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2023 Consumer Trend Insights(트렌드 코리아 영문판)

낭독자 Michel Lamblin

2022년 11월 30일 출간

국내도서 : 2022년 11월 30일 출간

총 시간
0시간 44
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오디오북 상품 정보
듣기 가능 오디오
제공 언어 한국어
파일 정보 mp3 (61.00MB)
ISBN 9788959897148
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2023 Consumer Trend Insights(트렌드 코리아 영문판) 총 1회

44분 61.00MB


이 상품이 속한 분야

해마다 출간 즉시 종합 베스트셀러 1위를 차지하는 최고의 트렌드서, 〈트렌드 코리아〉 시리즈를 영어로 만난다. K-Pop과 K-Food, K-Contents에 전 세계가 주목하는 가운데, 이제 K-Trend에 세계를 리드한다. 국내외 대기업 및 다국적 기업의 외국인 임원, 국내에 주재하고 있는 외국인 비즈니스맨과 언론사 특파원, 해외 투자자에게는 물론이고, 국내외 비즈니스 현장에서 활용할 수 있는 트렌디한 영어 표현에 목말라 하는 국내 영어 학습자들에게도 반가운 책이 될 것이다.

세계화의 종말, 갈등과 분열, 그리고 전쟁. 수십 년간 이어져 온 평화와 공존의 시대는 막을 내리고 엄청난 위기감 속에서 사람들은 다가올 미래를 두려워한다. 자산시장 및 증시의 버블붕괴는 마치 2008년 글로벌 경제위기의 데자뷔를 보는 듯하다. 제2의 외환위기 경고도 들려온다. 매우 부정적인 전망이 압도하는 2023년을 목전에 두고 있는 지금, 소비 트렌드 전망에서 가장 중요한 것은 무엇이 반복되고 무엇이 달라질 것인가를 구별하는 작업일 것이다. 즉, ‘불황기의 소비 패턴’을 과거와 비교해보는 것이고, 또 하나는 ‘소비의 전형성’이 사라지는 시대의 흐름을 분석하는 것이다. 변화의 속도가 더욱 빨라지는 2023 대한민국. 소비자들은 어떤 선택을 할 것인가?

영문판은 한글판을 최대한 충실히 옮기되 단어 대 단어의 직역을 피하고 글로벌 시장에서 일하는 기획자와 마케터, 디자이너, 사업가들이 보다 쉽게 이해하고 받아들일 수 있도록 조정 작업을 거쳤다. 글로벌 시장의 ‘테스트 베드’ 역할을 하는 한국 시장과 한국 소비자에 대한 이해는 글로벌 시장에 대한 이해에도 도움을 줄 것이다.
004 Authors
008 Preface

Ten Keywords

025 Redistribution of the Average
055 Arrival of a New Office Culture: ‘Office Big Bang’
079 Born Picky, Cherry-sumers
105 Buddies with a Purpose: ‘Index Relationship’
133 Irresistible! The ‘New Demand Strategy’
163 Thorough Enjoyments: ‘Digging Momentum’
187 Jumbly Generation Alpha
217 Unveiling Proactive Technology
239 Magic of Real Spaces
265 Peter Pan and the Neverland Syndrome

However, a recession does not necessarily translate to a decline in overall consumption. Instead, the luxury market trends to grow and not just because income disparities are widening. This is because demand for so-called “small luxury” items, products that create new demand, remain strong even during recessions. Therefore, even amid a recession, new growth opportunities can be found if the market is viewed through a detailed breakdown by consumer segment, rather than from a broader perspective. 2023 is said to be a year of recession, but there have been significant changes over the past few years. There have been rapid technological advances, and new apps, virtual worlds, remote work, and the digital economy have all developed significantly. Moreover, a generational change is taking place with the main consumer group now moving towards Generation MZ. Thus, the key is to anticipate what kind of new trends will arise when these ongoing changes collide with the cyclical economic downturn. - 13~14p.

This trend is not just evident in personal life. The standard of good products, mainstream opinions, and what constitutes as “normal,” which until now has been expressed as an average value, is on shaky ground. People instead gravitate toward extremely unique products and are split by strong opinions on both ends o the spectrum. As the distinction between what is normal and abnormal is starting to become accepted as being “different” rather than “wrong,” and as the world starts to view and value diversity more positively, the idea of something being normal and average is gradually losing its place. In Consumer Trend Insights 2023, we will call the phenomenon of the disappearance of the “normal” standard that has been widely accepted in the market and society, as well as in the lives and values of individuals, as the “Disappearing Average” trend. - 27~28p.

