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로버트 W. 챔버스의 소녀 필리파

The Girl Philippa by Robert W. Chambers

2023년 08월 23일 출간

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ISBN 9791169985499
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<영어로 읽는 고전 _ 로버트 W. 챔버스의 소녀 필리파>
"The Girl Philippa"는 공포, 로맨스, 모험을 포함한 소설 작품으로 유명한 미국 작가 Robert W. Chambers가 쓴 소설로 1916년에 출판되었다.
Chambers는 역사적 사건과 설정을 소설에 통합하는 능력으로 유명했으며 "The Girl Philippa"는 이러한 소설의 하나다. 이 소설은 미국 역사의 중추적인 시기에 뉴욕시의 삶을 생생하게 묘사하는 동시에 인물들이 직면한 감정적, 개인적 도전을 탐구하고 있다.
"The Girl Philippa"는 매력적인 내러티브와 로맨스와 역사 드라마의 조화로 종종 찬사를 받았다.

<Classics to read in English _ The Girl Philippa by Robert W. Chambers>
"The Girl Philippa" is a novel published in 1916 by Robert W. Chambers, an American writer known for works of fiction that include horror, romance, and adventure.
Chambers was known for her ability to incorporate historical events and settings into her novels, and "The Girl Philippa" is one such novel. The novel vividly depicts life in New York City at a pivotal time in American history, while exploring the emotional and personal challenges faced by its characters.
"The Girl Philippa" was often praised for its engaging narrative and blend of romance and historical drama.


CHAPTER I. Somebody at Warner's elbow spoke to him in French.
CHAPTER II. Halkett cast a rapid glance around him;
CHAPTER III. Warner tucked his walking stick and straw hat under one arm and,
CHAPTER IV. Warner and the girl Philippa reëntered the Cabaret de Biribi together the uproar
CHAPTER V. Halkett had not slept well; all night long in the garden under
CHAPTER VI. Warner discovered him there in the garden, seated once more on the stone trough,
CHAPTER VII. Warner, conscientious but not hopeful, circulated among the easels of the Harem.
CHAPTER VIII. Halkett looked curiously at this specimen of a poster
CHAPTER IX. He shrank back flat against the wall, edged along it,
CHAPTER X. Philippa was plaiting grass stems when he finished his examination of the letter.
CHAPTER XI. When Warner and the girl Philippa arrived at the Golden Peach,
CHAPTER XII. The green door in the garden wall had been perforated
CHAPTER XIII. A pale streak of daybreak along the eastern hills,
CHAPTER XIV. The terrific impact of the blow sent Halkett reeling across the threshold.
CHAPTER XV. Wheeling in spirals now above the river meadow, the great,
CHAPTER XVI. Warner entered a paved lane leading up the slope, between two high, stucco walls.
CHAPTER XVII. He had little difficulty in gaining the cellar from the washroom.
CHAPTER XVIII. The next instant Warner struck the door such a blow with his doubled fist
CHAPTER XIX. About seven o'clock the next morning Halkett knocked at Warner's door,
CHAPTER XX. About noon a British soldier in uniform and mounted on a motor cycle
CHAPTER XXI. A line regiment came swinging along from the south,
CHAPTER XXII. Madame de Moidrey, strolling with Warner on the south terrace
CHAPTER XXIII. Philippa's trunk had gone to the Château des Oiseaux,
CHAPTER XXIV. Below the carved stone balustrade of the north terrace acres and
CHAPTER XXV. That the precious pair believed Warner to be paralyzed with terror was evident.
CHAPTER XXVI. Warner awoke with a start; somebody was knocking on his door.
CHAPTER XXVII. The journey back along the Ausone road was a slow and stifling one.
CHAPTER XXVIII. Philippa, curled up in the punt, had fashioned for herself a chaplet of river lilies.
CHAPTER XXIX. The first streak of tarnished silver in the east aroused the sleeping batteries beyond Ausone.
CHAPTER XXX. It was still very early as Warner walked up to the Golden Peach,
CHAPTER XXXI. As they reached the plateau above the school and
CHAPTER XXXII. Warner began the full-length portrait—
CHAPTER XXXIII. Warner, dressing for dinner, stood looking down from his window at the Saïs road.
CHAPTER XXXIV. Dinner was ended.
CHAPTER XXXV. The growling and muttering of German guns in the north
CHAPTER XXXVI. As Warner returned to his own room, two thoughts persisted
CHAPTER XXXVII. The hussars conducted him toward headquarters.
CHAPTER XXXVIII. The sun was a crimson disk through the dust;

"The Girl Philippa"는 미국 독립 전쟁 당시를 배경으로 한 역사 로맨스 소설이다. 이 이야기는 영국 점령 기간 동안 뉴욕에 살았던 젊은 여성 Philippa Carroll의 삶과 경험을 중심으로 전개된다. 이 소설은 필리파가 시대의 정치적, 사회적 혼란에 연루되면서 사랑, 충성심, 개인적 성장의 문제를 헤쳐나가는 여정을 이야기 한다.

