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A Dog Barking at the Moon (달 보고 짖는 개)

Essays on 100 Korean Proverbs (영어 에세이로 해석한 한국속담 100개) Volume V
조무정 지음

2023년 07월 07일 출간

종이책 : 2023년 06월 07일 출간

(개의 리뷰)
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이 상품이 속한 분야

The beauty of a proverb rests in its simplicity. Any children can use them as they see fit and refine them as they grow older with newer wisdom.

If there is one unique feature in Korean old sayings, it would be gentleness, often with humor derived from the everyday lives of average citizens. They are as if the sharp edges have been worn down through continuous use over many years. They are rolling hills under the blue sky peppered with lazy white clouds, never the Alps or the Himalayas under a windy snowstorm. They are small, gentle streams with the peaceful sound of a lullaby, never the deafening thunder of Niagara Falls.

A collection of 100 essays, A Dog Barking at the Moon, again introduces 100 Korean proverbs. It is a sequel to the first four titles, The Tongue Can Break Bones (사람의 혀는 뼈가 없어도 사람의 뼈를 부순다), Easier to See Love Leaving than Arriving (드는 정은 몰라도 나는 정은 안다), A Hole Gets Bigger Whenever You Work on It (구멍은 깎을수록 커진다), and The Dragon is Easier to Draw Than the Snake (안 본 용은 그려도, 본 뱀은 못 그리겠다). Collectively, these essays show how universal the wisdom therein is in both Eastern and Western cultures throughout generations.

About the Author

Cho Moo-Jung (조무정) lived in Korea for the first 24 years of his life. After successive post-baccalaureate degrees in Canada and the United States, he spent 17 years working as a pharmaceutical chemist for Upjohn (currently Pfizer) and 23 years as a professor at the Eshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina. After retiring in 2013, he began interpreting Korean proverbs to disseminate the wisdom therein primarily to the Westerners.

