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SAEMAUL so far

Park Sangsun 지음

2021년 12월 31일 출간

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ISBN 9791191789188
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이 상품이 속한 분야

This book, Saemaul so far, is a record of the holy works of those who have tried for the development of the country and the happiness of their descendants. President Park Jeonghee said in his handwritten manuscript,'I see many examples of one good village leader making one village raise up completely. The achievements they have accomplished should be documented and retained in later history. These people are the heroes of our farm village.' This book is the story of the villages' heroes.

A certain historian once diagnosed that one of the reasons for causing war was because young children were hungry, and there was nothing to feed them. The Saemaul Undong was a war. It was a war that fought poverty to escape hunger. We have won the war. I have seen many success stories in order to pass these on this book. These success stories are the story of village heroes. As I read them, I even shed tears with red eyes. The current abundance is only thanks to our great ancestors who sweated blood day and night. It is a report that if the amount of food waste currently being thrown away per year is converted into food value, it will reach KRW 25 trillion and the processing cost alone will reach KRW 800 won. Please regain control of ourselves. Our country becomes like a neighboring country. The Philippines, which has been rich enough to build Jangchung Gymnasium in Korea for free, is unable to continue its rich national luck and falls into poverty again. Not long ago, it reminds us of our miners and nurses who left for Germany for employment abroad. There is a saying in our country saying that a frog cannot think of a tadpole day. We need to be upright. Wake up.

This book, 'Saemaul so far' is an overview of the progress of Saemaul Undong for half a century. We hope that this book will help villagers, development officials and growing generations of countries around the world who are struggling to escape poverty. It was edited and written in a development manual format to help the
Chapter 1 Introduction
Author note
About this book
Korea's Social Movement

Chapter 2 Flow so far
1970 to 1980
1981 to 1987
1988 and later

Chapter 3 From 1970 to 1981
1970 Direction Suggestion
1971 Experiment Project
1972 Foundation Ignition
1973 Foundation Establishment
Rural Saemaul Undong
Saemaul Education
Saemaul Undong by Sector

Chapter 4 From 1981 to 1987
Saemaul Private Organiztion Establish
National Indicators and Saemaul Undong
Fostering Saemaul Undong Central Headquarters
Comprehensive Analysis Report
Trial and Overcoming

Chapter 5 17-year Achievements

Chapter 6 From 1988 and later

Chapter 7 Timeline
June 25th 1950
April 22nd 2020


Translated from Chapter 6
Mongolian Volunteer Corps (6th KOGOL VANDI) 20 Days Story
Period : June 29 ~ July 18, 2010
Corps member : 31 people (students 27 people)
5 groups : Hangeul, Taekwondo, traditional games, computer, hairdressing & beauty culture
Activity diary of hairdressing & beauty culture
Group member : Choi Hyun-jung (Chief, Yonsei University), Im Sang-il (Jeju National University), Lee Min-jeong (Korea University), Yeon Ji-yeon (Seoul National University), Kim Min-ji (Dongshin University), Park Jee-sook (Dankook University), Yang Gi-seon (Hongik University)

Senbeno~ Mongolia (Hello~ Mongolia)
Park Jeesook (Dept. of Chemistry, Dankook University, 7th semester)
Depart for Mongolia with excitement! When I arrived in Ulaanbaatar, I felt like a country in Korea. So I was relieved that it would be worth living. But when I arrived in Gobisumber, things weren't good. After unpacking all the luggage, the general manager met the mayor of Gobisumber, and the words he was saying were different from those of the meeting in Korea, the trainees were made up of elementary school to middle school students, not kindergarten, and local people saw us as people who came to camp, not to volunteer. After a day, we went on publicity to inform them that we were not camping, but were students who came to volunteer. Contrary to what we were worried about, the residents welcomed us. It seemed that nearly 200 students had gathered on the first day of education. For me, I was so proud to see the children's love for educational service that I did for the first time. However, Gobisumber's living was more difficult. We had no water to drink or wash in the first few days of our arrival. The smell of rust from the bathroom and iron smell from the water. I was blinded to see how I should be doing for 20 days. And the nutrition team started making barley tea because it was okay to boil water for drinking water. But the people who ate the water started getting sick one by one

About social integration
What is the national movement? I think it is a movement in which all the people participate in disregarding the pros and cons. In general, there is the antipode in movement or policy. Although the goals to be aimed are not very different, the process of unify is very difficult due to violent confrontation between two parties or multilateral parties. China promoted the so-called Heugmyobaegmyolon (Black cat or white cat is no matter, all you have to do is catch the rat.) to overcome the confrontation of black and white to promote national development. How about us. It is found routinely in Yeouido Parliament Building and in Gwanghwamun Square. The Capitol, which should set an example, is turning into an arena. It is truly disappointing. In Saemaul Undong, such an opposition point was absent. Looking at the history of village development, at first, there has been faced intense opposition. There were even a number of cases in which old parents took the lead and opposed the Saemaul project that their sons or daughters who were Saemaul leaders wanted to promote. 'Do you think it will be? I will eat a bug if succeed.' Like this, we will find many tearful cases. However, it has beem created a myth of success through residents' meetings that lasted several days and several persuasions, and through the participation of the opposing residents. If you think about the spirit of Saemaul in essence, the rich paddyfield before their gate, which has been handed down from the generations of our ancestors, is given free for the development of the village, and the houses that have been living for generations are demolished and rebuilt, the new paths are created by digging through the hills of Seonghwangdang-gil, where the virtues that protect the village are seeping, this was truly a great and holy reform. I think that if our society reflects on this spirit once again, the conflict situation will not improve than now. When I went abroad to live for a while, the water didn't fit, and the food I passed to my throat couldn't get used to it. Originally, I don't eat meat well, and I'm mainly vegetarian. At first, even though I was hungry, the food was unwilling. However, as the hunger persisted after a few days, I gave up vegetarian palate. Whether it's foreign food or meat, I remember that it was very difficult to hold in front of hunger. I think that's the reason for human affairs. If it is a situation where the people are hungry and the country becomes empty and becomes a prey for the neighboring country again, will it be used only when the national leader is just sitting on the sidelines? I wonder if it should been used only to sit with dignity while blowing the hem while wearing Korean full-dress attire(Dopojarak). If the people starve for one meal because there is nothing to eat, I think that the national leader must starve two meals or more to be the true leader of the country. One historian argued that a war, the world war broke out because even though their children were hungry, they had nothing to feed.


저자(글) Park Sangsun

Park SangsunBorn in May 1954 in Muan-gun, South KoreaChief of Book Publishing ODA, Visiting Professor at DankookUniversity Graduate School of Public Administration and LawWorking for Saemaul

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