"The Girl Philippa" is a historical romance novel set during the American Revolutionary War. The story revolves around the life and experiences of Philippa Carroll, a young woman who lived in New York during the British occupation. The novel tells the story of Philippa's journey through the challenges of love, loyalty and personal growth as she becomes involved in the political and social turmoil of her time.

고전을 읽는 다는 것은 우리 보다 앞선 세대를 살아간 위인과 작가들과 교제를 하는 것이다. 우리 보다 훌륭한 삶을 살다 간 사람들을 만나고 교제하는 시간이고 공간이다. 이를 통해 당대의 삶, 사회, 역사. 사상, 철학 등을 만날 수 있고 그것을 기반으로 우리는 삶, 일, 인간, 세상, 우주에 대해 교훈을 얻고 그들보다 더 나은 인간이 될 수 있는 기회를 가지는 것이다.

이 책은 영국 작가 로버트 W. 챔버(Robert W. Chambers)의 작품으로 오늘날에도 중요한 메시지를 주는 고전을 메타버스 시대에 맞추어 전자책으로 새롭게 출판을 하는 것은, 누구나 어디서, 편리하게 스마트폰이나 테블릿 등 디지털 기기로 읽을 수 있도록 하기 위해서다.

고전 작품을 원서로 구매해 읽기는 원하는 독자들이 있다. 하지만 원서를 구입하는데 시간이 많이 소요되고 비용도 꽤 든다. 독자들의 이러한 문제를 해결하고 원할 때 쉽게 빨리 구매해 언제 어디서나 읽을 수 있도록 전자책으로 출판하였다.

To read the classics is to have fellowship with great men and writers who lived a generation before us. It is a time and space to meet and fellowship with people who have lived a better life than ours. Through this, the life, society, and history of the time. We can meet ideologies and philosophies, and based on them, we have the opportunity to learn lessons about life, work, humans, the world, and the universe and become better human beings than them.

This book is the work of British writer Robert W. Chambers, and new publication of classics that give important messages even today as e-books in line with the metaverse era is convenient for anyone, anywhere, on a smartphone or tablet. to be readable by digital devices.

There are readers who want to buy and read classic works in original. However, it takes a lot of time to purchase the application form and costs quite a bit. It was published as an e-book so that readers could solve this problem and purchase it easily and quickly when they wanted to read it anytime, anywhere.


로버트 W. 챔버스(1865~1933)는 미국의 예술가이자 작가로, 이상하고 초자연적인 소설 장르에 기여한 것으로 가장 잘 알려져 있다. 그는 19세기 말과 20세기 초에 공포, 판타지, 로맨스의 요소를 혼합한 상상력이 풍부하고 분위기 있는 이야기로 상당한 인기를 얻었다.
그의 가장 유명한 작품은 공포와 판타지 장르에 속하는 "The King in Yellow"다. 이 작품은 정신 이상의 허구의 연극에 대한 언급으로 연결되어 있으며 퇴폐, 광기, 현실과 초자연 사이의 흐릿한 경계라는 주제를 다루고 있다.

로버트 W. 챔버스는 또한 예술적이고 판타지적인 그림과 일러스트로도 유명하다. 그의 작품은 그 당시 미국과 유럽의 예술적 영향을 반영하고 있다.
Chambers의 작품은 H.P. 우주적 공포와 실존적 공포를 불러일으키는 챔버스의 능력에 찬사를 보낸 러브크래프트. Lovecraft는 심지어 Chambers의 이야기 요소를 자신의 신화에 통합하기도 했다.

Robert W. Chambers (1865–1933) was an American artist and writer best known for his contributions to the strange and supernatural fiction genre. He gained considerable popularity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries for his imaginative and atmospheric stories that blended elements of horror, fantasy, and romance.
His most famous work is "The King in Yellow", which belongs to the horror and fantasy genre. The work is linked by a reference to a fictional play of insanity and deals with themes of decadence, insanity, and the blurred line between reality and the supernatural.

Robert W. Chambers is also known for his artistic and fantasy paintings and illustrations. His work reflects the artistic influences of the United States and Europe at the time.
Chambers's work was published by H.P. Lovecraft praised Chambers for his ability to evoke cosmic and existential fear. Lovecraft even incorporated elements of Chambers' story into his own mythology.

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    로버트 W. 챔버스의 소녀 필리파
    The Girl Philippa by Robert W. Chambers
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