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Camino de Santiago

Park Sangsun 지음 | Park Sangsun 옮김

2022년 04월 28일 출간

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ISBN 9791191789201
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이 상품이 속한 분야

About this book
This book is a diary of what I felt while walking the Camino de Santiago. Camino is translated as road, but in this book, it means the French road, that is, Camino Franc?s C?dex Calixtinus s. Ⅸ, and Camino village refers to the village through which this Camino passes. Records in 2013 and 2017 were reported in parallel. I tried not to stuff the words so that the feeling is not processed. There are some rough expressions. In some cases, the same content is repeated over and over again. Korean dialects are sometimes used. Local language pronunciation is also included. In the French road picture, the route represents the distance on the map, and the trip is the distance recorded with the GPS app. The remaining distance to Santiago is also listed. There was a loving encouragement from my wife Soonjeen. There was the unchanging faith of our children. There was a warm devotion of my wife's elder sister. There was a beautiful friendship of my old respectable friend. Thank you to the people of the Camino who shared comfort and encouragement with Buen Camino. Beware, I dedicate this book to those who died walking the Camino.

About Camino de Santiago
The Camino de Santiago is the road to the Santiago Cathedral in the city of Santiago de Compostela, in the northwestern part of Spain, where the remains of Saint James are enshrined. One of the twelve apostles, Saint James, was a missionary to the Iberian Peninsula as well as to Judea, and was arrested in Jerusalem in 44 AD and was the first martyrdom of the twelve apostles. In Acts 12:1-2, it is said,'It was about this time that King Herod arrested some who belonged to the church, intending to persecute them. He had James, the brother of John, put to death with the sword.' It is called Santiago in Spanish, Saint James in English, and Saint Jacques in French. Medieval pilgrims departed from their homes on foot or on horseback to go to the Cathedral of Santiago. Currently there are about 100 routes, and new routes
Camino people
Day01 ?Saint Jean Pied de Port ⇒ Orrison
Day02 ?Orrison ⇒ Roncessvalles
Day03 ?Roncessvalles ⇒ Burlada
Day04 ?Burlada ⇒ Cizur Menor
Day05 ?Cizur Menor ⇒ Lorca
Day06 ?Lorca ⇒ Los Arcos
Day07 ?Los Arcos ⇒ Logro?o
Day08 ?Logro?o ⇒ Ventosa
Day09 ?Ventosa ⇒ Santo Domingo de la Calzada
Day10 ?Santo Domingo de la Calzada ⇒ Belorado
Day11 ?Belorado ⇒ Ag?s
Day12 ?Ag?s ⇒ Burgos
Day13 ?Burgos ⇒ Hontanas
Day14 ?Hotanas ⇒ Poblaci?n de Campos
Day15 ?Poblaci?n de Campos ⇒ L?digos
Day16 ?L?digos ⇒ Reliegos
Day17 ?Reliegos ⇒ Le?n
Day18 ?Le?n ⇒ Astorga
Day19 ?Astorga ⇒ El Acebo
Day20 ?El Acebo ⇒ Villafranca del Bierzo
Day21 ?Villafranca del Bierzo ⇒ O Cebreiro
Day22 ?O Cebreiro ⇒ Sarria
Day23 ?Sarria ⇒ Hospital da Cruz
Day24 ?Hospital da Cruz ⇒ Boente
Day25 ?Boente ⇒ Santiago de Compostela
1day ?Santiago de Compostela ⇒ Vilaserio
2day ?Vilaserio ⇒ C?e
3day ?C?e ⇒ Fisterra
To home
Camino Franc?s C?dex Calixtinus s.IX
Credencial Universitaria
Albergue list
Route recommended

The Camino gets off the road from Santiago Airport, turns right, and continues into the city center of Santiago de Compostela. Finally, ride the road under the elevated train railway and enter Santiago. Oh Hallelujah.

