Discover Korean 101 Workbook
2021년 06월 21일 출간
국내도서 : 2022년 06월 01일 출간
- eBook 상품 정보
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- ISBN 9791158486259
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이 상품이 속한 분야
In unit 1, we have included questions to help learners acquire the basic reading and writing
skills of Korean through a step by step approach. We have included a pronunciation focus,
as well. Learners can learn the pronunciation of various vocabulary items based on their
understanding of the Hangul alphabet. Units 2 - encourage learners to practice speaking,
reading, listening and writing in an integrated way utilizing newly-introduced vocabulary and grammar in each unit.
The first section of each unit consists of questions that allow learners to practice the basic vocabulary of the unit. Vocabulary acquisition is facilitated by audio materials and a variety of illustrations, both of which provide meaningful additional practice. The second section of each unit contains examples to help learners apply the grammatical concepts learned in the unit. The third section consists of questions that allow learners to practice speaking and reading. The questions serve to guide learners in improving their ability to communicate in various situations. This is because the workbook is based on a communicative language teaching approach to foster the development of communication skills most appropriate for the real world. This section also provides various reading materials relating to the topic of each textbook unit to develop learners’eading skills, expand their knowledge, and enhance their understanding of grammar and vocabulary, all in ways which can be applied to their daily communication.
The fourth section includes questions for listening and writing practice. This section makes
use of high frequency, real world listening materials which allow learners to apply and utilize basic listening and writing skills in a variety of real-life situations.
In addition, given current learners’nterest in the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK), the
authors have included reading and listening questions in the fourth section that are similar
to those on the test. This provides learners an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the question style on the test prior to taking it.
In closing, we would like to wish you, the Korean language learner, the best of luck in your
studies. We sincerely hope that this workbook proves to be a useful resource on your journey.
1. Vowels
2. Consonants
3. Korean syllables
4. Pronunciation rules
듣기 (Listening) & 쓰기 (Writing)
2과 안녕하세요?
단어 (Vocabulary)
문법 (Grammar)
말하기 (Speaking) & 읽기 (Reading)
듣기 (Listening) & 쓰기 (Writing)
3과 어디 있어요?
단어 (Vocabulary)
문법 (Grammar)
말하기 (Speaking) & 읽기 (Reading)
듣기 (Listening) & 쓰기 (Writing)
4과 시간 있으세요?
단어 (Vocabulary)
문법 (Grammar)
말하기 (Speaking) & 읽기 (Reading)
듣기 (Listening) & 쓰기 (Writing)
5과 가족이 어떻게 돼요?
단어 (Vocabulary)
문법 (Grammar)
말하기 (Speaking) & 읽기 (Reading)
듣기 (Listening) & 쓰기 (Writing)
6과 지금 몇시예요?
단어 (Vocabulary)
문법 (Grammar)
말하기 (Speaking) & 읽기 (Reading)
듣기 (Listening) & 쓰기 (Writing)
저자(글) Hyeon Ho Lee
Hyeon Ho Lee, PhD, Northeast Normal University of Chang Chun, China
English editor: Terry Nelson, PhD, Macquarie University, Australia
이 상품의 총서
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