M. J. Cho and June have resided in Donghae Silvertown, Gangwon Province, Korea since December 2022.

401. Knowledge brings about troubling thoughts. 아는 것이 병이다.
402. You can skip daegam’s funeral but not that of his horse. 대감 죽은 데는 안 가도 대감 말 죽은 데는 간다.
403. Go to the countryside to learn the news in Seoul. 서울 소식은 시골 가서 들어라.
404. Tears upon the first drink. 한 잔 술에 눈물 난다.
405. Break fighting, offer mediation. 싸움은 말리고 흥정은 붙이랬다.
406. Explanation by a girl having a baby. 처녀가 애를 낳고도 할 말이 있다.
407. Urinating onto frozen feet. 언 발에 오줌 누기.
408. Meant to draw a tiger, not a cat. 호랑이 그리려다가 고양이 그린다.
409. Making others shed tears will make you bleed from your eyes. 남의 눈에 눈물 내면 제 눈에는 피가 난다.
410. A beggar is more miserable in an abundant year. 풍년 거지 더 서럽다.
411. A yangban prefers drowning to dog-paddling. 양반은 물에 빠져도 개헤엄은 안 한다.
412. Turn around if the road ends. 막다른 골목이 되면 돌아선다.
413. Hearing ten times is not as worthy as seeing once. 열 번 듣는 것이 한 번 보는 것만 못하다.
414. An abscess on her back on her wedding day. 시집갈 날 등창이 난다.
415. People shared a meal fight in a court. 한 솥의 밥 먹고 송사 간다.
416. Even a dog comes to you when called. 이웃집 개도 부르면 온다.
417. Kick a jagged rock to pain the foot. 돌부리를 차면 발부리만 아프다.
418. One bushel returned on one gallon lent. 되로 주고 말로 받는다.
419. The life of a fly is what we have. 파리 목숨 같다.
420. Can’t taste boiling soup. 끓는 국에 맛을 모른다.
421. A ghost’s wailing. 귀신이 곡할 노릇이다.
422. Heading for Seoul leaving eyebrows behind. 서울 가는 놈이 눈썹 빼고 간다.
423. The trumpeter at the end of a parade. 행차 뒤에 나팔.
424. Monk’s comb. 중의 빗.
425. Even crabs know their place. 게도 제 구멍이 아니면 들어가지 않는다.
426. You can have meals at different places but sleep in one place. 밥은 열 곳에 가 먹어도 잠은 한 곳에서 자랬다.
427. The tongue cannot touch the bottom of the heart. 혀가 깊(길)어도 마음속까지는 닿지 않는다.
428. A bigger thief catches the smaller ones. 큰 도둑이 작은 도둑을 잡는다
429. A hungry tiger devours even a eunuch. 호랑이가 굶으면 환관도 먹는다.
430. At best, a flea’s jump. 뛰어야 벼룩.
431. The pine looks greener during the wintertime. 겨울이 다 되어야 솔이 푸른 줄 안다.
432. A silly dog barking in a field. 개 못 된 것은 들에 가 짖는다.
433. A dog from the seashore is not afraid of the tiger. 바닷가 개는 호랑이 무서운 줄 모른다.
434. Becoming kimchi of green onion. 파김치가 되다.
435. Loud snores from the ledger. 곁방살이 코 곤다.
436. A gourd dipper for avoiding thunder. 쪽박 쓰고 벼락 피한다.
437. No power lasts 10 years, no flower lasts 10 days. 십 년 세도 없고, 열흘 붉은 꽃 없다.
438. An awl in the pocket. 주머니에 들어간 송곳이라.
439. A beggar receiving a horse. 거지가 말 얻은 격.
440. No sleep, no dreams. 잠을 자야 꿈을 꾸지.
441. Lending is easier than collecting. 앉아 주고 서서 받는다.
442. A hut is burnt down, so are bedbugs. 삼간초가 다 타도 빈대 죽어 좋다.
443. A sleepy daughter-in-law to a dozing family. 조는 집에 자는 며느리 들어온다.
444. Wild strawberries in dead winter. 동지 때 개딸기.
445. A dagger in the smile. 웃음 속에 칼이 있다.
446. Mountain to hunt pheasants, sea to catch fish. 산엘 가야 꿩을 잡고, 바다엘 가야 고길 잡는다.
447. Say tomorrow what you want to say now. 하고 싶은 말은 내일 하렸다.
448. Even a rabbit digs three burrows. 토끼도 세 굴을 판다.
449. An impatient man pays for drinks in advance. 성급한 놈 술값 먼저 낸다.
450. Would a hungry tiger not devour a yangban? 배고픈 호랑이가 원님을 알랴?
451. Give a disease and offer its treatment. 병 주고 약 준다.
452. The candlestick in a sanctuary. 전당 잡은 촛대 같다.
453. Plenty to see, little to eat. 눈은 풍년이나 입은 흉년이다.
454. Swallow if sweet, spit if sour. 달면 삼키고 쓰면 뱉는다.
455. One slack summer day brings ten-day hunger in the winter. 여름에 하루 놀면 겨울에 열흘 굶는다.
456. Gangtaegong, fishing with a straight hook. 강태공의 곧은 낚시질.
457. Complaining of short breath while holding the nose. 코 막고 숨 막힌다고 한다.
458. Darkest is beneath the candle. 등잔 밑이 어둡다.
459. Excessive meddling. 오지랖이 넓다.
460. Slap on the face in return for kindness. 제 것 주고 뺨 맞는다.
461. Hiccup during yawning. 하품에 딸꾹질.
462. Raising a tiger cub to fret. 범을 길러 화를 받는다.
463. Like mixing water with water, alcohol with alcohol. 물에 물 탄 듯 술에 술 탄 듯.
464. Bad ending with a bad start. 시작이 나쁘면 끝도 나쁘다.
465. Treasure in livelihood is a quick eye. 살림에는 눈이 보배라.
466. Trying to comb the hair of a turtle. 거북이 등의 털을 긁는다.
467. No Hercules under lashes. 매 위에 장사 없다.
468. The rolling pearl on the jade tray. 옥반에 진주 구르듯.
469. Ordering diapers during the first trimester. 아이도 낳기 전에 기저귀 장만한다.
470. Ten big mouths couldn’t form a single word. 입이 열이라도 할 말이 없다.
471. A vicious dog, ever with a scarred snout. 사나운 개 콧등 아물 날이 없다.
472. A soliloquy learned by ears. 얻어 들은 풍월.
473. A son-in-law is a guest of one hundred years. 사위는 백년 손이라.
474. A blind man gets upset when reminded of his handicap. 눈먼 소경더러 눈멀었다 하면 성낸다.
475. Full and short months follow each other. 한 달이 크면 한 달이 작다.
476. Even a dog doesn’t get sick in early summer. 오뉴월 감기는 개도 안 앓는다.
477. Breaking a gourd dipper that is begging for a penny. 동냥도 아니 주고 쪽박만 깬다.
478. Having a hiccup while yawning. 하품에 딸꾹질.
479. Asking a cat to look after fish. 고양이에게 생선을 맡기다.
480. A maiden unsuitable for a palankeen ride to her wedding. 가마 타고 시집가기는 틀렸다.
481. The eagle cannot catch a fly. 독수리는 파리를 못 잡는다.
482. A man gets drunk just passing by a barley field. 보리밭만 지나가도 주정한다.
483. Trying to sweat in a cold room after a cold drink. 찬물 먹고 냉동 방에서 땀 낸다.
484. Following friends to Gangnam. 친구 따라 강남 간다.
485. Noisy Cheon-an interchange. 떠들기는 천안 삼거리.
486. Pseudo-fengshui destroys a house. 반풍수 집안 망친다.
487. A dead prime minister is not as worthy as a live dog. 죽은 정승이 산 개 만 못하다.
488. June is the month for grasshoppers. 메뚜기도 유월이 한철이다.
489. Spoiled beans, still inside a sot (솥). 팥이 풀어져도 솥 안에 있다.
490. A rookie thief forgets when the sun rises. 늦게 배운 도둑이 날 새는 줄 모른다.
491. Acupuncture onto the nostril of a sleeping tiger. 자는 범 코침 주기.
492. Cleansing nasal drippings while pulling an arrow. 활을 당기어 콧물을 씻는다.
493. Blocking eyes with a leaf. 가랑잎으로 눈 가르기.
494. Having lunch after letting visitors leave. 나그네 보내고 점심 한다.
495. One stick for ten blind men. 열 소경에 한 막대.
496. A pearl on a pigtail ribbon. 댕기 끝에 진주.
497. A dog barking at the moon. 달 보고 짖는 개.
498. Sorry to see a heater gone in the summer. 여름 불도 쬐다 나면 섭섭하다.
499. A mother porcupine insists her baby has soft skin. 고슴도치도 제 새끼는 함함하다고 한다.
500. The Great Wall built during an overnight stay. 하룻밤을 자도 만리성을 쌓는다.

