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The Turtle Filled with Starlight

심수현 지음

2024년 10월 28일 출간

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AI(생성형) 활용 제작 도서
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ISBN 9791198910073
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이 상품이 속한 분야

In a small animal village, there was a turtle named Byeol who resembled the starlight. Byeol was often ostracized by other animals. One day, an event was organized in the village—a mountain climbing competition. The animals raced up the steep mountain, but many gave up due to the challenge. Byeol, however, climbed slowly and steadily without giving up and eventually reached the top. News of Byeol’s perseverance spread throughout the village, and the culture of exclusion disappeared. The animals began to live harmoniously, with Byeol at the center of their newfound unity.

This book aims to address and improve the culture of exclusion and bullying, whether it arises from jealousy of someone better or disdain for someone perceived as weaker. It seeks to inspire readers not to despair over their weaknesses but to persevere and stay on their path.

This book was created with the hope of transforming our society—a society where individuals often ostracize others, even among close family members, relatives, classmates, colleagues, superiors, or even within small church groups. Such actions wound both those who are excluded and those who exclude, perpetuating a culture of emotional abuse. It is our aspiration to see a peaceful nation where neither bullies nor victims exist.

The unification of South and North Korea must begin with reconciliation between East and West, which requires a shift in those who promote division and factionalism in this land. By reading this book, we hope the next generation will reject the culture of school violence and emotional abuse, choosing instead to stand with gentle and kind victims of bullying. May they create righteous and beautiful environments in schools, academies, Sunday schools, and various organizations.

All proceeds from this book will be donated in full to Haber Entertainment to produce an album that brings bright hope. This album will feature visually impaired, severely disabled, hearing-impaired, and physically disabled individuals singing together with able-bodied participants, spreading a message of hope and harmony.

한 동물마을에 별빛을 닮은 거북이 별이가 있었습니다. 거북이 별이는 동물친구들에게서 따돌림을 당하고 있었습니다. 그런데 동물마을에 이벤트가 생기게 되었고, 산을 오르는 이벤트가 있게 되었죠. 동물들은 저마다 뛰어서 올라갔지만 산이 가파르고 힘들어 포기자가 속출하게 되었고 별이는 느리지만 끝까지 포기하지 않고 산을 올랐지요. 별이가 산을 올랐다는 것이 전해지며 동물마을에는 별이를 중심으로 따돌림의 문화는 사라지고 서로 사이좋게 살게 되었다는 이야기 입니다.

가정과 학교와 사회의 자신보다 나으면 따돌리거나 부족하면 무시하며 왕따를 시키는 문화를 개선하고 우리의 연약함에 좌절하지 않고 꾸준히 갈 길을 갈 수 있도록 힘을 주는 책입니다.

본인의 상처로 인하여 가까운 가족이나 친척,학우나 직장동료나 상사에게 심지어 교회 소그룹에서 조차 왕따를 시키는 이 시대의 문화가 개선되어져서 따돌리고 무시하며 왕따를 시키는 이들도 그것으로 정서적 학대를 당하는 이들도 없는 평안한 나라를 소망하는 마음으로 제작하였습니다.

남북통일은 동서화합이 되어야하고 그것은 이 땅에 만연한 편가르기와 분열을 조장하는 이들이 변화되어야 합니다.
다음 세대들이 이 책을 읽고 학교 폭력으로 정서적 학대를 하는 일진의 편이 아닌 착하고 순한 왕따들의 편이 되는 정의롭고 아름다운 학교와 학원과 주일학교와 여러 단체들을 스스로 만들어 가길 바랍니다.

수익금 전액은 하베르 엔터테인먼트 시각장애인분들과 중증 장애인과 청각장애인과 지체 장애인과 정상인들이 함께 밝은 희망을 노래하는 앨범제작에 전액 기부됩니다.

Questions and Answers for Haber

Why did the friends tease Byul?
How did Byul respond to the friends who teased her?
How did Byul find the courage to stay on her path despite her friends’ teasing?
Were there any friends who supported Byul?
If Byul forgave the friends who teased her, what would be her reason?
What education or changes are needed for the friends who mocked Byul?
What is Byul’s greatest strength?
How did Byul manage to stick to her goals even in difficult situations?
Why didn’t Byul give up, even while being mocked?
Is there a possibility that the friends who ignored Byul might regret their actions?
What message would Byul want to convey to the friends who mocked her?
What impact did the friends’ teasing have on Byul?
What help did Byul receive to overcome her difficulties?
If there is a reason for Byul’s slowness, what might it be?
What value did Byul consider most important in achieving her goals?
How can Byul be a good role model for her friends?
Will the friends who mocked Byul realize why they acted the way they did?
What efforts could Byul make to resolve conflicts with her friends?
When Byul shared her goals with her friends, how did they react?
What lessons can others learn from Byul’s story?
What was the greatest sense of accomplishment Byul felt after achieving her goal?
How can Byul bring about change in the world through her story?
What impact did ignoring Byul have on her friends?
How did Byul accept her own slow pace?
How did Byul overcome negative experiences with her friends after her success?
Did Byul manage to maintain a positive mindset despite her friends’ teasing?
How did Byul’s family support her?
What was the most important lesson Byul learned while achieving her dream?
Through her story, what kind of people does Byul want to help?
How did Byul treat the friends who mocked her, even after her success?
How might the situation have changed if Byul’s friends had supported her instead of teasing her?
What changes did Byul hope for in the friends who mocked her?
How could Byul’s success impact her friends?
How did Byul work on improving her slowness?
How can Byul’s actions and goals inspire her friends?
What might the friends who teased Byul think when they see her success?
What sacrifices did Byul make to achieve her goals?
What is an example of Byul turning her weaknesses into strengths?
What does Byul wish for from her friends?
What was the most important factor for Byul in overcoming teasing and achieving success?
If there were friends who helped Byul, what impact did they have on her?
What societal issues does Byul’s experience reveal?
If Byul showed compassion to the friends who mocked her after her success, why would she do so?
Why was Byul able to continue dreaming even while being teased?
Did Byul face further challenges after achieving her goals?
What message would Byul like to convey to others who are also slow?
What changes does Byul’s story demand from our society?
If Byul had failed to achieve her goals, how might she have dealt with that failure?
How did Byul maintain relationships with her friends while pursuing her dreams?
Do Byul’s struggles stem from societal structures, personal issues, or both?
Did the friends who teased Byul only tease her?
What might the family environment of the friends who ignored and mocked Byul be like?
When Byul reaches her destination, will there be friends who envy, ignore, and attack her?
If so, will they ignore and attack only Byul's success?
Why do bullies exist?
Why do people become victims of bullying?
Why do people abuse animals?
Why do abused animals have to endure such treatment?
What is needed for the culture of bullying to disappear?
Is Byul's personality gentle and kind, or strong and mean?
Are the friends who ridicule, mock, and ignore others right or wrong? Is being slow a mistake?
Have you ever achieved a goal despite being slow or making mistakes?
If you have, what was the experience like, and how did your family and friends react?
Have you ever experienced racial discrimination in an unfamiliar foreign country?
If you have, where did you face such discrimination, and what kind of people typically engage in racial discrimination? Discuss the issues involved.
What needs to happen for racial discrimination to improve?
Is there anything you wish to do in the future, even if you're not good at it?
After achieving her goal, how will Byul feel about the friends who couldn't achieve theirs?
If her friends apologize, how will Byul feel?
After achieving her goal, will there be friends who envy and attack Byul?
If so, how should Byul respond?
Share your dreams and how you would like to support your friend's dreams.


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