우리 모두가 사랑하는 영미시들.The Book of Poems we all love, by Various Various
2022년 08월 03일 출간
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이 상품이 속한 분야
모든 시대의 영미 시인들의 시를 모아서 시집으로 발간 . 섹스피어 워드워스 바이런 롱펠로. 등등
Title: we all love
Author: Various Various
Compiler: Montrose L. Barnet
Language: English
we all
Collected by
Montrose L. Barnet
Published by
Acmegraph Company
Copyright 1911
The Acmegraph Co.
Abou ben Adhem
"There are loyal hearts..."
Press On
To Live
Concord Hymn
"Wouldst shape a noble life?"
"Though to-day may not fulfill"
At the End of all Desire
Judge Not
Be Strong?
"Who looks to heaven..."
Where Ignorance is Bliss
The Brave at Home
Love of Country
Fair Ines
"Be though the rainbow..."
"Westward the star of empire..."
On the Prospect of Planting Arts and Learning in America
The Arrow and the Song
"The summer vanishes..."
"All is of God..."
Loss of the Royal George
O, Captain! My Captain!
"If you and I..."
Pippa's Song
"The common problem..."
At Nightfall
"Ah, be not false"
"Let us love so well"
My Creed
A Prayer
A Psalm of Life
"High thoughts and noble in all lands"
"So I will trudge with heart elate"
"Whichever way the wind doth blow"
The World Over
It's Raining Violets
Clear the Way
"If you have gracious words to say"
How Sleep the Brave
Warren's Address
The Chambered Nautilus
"If I can stop one heart from breaking"
"He taught us"
The Task of Happiness
Three Kinds of Courage
"O! joyous day! O! Smile of God"
"We just shake hands at meeting"
The Rosary of my Years
Haste Not, Rest Not
Character of a Happy Life
The Splendor Falls
Lead Kindly Light
The Rosary
The Spring of Love
Times go by Turns
"The star of the unconquered will"
When the Birds go North Again
"Believe not each accusing tongue"
The Inevitable
Come Good or Evil
"Then let us smile..."
The Sluggard
Crossing the Bar
Young and Old
"Yes, they whose feet..."
When in Disgrace
"But in the mud..."
Twenty Years Ago
"'Tis not the weight of jewel or plate..."
우리 모두가 사랑하는 영미시들.The Book of Poems we all love, by Various Various
모든 시대의 영미 시인들의 시를 모아서 시집으로 발간 . 섹스피어 워드워스 바이런 롱펠로. 등등
Title: we all love
Author: Various Various
Compiler: Montrose L. Barnet
Language: English
we all
Collected by
Montrose L. Barnet
Published by
Acmegraph Company
Copyright 1911
The Acmegraph Co.
The poems contained in this volume have been carefully selected from the vast storehouse of poetical works, and comprise only those that I feel will be helpful and pleasure-giving. The poetical gems contained herein are teeming with life and inspiration and will touch a responsive chord in all who may read them. It is hoped that this book may become a "ready reference" volume that will be found pleasurable in times of joy, and strengthening in the vicissitudes of daily life. Each poem is selected with the idea of lifting us out of the commonplace―up to the plane of higher and better living. This uplifting influence, combined with the inspiration that comes only from such a source, will make us better and happier men and women. Many of these poems have long been the "favorites" of the lovers of poetry, and it is the hope of the editor that these masterpieces of the poets may be brought within easy reach of all―without necessitating a reference to large and cumbersome volumes.
I hope that this book may be found by many a fountain of inspiration and exalted pleasure―a means of sweetening solitude or animating friendly intercourse. May it be a companion of good and beautiful thoughts that will teach us to love and appreciate with enduring life―these our poets―who have given us their best, that we thereby might be strengthened, encouraged and beautified.
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