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아담 스미스의 도덕감정론 책. The Book of The Theory of Moral Sentiments, by Adam Smith

Adam Smith 지음

2022년 02월 10일 출간

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아담 스미스의 도덕감정론 책. The Book of The Theory of Moral Sentiments, by Adam Smith

도덕적 감정 이론.
또는 인간이 행동과 성격, 이웃보다 먼저, 그리고 다음으로 자신에 대해 자연스럽게 판단하는 원칙 분석에 대한 에세이. 언어의 기원에 관한 논문이 추가되었습니다.
Title: The Theory of Moral Sentiments
Or, an Essay Towards an Analysis of the Principles by Which Men Naturally Judge Concerning the Conduct and Character, First of Their Neighbours, and Afterwards of Themselves. to Which Is Added, a Dissertation on the Origin of Languages.
Author: Adam Smith

An ANALYSIS of the PRINCIPLES by which MEN naturally judge concerning the CONDUCT and CHARACTER, first of their NEIGHBOURS, and afterwards
Formerly Professor of Philosophy in the University of Glasgow; and Author of the
Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations.
Printed for J. BEATTY and C. JACKSON, No. 32, SKINNER-ROW.

고전경제학의 자본주의 애덤 스미스1723-1790. 영국의 옥스포드대학교 다님.흄의 인성론 A Treaties of Human Nature 을 탐독. 도덕 감정론은 국부론의 배경인 내용을 함유함.
도덕 감정론은 기본적으로 경제학보다는 인간의 감성과 도덕적 내용에 비중을 둠. 이책은 6부분으로 구성. 처음에는 공감에 대해 언급하고, 두번째는 야심의 근원과 신분의 구별에 대한 언급이고 이부분부터는 가난하기보다는 부자가 되려고 하는 인간의 경제적 문제를 다룸. 세번째에서는 부유한 사람들을 존경하고 가난하고 천한 사람들을 경시하는 도덕 감정의 타락을 언급 한다. 자세한 부분은 목차및 본문을 탐독.
아담 스미스의 도덕감정론 책. The Book of The Theory of Moral Sentiments, by Adam Smith


Of the Propriety of Action.


Of the sense of propriety Page 1.

CHAP. I. Of Sympathy ibid.

CHAP. II. Of the Pleasure of mutual Sympathy 9

CHAP. III. Of the manner in which we judge of the propriety or impropriety of the affections of other men, by their concord or dissonance with our own 14

CHAP. IV. The same subject continued 19

CHAP. V. Of the amiable and respectable virtues 27


Of the degrees of the different passions which are consistent with propriety 33

CHAP. I. Of the passions which take their origin from the body 34

CHAP. II. Of those passions which take their origin from a particular turn or habit of the imagination 41

CHAP. III. Of the unsocial passions 46

CHAP. IV. Of the social passions 54

CHAP. V. Of the selfish passions 58


Of the effects of prosperity and adversity upon the judgment of mankind with regard to the propriety of action; and why it is more easy to obtain their approbation in the one state than in the other 64

CHAP. I. That though our sympathy with sorrow is generally a more lively sensation than our sympathy with joy, it commonly falls much more short of the violence of what is naturally felt by the person principally concerned ibid.

CHAP. II. Of the origin of ambition, and of the distinction of ranks 74

CHAP. III. Of the stoical philosophy 89


Of Merit and Demerit; or of the objects of reward and punishment.


Of the sense of merit and demerit 97

CHAP. I. That whatever appears to be the proper object of gratitude, appears to deserve reward; and that, in the same manner, whatever appears to be the proper object of resentment, appears to deserve punishment 98

CHAP. II. Of the proper objects of gratitude and resentment 102

CHAP. III. That where there is no approbation of the conduct of the person who confers the benefit, there is little sympathy with

아담 스미스의 도덕감정론 책. The Book of The Theory of Moral Sentiments, by Adam Smith

도덕적 감정 이론.
또는 인간이 행동과 성격, 이웃보다 먼저, 그리고 다음으로 자신에 대해 자연스럽게 판단하는 원칙 분석에 대한 에세이. 언어의 기원에 관한 논문이 추가되었습니다.
Title: The Theory of Moral Sentiments
Or, an Essay Towards an Analysis of the Principles by Which Men Naturally Judge Concerning the Conduct and Character, First of Their Neighbours, and Afterwards of Themselves. to Which Is Added, a Dissertation on the Origin of Languages.
Author: Adam Smith

An ANALYSIS of the PRINCIPLES by which MEN naturally judge concerning the CONDUCT and CHARACTER, first of their NEIGHBOURS, and afterwards
Formerly Professor of Philosophy in the University of Glasgow; and Author of the
Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations.
Printed for J. BEATTY and C. JACKSON, No. 32, SKINNER-ROW.

