shows how long and painful the journey to find one’s true self is.
E. M. Forster는 20세기 초 영국을 대표하는 소설가이자 수필가이다. 1879년에 태어나 1970년에 생을 마감한 그는 케임브리지 대학교 킹스 칼리지에서 수학했으며, 평생 이 대학과 깊은 관계를 유지했다. 『하워즈 엔드』, 『인도로 가는 길』, 『천사도 밟기를 두려워하는 곳』 등의 대표작을 통해 계급 간의 갈등과 문화적 차이, 개인의 내면세계를 섬세하게 그려냈다.
특히 『인도로 가는 길』은 영국 제국주의와 인도 문화의 충돌을 탁월하게 묘사한 작품으로, 그의 문학적 성취를 잘 보여준다. 인본주의적 가치관을 바탕으로 한 그의 작품들은 현재까지도 문학계에 큰 영향을 미치고 있다. 평생 자신의 동성애적 성향으로 인한 내적 갈등을 겪었으며, 이러한 개인적 경험은 그의 작품 세계에 간접적으로 반영되어 있다.
1969년에는 문학적 공헌을 인정받아 대영 제국 훈장을 수여받았다. 그의 소설들은 현대에 이르러 여러 차례 영화와 TV 드라마로 각색되어 새로운 세대의 독자들에게도 널리 읽히고 있다. 사회적 편견과 관습에 대한 비판적 시각, 그리고 인간 본성에 대한 깊은 통찰력은 E. M. Forster 문학의 가장 큰 특징이라 할 수 있다.
E. M. Forster was a representative British novelist and essayist of the early 20th century. Born in 1879 and passing away in 1970, he studied at King's College, Cambridge University and maintained a deep relationship with the university throughout his life. Through his representative works such as Howards End, A Passage to India, and Places Angels Fear to Tread, he delicately portrayed class conflicts, cultural differences, and the inner world of individuals.
In particular, A Passage to India is a work that excellently depicts the clash between British imperialism and Indian culture, and it well demonstrates his literary achievements. His works based on humanistic values still have a great influence on the literary world to this day. He suffered from internal conflict due to his homosexual tendencies throughout his life, and this personal experience is indirectly reflected in his works.
In 1969, he was awarded the Order of the British Empire in recognition of his literary contributions. His novels have been adapted into films and TV dramas several times in modern times, and are widely read by new generations of readers. A critical view of social prejudice and customs, and a deep insight into human nature are the greatest characteristics of E. M. Forster's literature.
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