Past midnight. The Camino leading to the city center is lined with marble. Isn't it welcoming and guiding pilgrims who have walked 800 km on the marble carpet road as if they were welcoming VIPs? The traffic of people on the streets is only occasionally noticeable. Even the wide driveway is idle without a car. As you get closer to the city center, the Camino sign is cut off. I walked along a road frequented by people. A group of people crouched down or lie down under the building's veranda. Not a single calf is sitting next to its owner and sleeping weakly.

Arriving in Santiago
It was past 1:00 in the middle of the night and we entered the Plaza do Obradoiro of the Cathedral of the Catedral de Santiago de Compostela. As the cathedral is undergoing repairs, the middle part of the twin bell towers is surrounded by a safety barrier. Even the front entrance stairs are tightly woven with iron rods for construction. The plaza, which looks bigger than a soccer field, is also empty. Only a few people are walking through the plaza at a brisk pace. I ran like a gale and raging wave without rest, as if I was about to fly away, so heat radiated from my body, but as soon as I cooled down, I felt the cold. I looked at the time and it was 1:11 AM. Distance walked 48.6 km today, walking time 17 hours and 30 minutes. The pain in the blisters on the toes seems to have stopped. It seems that the toilet is urgent, but the thought of going to the bathroom seems to have disappeared.

I put my backpack down on the floor of the cloister opposite the cathedral plaza, leaned against the pillar wall of the Pazo de Raxoi, sat down and looked up at the cathedral bell tower. When I arrived here, I was expected to be moved and full of that high grace, but is it still

The pilgrimage route is the French route, which departs from the village of Saint Jean Pied de Port and extends to 780.7km to Santiago de Cempostela. It will visit 12 places, where universities and UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia National University of Education) are located in 5 cities of France route. Why are you trying to walk this road again? Who is leading this way again? Did you walk for 29 days in late summer 2013? The soles of the feet are cracked and the toes are split, so the socks were soaked with blood, won't you? The severe diurnal range caused me to suffer from high fever, recalling the memories I had to walk while taking medication prescribed at a pharmacy in a remote rural village in Spain.

At a dining table at a restaurant, I happened to sit down facing the Canadian woman, Shally, who was good at joking and cheerful. Because of that relationship, we came across each other while walking along the Camino, and we gave each other encouragement. She laughed loudly by changing the English pronunciation 'Sangsun' of my name to 'Samsung'. At that time, a total of six people were sitting at the 6-seater dining table, including two Canadians, one German, one American, one French and me Korean, and five people were using a Korean-made Samsung Galaxy mobile phone. However, I was a little embarrassed because I am Korean but using not Korean-made, but American-made phone, iPhone. I understood that Shally joked while looking at my expression. After seeing my walking limping on the plains of Messeta, coming to me, Peter, a young German man said more comforting words, 'Are you okay, let's do a little more.' His kindness still remains in memory.

If I want to walk, there are beautiful Daegan-gil or pilgrimage routes in Korea. Why do I have to fly to the other side of the world and suffer hardships? The whole family came forward and tried relentlessly to cancel the pilgrimage. Now that the 60th birthday has passed, the expiration date of my life h


저자(글) Park Sangsun

Born in May 1954 in Muan-gun, South Korea, Chief of Book Publishing ODA, Visiting Professor at Dankook University Graduate School of Public Administration and Law, Working for Saemaul, Walked along the ridges of Mt. Jiri more than 20 times, Walking along the ridges of Baekdudaegan-gil, Jeongmaek-gil, and Gimaek-gil, Made two pilgrimages to Santiago, Planning the third pilgrimage to Santiago

Born in May 1954 in Muan-gun, South Korea, Chief of Book Publishing ODA, Visiting Professor at Dankook University Graduate School of Public Administration and Law, Working for Saemaul, Walked along the ridges of Mt. Jiri more than 20 times, Walking along the ridges of Baekdudaegan-gil, Jeongmaek-gil, and Gimaek-gil, Made two pilgrimages to Santiago, Planning the third pilgrimage to Santiago

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