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의학 생리학의 피자극성被刺戟性. The Book of Irritability,A Physiological Analysis of the General Effect of Stimuli in Living Substance. by Max Verworn

Max Verworn 지음

2021년 11월 22일 출간

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ISBN 9791168200692
쪽수 238쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

의학 생리학의 피자극성被刺戟性. The Book of Irritability,A Physiological Analysis of the General Effect of Stimuli in Living Substance. by Max Verworn
의학 생리학의 피자극성被刺戟性.
Irritability. A Physiological Analysis of the General Effect of Stimuli in Living Substance.
피자극성은 생명체에서 자극에 대한 일반적인 효과에서 생리학적인 분석이며, medical physiology의학 생리학에서 총론부분의 한분야이며 초기 의학 생리학 실험의 일부분임. .
즉, 자극과민성 刺戟過敏性. 약간의 자극에도 비정상적으로 반응하는 성질. 과민성, 흥분성興奮性 피자극성被刺戟性. 자극에 과민한 또한 반응하는 성질.
First Printed May, 1913

목차 2.
Contents: Only processes of excitation are conducted, not processes of depression. Conduction of excitation in its two extreme instances. Conduction in undifferentiated pseudopod protoplasm of rhizopoda. Conduction of excitation with decrement of intensity and rapidity. Conduction of excitation in the nerve. Rapidity of conduction. Conduction of excitation without decrement. Relation between irritability and conductivity. Conduction of excitation with decrement of the nerve after artificial depression of irritability by narcosis. Theory of the decrementless conduction of the normal nerve. Proof of the validity of the “all or none law” in the medullated nerve. Theory of the process of the conductivity of excitation. Theory of core model (Kernleiter). Electrochemical theory of conduction based on the properties of semi-permeable surfaces. 118
Contents: Conception of specific irritability. Alteration of specific irritability during and after excitation. Refractory period in various forms of living substance. Absolute and relative refractory period. Curve of irritability during refractory period. Dependence of the duration of the refractory period on the rapidity of the course of the metabolic processes in the living substan
의학 생리학의 피자극성被刺戟性. The Book of Irritability,A Physiological Analysis of the General Effect of Stimuli in Living Substance. by Max Verworn

Contents: Introductory. Earliest period. Francis Glisson as founder of the doctrine of irritability. Albrecht von Haller. The vitalists. Bordeu and Barthez. John Brown’s system. Johannes M?ller and the specific energy of living substance. Rudolf Virchow’s doctrine of the irritability of the cell. Discovery of the inhibitory effects of stimulation. Weber, Schiff, Goltz, Setschenow, Sherrington. Claude Bernard studies on narcosis. Tropisms. Ehrenberg, Engelmann, Pfeffer, Strassburger, Stahl. Semon’s speculations on mneme. 1

Contents: Principles of scientific knowledge and research. Origin and meaning of the conception of cause. Cause and condition. Criticism of the conception of cause. The conditional point of view. Conception of cause. The conditional point of view applied to the investigation of life. Conception of vital conditions. Definition of the conception of stimulation. 18

Contents: The quality of the stimulus. Positive and negative alterations of the factors which act as vital conditions. Extent of the alteration in vital conditions or intensity of the stimulus. Threshold stimuli, sub-threshold, submaximal, maximal and supermaximal intensities of stimulus. Relations between the intensity of stimulus and the amount of response. The Weber and Fechner law. All or none law. Time relations of the course of the stimulus. Form of individual stimulus. Absolute and relative rapidity in the course of the stimulus. Duration of the stimulus after reaching its highest point. Adaptation to persistent stimuli. Series of individual stimuli. Rhythmical stimuli. The Nernst law. 39
Contents: Various examples of the effects of stimulation. Metabolism of rest and metabolism of stimulation. Metabolic equilibrium, Disturbances of equilibrium by stimuli. Quantitative and qualitative alterations of the metabolism of

의학 생리학의 피자극성被刺戟性. The Book of Irritability,A Physiological Analysis of the General Effect of Stimuli in Living Substance. by Max Verworn