As the world becomes increasingly connected, the phenomenon of unipolarity sometimes appears in the form of a mania. As information spreads instantly, the strength and speed of a fad or trend becomes stronger and spreads faster. When considering the release of a movie in the past, there was a time difference in release dates between countries, so the box office performance in other countries played an important role in garnering attention for the film. Now, movies are released simultaneously through video streaming platforms and the global content rankings are updated in real time and announced daily. Content that tops these global rankings acts as a powerful magnet that makes people want to watch it too. - 49p.

With quitters on the rise, the job search platform market is booming. Remote coaching services catering to employees planning their exit from the workplace are also on the rise. Business card management app Remember is operating a career recruitment and job search called “Remember Career,” and job platform companies such as Job Planet also provide a recruiting service that offers job changes proposals if users upload their résumés. The IT industry is actively operating an internal referral system that compensates employees who have recommended talent. The retention rate of new employees who have recommended talent. The retention rate of new employees is higher if they are recommended by employees who are familiar with the internal workings of the organization, according to a human resources manager in the IT industry. People who don’t plan to stay in the company for a long time don’t like promotions. At Hyundai Motor Group there is even an internal term, “jingeoja(진거자),” that is used to refer to employees that refuse promotion to become managers. - 63p.

Some will view the emergence of Cherry-sumers as a temporary change while consumers cope with an economic downturn. But given the ongoing trend in managing consumption amid the growing number of single-person households, it is likely to be a trend that will continue even once the economy bounces back in the future. So, how should companies adapt to Cherry-sumerism? If companies used to view Cherry-sumers as a small group of consumers trying to cut corners amid a recession, they will now need to upend that stereotype. It would also be a mistake to classify them as “black consumers from hell” just looking for freebies, or to overlook them as consumers only looking for quick deals. At the same time, overdoing discounts is not the answer either. As the number of Cherry-sumers who want smaller portions and more flexible spending options increases, it is time to devise an appropriate strategy to match. - 101~102p.

Compared with the past, defining a “close relationship” is now much more complicated. Data from a Gen Z relationship analysis workshop conducted by Seoul National University’s Consumer Trend Analysis Center found that Gen Zers classified relationships in which they share their study sessions with a study buddy in real time over Zoom, and other online relationships conducted mainly through social media, as being closer relationships than those with friends they met once or twice a year in an offline setting. Offline relationships no longer take precedence over their online counterparts. How did this result come to be? The reason is that the criteria by which people determine the closeness of relationships has become more complex compared with the past. - 116p.

Creative thinking is required to come up with a new product that can attract consumers. Companies have to intentionally deviate from the norm, make new attempts as much as possible, dig deep into consumer tastes, and be armed with a fresh and open mindset. In order to do that, companies must redefine their technology and offer consumers the excitement of the unexpected. Yet even then, if this creative thinking process is not based on a consumer-oriented point of view, it is difficult to succeed in the market. Sony’s Betamax video format, which featured advanced technology at the time but still failed to create demand and set a new standard in the market, or 3D TV, which despite huge marketing efforts did not survive because consumers were uncomfortable wearing special glasses, are representative examples. - 161~162p.

Now, for Gen Alpha, the concept of having the highest grades in the whole school or being that one stellar umchina, doesn’t work like it used to. Rather, those high achievers tend to be less popular. Instead, being good in just one field, be it running or badminton or something of the like, is enough to gain recognition. Gen Alpha accepts that giving up hope because of poor grades, the new generation just acknowledges their differences and does the best they can in their own areas. However. due to increased self-centeredness, they are also a generation that believes they are each the most important person in the world. That underlies Gen Alpha’s belief that “each and every one of us is a celebrity.” - 194p.

In Korean society, living younger than one’s actual age is becoming a virtue. “You look so young” is considered a much bigger compliment than “you look great.” Kidults, who obsess over collecting children’s toys, had until now been regards as a minority group of extreme fans with far from mainstream tasted. The perception of kidults has since been changing, shifting more towads awe and admiration. Now, adults do not confine themselves to fit within the traditional stereotype of how adults should look or act, but value pursuing happiness in their own way. - 267~268p.