INDEX (in essay number)

410. A beggar is more miserable in an abundant year.
풍년 거지 더 서럽다.

This year happens to be a year of a very successful harvest and hence the sustenance is aplenty for everybody including the poorest among the poor. Nonetheless, here is a particular beggar who feels sad and depressed because others seem to be having a greater time than him in this year of abundance. The year of excellent harvest is Romanized here as poong-nyun
(풍년), where poong and nyun mean plenty and year, respectively.
As I have been going about my life neither very poorly nor exceedingly well, witnessing how well others are doing is like watching a rapid stream passing by while I am standing still. In effect, I feel I am moving backward. When I am in a terrible situation, the last thing I want to see or hear about is how happy and successful other people are. Others may call it a bellyache from jealousy but it isn’t the whole story. The narcissist in me has always kept me in the center and front of the world I live in and I have seldom lacked self-esteem. Besides, I am fully aware of the subjective nature of happiness. Yet, quite often I wish there are other people with whom I can share my misery, as in “misery loves company.”
Would this uneasiness reflect the competitiveness in all of us? Is this an acquired trait or an instinct we were born with? No matter, it is unsettling.
As the Chinese have been prospering in recent years, Americans start to feel “threatened” economically as well as militarily. Extrapolating all recent relevant data seem to predict that it would be a matter of time before they will surpass the US on both counts. And think about the humongous size of their population that seems to be marching in lockstep forward under an autocratic government. If they have some social unrest, say, on the subject of LGBTQ, we do not hear about it through free presses in China. With this uneasy prospect, born was the so-called China Initiative in 2018 during the Trump era. It is being continued under President Joe Biden. This US Department of Justice program was designed to protect the top national security priority. The Initiative is to identify and prosecute those responsible for China\'s widespread theft of hundreds of billions of dollars a year in American trade secrets and intellectual property.
In December last year, the former Chair of the Chemistry Department at Harvard University, Charles Lieber, was convicted by a federal jury in connection with lying to federal authorities about his affiliation with the Wuhan University of Technology as well as failing to report the income he received from them. While his legal defense team maintained that they “will keep up the fight.” no date has been set for sentencing.
In a similar incident, MIT professor Gang Chen was arrested at 6:30 AM in front of his family, handcuffed, described as loyal to China in public, and charged for having concealed seven Chinese affiliations in applications for $2.7 million in grants from the U.S. Energy Department. In the end, however, the charge was all dismissed because the prosecutors realized that Dr. Chen was not obliged to disclose those affiliations. \"I am no longer the Gang Chen I was before,\" he said.
It was reported by CBS in January this year that there are still six China Initiative cases pending against researchers, three of whom are American citizens of Chinese ethnicity. One of these cases was the criminal trial of Feng Tao, a chemical engineering professor at the University of Kansas. It began on March 21 at a federal court in Kansas City. Tao was accused of lying about his ties to China and faced eight charges: six for wire fraud involving emails and electronic submissions of forms, and the other two for making false statements to the University and the US Department of Energy. Just two days ago, on April 7, a jury found him guilty of three counts of wire fraud and one count of making false statements. The verdict followed a twoweek-long trial that had drawn the attention of civil rights activists. The latter group claimed the Initiative unfairly targeted Chinese Americans. Deliberation for sentencing has just begun.
I am now concerned about one of my previous colleagues and a friend, Leaf Huang at the University of North Carolina. He is also a Chinese American and has trained Chinese students, post-doctoral fellows, and visiting scholars. Just like the other three professors quoted above, he is also a world-renown scientist in our field of molecular pharmaceutics.
The US government’s overly jealous scrutiny of research collaborations with China bothers me greatly. Is this trend a new form of McCarthyism in the academia of science and technology? Such sentiment will not go away so long as China remains prosperous and a “threat” to the US. Albeit somewhat tangent to the main topic, this is an unfortunate and sad analogy we can derive from the above proverb. (04/09/2022)