The lectures on irritability here published were held at the University of Yale in October, 1911. When the authorities of that University honored me by an invitation to give a course of Silliman memorial lectures, I accepted with the more pleasure as it furnished me with the opportunity of summarizing the results of numerous experimental researches carried out with the assistance of my co-workers during the course of more than two decades in the physiological laboratories of Jena, G?ttingen and Bonn, to unite therewith the results obtained by other investigators and thus present a uniform exposition of the general effects and laws of stimulation in the living substance. I have long entertained this plan and this for the following reason:
The physiologist, the zo?logist, the botanist, the psychologist, the pathologist, have to deal, day in, day out, with the effects of stimulation on the living substance. No living substance exists without stimulation. In the vital manifestations of all organisms the interplay of the most varied stimuli produces an enormous and manifold variety of effects. Experimental biological science employs artificial stimulation as the most important aid in the methodic production of certain effects of stimulation. The number of researches in which special effects of stimulation are treated is endless. Nevertheless the systematic investigation of the effects of stimulation have, curiously enough, been strangely neglected. Although countless results of individual effects of stimulation have been studied, the attempt has never been made to establish a general physiology of the laws of stimulation and consider it as an independent problem. This circumstance induced me to systematically investigate the general laws of the effect of stimulation. In the fifth and sixth chapters of my book on general physiology the results of these studies are recorded for the first time. Since then, especially during our own researches on the general physiology of the nervous system, a great numberviii of new facts of importance for the general physiology of the effects of stimulation have been obtained. All these results I have endeavored to combine and elucidate in the following lectures.
The text of the lectures in its present form was written in German in 1911. The English translation was made by my wife, with the help of our friend, Dr. Lodholz of the University of Pennsylvania, who also undertook the reading of the proofs. We wish here to thank him once again and express our deep appreciation of the great sacrifice of time and labor involved in this task. I am likewise much indebted to Dr. Julius V?szi for his assistance unstintingly given, especially in obtaining a number of curves. Finally, I wish to take this opportunity to render warmest thanks to the authorities of Yale University, and especially to President Hadley and Professor Chittenden, as well as to my special colleagues, for the hospitality and cordial reception extended to me in New Haven and for the pleasant hours I was privileged to spend in their midst.
Physiological Laboratory of the University.


저자(글) Max Verworn

의학 생리학의 피자극성被刺戟性. The Book of Irritability,A Physiological Analysis of the General Effect of Stimuli in Living Substance. by Max Verworn
미국의 예일대학교 연구소에서 의사및 박사가 실험 연구 강의를 책으로 만든책.
First Printed May, 1913

목차 3.
Contents: Examples of effects of interference of stimuli in unicellular organisms. Interference of galvanic and thermic stimuli in Paramecia. Interference of galvanic and thermic stimuli and narcotics. Interference of galvanic and mechanical stimuli. Interference of galvanotaxis and thigmotaxis in Paramecia and hypotin infusoria. Real or homotop interference, apparent or heterotop interference. The two effects of homotop interference of excitations: Summation and inhibition of excitations. Theory of the processes of inhibition. Hering-Gaskell Theory. Inhibition as an expression of the refractory period. Individual possibilities of interference of two stimuli. Interference of an excitating and a depressing stimulus. Interference of two depressing stimuli. Interference of two excitating stimuli. Analysis of the interference of two excitations. Interference of two single stimuli. Conditions upon which the result of interference is dependent. Heterobole and isobole living systems. Intensity of the two stimuli. Interval between the stimuli. Specific irritability and rapidity of reaction of the living system. Latent period. Interference of single stimuli in a series. General scheme of the development of the effect of interference. Summation and inhibition. Apparent increase of irritability. Conditions of summation. Tonic excitations. Conditions of inhibitions. Various types of inhibition. Interference of two series of stimuli. Relations in the nervous system. Peculiarities of the nerv

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    의학 생리학의 피자극성被刺戟性. The Book of Irritability,A Physiological Analysis of the General Effect of Stimuli in Living Substance. by Max Verworn
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