저자(글) 김난도

Rando Kim is a professor in the Dept. of Consumer Science(DCS), Seoul National University(SNU) and the head of Consumer Trend Center(CTC), SNU. As a specialist in consumer behavior and market trend analysis, he has written more than 20 books including Trend Korea series, Trend China, What Consumers Want, and Luxury Korea. He has also written essay books, Amor Fati, Future and My Job, and Youth, It’s Painful which have sold three million copies in 14 countries. He has conducted research projects about consumer needs finding, new product planning, and market trend probing for Korea’s major companies like Samsung, LG, SK, CJ, Hyundai Motors, Amore Pacific, Lotte, Fursys, Nongshim, and Coway.

저자(글) 전미영

Miyoung Jeon currently works as a research fellow in the CTC, SNU. She worked as a research analyst at the Samsung Economic Research Institute. She obtained her BA, MA, and PhD degrees in Consumer Science, SNU. She wrote her Ph.D. dissertation and subsequent articles about purchasing behavior and consumer happiness. She received ‘The Best Publication Award’ from the Korean Society of Consumer Studies in 2008. She is interested in tracking consumer trends in Korea and China as well as big data analysis for new product development and industrial applications.

저자(글) 최지혜

Jihye Choi, Ph.D. in Consumer Science from DCS, SNU, works as a research fellow at CTC. She has participated in many consulting projects with Korea’s leading companies such as Samsung and LG, and gives public lectures on consumer trends. She currently teaches consumer behavior and qualitative research methodology at SNU. She contributes many articles and columns to major Korean newspapers and media.

저자(글) 이수진

Soojin Lee earned a doctorate degrees in Consumer Science from SNU and currently works as a research fellow at CTC. Prior to joining the center, she was a stock market reporter on Maeil Economic TV. As a contributing researcher, she is conducting a number of consulting projects with Korea’s major companies such as Samsung, LG, etc., and received ‘The Best Publication Award’ from the Korean Academic Society of Financial Planning in 2018. Also, as a lecturer she teaches consumer culture and consumer psychology at SNU.

저자(글) 권정윤

Jung Yoon Kwon currently works as a research fellow in the CTC, SNU. She obtained her BA, MA, and PhD degrees in Consumer Science, SNU. She academically explored the intergenerational transmission of consumption styles in her PhD dissertation. Her interests include rapidly changing modern society, its impact on consumer cultures, and various research methodologies to capture them.

저자(글) 이준영

June Young Lee currently works as an associate professor in SangMyung University. He received a doctorate degree in Consumer Science, SNU. He received ‘The Best Paper Award’ in The Journal of Consumer Studies. He worked as a senior researcher in Life Soft Research lab at LG Electronics. He is a laboratory chief of Consumer Research Center in SangMyung University.

저자(글) 이향은

Hyang Eun Lee is a Vice President of LG Electronics, H&A Customer eXperience(CX) Division, and an associate Professor in the Dept. of Service Design Engineering at Sungshin Women’s University. While being a corporate professional and a professor, she co-authored numerous trend insight books and is a renowned columnist for JoongAng Newspaper. She received a PhD in Design from the Graduate School of Arts, SNU, and a master’s degree in Design Management from Central Saint Martins in London, England.

저자(글) 한다혜

Dahye Han is a PhD candidate in Consumer Science, SNU and is currently a senior researcher at CTC. She received a BA in Psychology, SNU and an MA degree in Consumer Science, SNU. With her masters thesis, “A Study on Consumer Emotion Changes in Online Clothing Purchasing Process,” her research interests focus on consumer behavior, trend analysis, and consumption psychology.

저자(글) 이혜원

Hyewon Lee, a PhD candidate in Consumer Science, SNU and is currently a senior researcher at CTC. She worked at Dasan Books, Leadersbook, and Kakao Page Corp. for over 15 years. She has an MA degree with her thesis: “Comparative Analysis of Age Effect, Period Effect and Cohort Effect - Focusing on Consumer Perception Toward CSR.” She is currently interested in generation theory and changes in consumer behavior due to technological advances.

저자(글) 추예린

Yelin Chu received an MA degree in Consumer Science, SNU. Currently, she is attending a PhD program and serves as a senior researcher at CTC. Her master’s thesis was about “A Study of Consumer Experience on the Online Education Service with Conditional Tuition Refund.” She is interested in analyzing big data to distill insights from unstructured data, and in deriving further meaning from participant interviews through qualitative research.

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