- 38~39쪽

470. Ten big mouths couldn’t form a single word.
입이 열이라도 할 말이 없다.

Early in the morning of June 28, 1950, just three days after the North Korean army started to invade the South, all three bridges over the Han River were let exploded intentionally to slow down the advancement of the invaders. The river circles the southern perimeter of Seoul and the move was then considered prudent. This incident was briefly introduced in Entry #348, “The more you bang the drum, the more noise you create.”
However, it was later determined that the blasting was almost seven hours premature, resulting in little time for citizens and military personnel to escape Seoul. It resulted in a significant loss to not only six South Korean army divisions and several tens of policemen but also heavy military equipment. A crude estimate was that 44,000 South Korean soldiers were captured or killed by the North Army. More to the point was that as many as 1.5 million citizens, including our family, were not able to flee to the South and had to suffer a great deal of hardship under the North occupation for several months.
A hurriedly assembled investigation later found Colonel Choe Chang-sik ultimately responsible for the fiasco. Choe was arrested on August 28 and executed by a firing squad on September 21. Choe was born while the country was still under Japanese occupation. In 1942 he graduated Japanese Military Academy and was appointed as a second lieutenant in engineering, a position he also held when Korea became independent in 1948. Within a year he was quickly promoted to colonel, reflecting the unsettling time involving Korean independence. He was found guilty as a colonel in the
In 1962, 12 years after the explosion of the bridges, his son requested a re-trial and was successful in clearing his father’s name posthumously. In 2013, Choe’s mortuary tablet was finally restored and placed in the National Memorial Garden. The truth thus prevailed albeit many years later, certainly better than never. In 2020, at the 70th anniversary of the explosion, there was a special monument dedicated to the event and his son was invited. He declined the invite saying that he doesn’t want to even look at a newly built bridge anymore.
As expected, the unfortunate event has been a subject of continued debate. On one hand, Choe maintained that he had just followed an order from his superiors, Shin Sung-mo and Chae Byung-deok. These generals later became the Secretary of Defense and Field-Marshal, respectively. On the other hand, someone must be responsible for the loss of lives and military properties incurred from the explosion. Why were none of his bosses ever tried? Where does the inquiry stop in the rank and file? We saw a similar defense from many war criminals at the Nuremberg Trials including those executioners at the Auschwitz concentration camp.
There were many people involved in the explosion of the bridges over the Han River including Choe’s superiors and all the way up to then-President Syngman Rhee. As I read about the


저자(글) 조무정

함흥에서 8형제 중 막내로 출생 (1943), 서울로 도피 (1948), 부산 피난 생활 (1950-51), 삼광초등학교 (1956), 경기고 57회 (1961), 서울약대 (1966), 유유산업 (현재의 유유제약) (1966-67), 브리티쉬 컬럼비아 대학 (석사 1970), 캔사스 주립대학 (박사 1973), 업죤 (현재의 파이저) 제약회사 (1973-1990), 쉬카고 대학 (사바티칼 1979-80), 노스캐롤라이나 주립대학 (약학대학 교수 1990-2013), 은퇴 (2013), 채플힐에서 라스베가스로 이주 (2018), 한국으로 역이민 (2022). 저서로는 “사람의 혀는 뼈가 없어도 사람의 뼈를 부순다” (2019), “드는 정은 몰라도 나는 정은 안다” (2020), “구멍은 깎을수록 커진다” (2021), “안 본 용은 그려도 본 뱀은 못 그리겠다” (2022), “달 보고 짖는 개” (2023)가 있다.

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