고전경제학의 자본주의 애덤 스미스1723-1790. 영국의 옥스포드대학교 다님.흄의 인성론 A Treaties of Human Nature 을 탐독. 도덕 감정론은 국부론의 배경인 내용을 함유함.
도덕 감정론은 기본적으로 경제학보다는 인간의 감성과 도덕적 내용에 비중을 둠. 이책은 6부분으로 구성. 처음에는 공감에 대해 언급하고, 두번째는 야심의 근원과 신분의 구별에 대한 언급이고 이부분부터는 가난하기보다는 부자가 되려고 하는 인간의 경제적 문제를 다룸. 세번째에서는 부유한 사람들을 존경하고 가난하고 천한 사람들을 경시하는 도덕 감정의 타락을 언급 한다. 자세한 부분은 목차및 본문을 탐독.


Of the foundation of our judgments concerning our own sentiments and conduct, and of the sense of duty.

CHAP. I. Of the consciousness of merited praise or blame 173

CHAP. II. In what manner our own judgments refer to what ought to be the judgments of others: and of the origin of general rules 180

CHAP. III. Of the influence and authority of the general rules of morality, and that they are justly regarded as the laws of the Deity 207

CHAP. IV. In what cases the sense of duty ought to be the sole principle of our conduct; and in what cases it ought to concur with other motives 223


Of the effect of utility upon the sentiments of approbation.

CHAP. I. Of the beauty which the appearance of Utility bestows upon all the productions of art, and of the extensive influence of this species of beauty 237

CHAP. II. Of the beauty which the appearance of utility bestows upon the characters and actions of men; and how far the perception of this beauty may be regarded as one of the original principles of approbation 250


Of the influence of custom and fashion upon the sentiments of moral approbation and disapprobation.

CHAP. I. Of the influence of custom and fashion upon our notions of beauty and deformity 261

CHAP. II. Of the influence of custom and fashion upon moral sentiments 271


Of Systems of Moral Philosophy.


Of the questions which ought to be examined in a theory of moral sentiments 291


Of the different accounts which have been given of the nature of virtue 294

CHAP. I. Of those systems which make virtue consist in propriety 295

CHAP. II. Of those systems which make virtue consist in prudence 311

CHAP. III. Of those systems which make virtue consist in benevolence 321

CHAP. IV. Of licentious systems 331


Of the different systems which have been formed concerning the principle of approbation 345

CHAP. I. Of those systems which deduce the principle of approbation from self-love 346

CHAP. II. Of those systems which make reason the principle of approbation 350

CHAP. III. Of those systems which make sentiment the principle of approbation 356

아담 스미스의 도덕감정론 책. The Book of The Theory of Moral Sentiments, by Adam Smith



Of the manner in which different authors have treated of the practical rules of morality 367

Considerations concerning the first formation of languages, and the different genius of original and compound languages 389


저자(글) Adam Smith

Adam Smith 아담 스미스의 도덕감정론 책. The Book of The Theory of Moral Sentiments, by Adam Smith영국의 학자 고전 경제학자. 고전경제학의 자본주의 애덤 스미스1723-1790.THETHEORYOFMORAL SENTIMENTS;OR,AN ESSAYTOWARDSAn ANALYSIS of the PRINCIPLES by which MEN naturally judge concerning the CONDUCT and CHARACTER, first of their NEIGHBOURS, and afterwardsof THEMSELVES. TO WHICH IS ADDED,A DISSERTATIONON THEORIGIN OF LANGUAGES.BY ADAM SMITH, L.L.D. F.R.S.Formerly Professor of Philosophy in the University of Glasgow; and Author of theNature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations.THE SIXTH EDITION.DUBLIN:Printed for J. BEATTY and C. JACKSON, No. 32, SKINNER-ROW.M,DCC,LXXVII.

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