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Aye The Magician Of Words. 1

Aye and hangeul friends
Comics for learning Korean vocabulary + Korean cities
Miwon Seo 지음 | Manu 그림

2021년 11월 11일 출간

(개의 리뷰)
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eBook 상품 정보
파일 정보 ePUB (295.32MB)
ISBN 9791196852276
지원기기 교보eBook App, PC e서재, 리더기, 웹뷰어
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시리즈 전체 2
Aye The Magician Of Words. 2
Aye The Magician Of Words. 1


이 상품이 속한 분야

An adventure for the Korean culture
Magical comics for studying Korean,
learning new vocabulary while on an adventure!

Featuring a list of 100 Korean vocabulary words
Follow the adventure in Korea and learn the vocabulary!

Aye receives a magic key from Andany the magician of words.
It’s a magic key that can open and close the door of words!
All Aye wanted was to stop her mom from lecturing and start complimenting.
However, things go in an unexpected way...
Words of Recommendation
Features of the Book
1. I'm Aye the Bold One
Proverbs and Idioms in the Book
Recommended Proverbs and Idioms
2. Fruit of the Words
Daegwallyeong Sheep Rance Episode
Daegwallyeong Sheep Ranch
Pure Korean Words and Sino-Korean Words Starting with "I-eung"
3. World of Words
Pure Korean Words and Recommended Vocabulary Starting with "Si-ot"
4. Beginning of an Adventure
Jindo Episode
Pure Korean Words and Sino-Korean Words Starting with "Ji-eut"
5. Finding the "Ji-eut" Fruit
Jeonju Episode

With COVID-19, we are spending more time at home, and the children who are passionate about learning are spending time reading more books. Aye the Magician of Words helps the children master the vocabulary at the level of elementary, middle and high school and learn various attractions in Korea while reading the book for fun. Children these days communicate through YouTube and social media platforms, which make them used to reading short sentences. We see children who have difficulties when they encounter a long writing or are given a question that require them to express their thoughts. When I ask them what they are having difficulties with, I often hear that they are not familiar with the vocabulary. Some overlook the importance of learning vocabulary thinking that the children will naturally learn them while communicating, however, knowing vocabulary helps with enhancing literacy and improving media literacy. There's a saying that goes "Language is a container that holds the thoughts." Improving vocabulary is expected to bring a positive influence on the children's ability to express themselves. I hope Aye the Magician of Words will allow the children learn the Korean vocabulary easily with fun and develop their ability to utilize the language.In this book, while learning the Korean vocabulary, the children will visit different parts of Korea with the characters created with the Hangeul alphabets as the motif. Travel Notes of Aye provide detailed information and pictures of the places that appear in the story. It will be interesting to compare the illustrations passionately created by the illustrator with the pictures of the actual place. Take notes on places you would like to visit and things you would like to experience. It would be meaningful to visit those places with your family to spend memorable time. In this time of non face-to-face communication, I am convinced that the readers will enjoy reading this book as they communicate, experience, and travel as they follow Aye in her adventure.Please keep an eye on Aye, who only kept what she wants to say to herself, gradually learns to express her honest feelings as she meets various characters. I hope the readers will be able to shake off their problems with confidence just like Aye did


저자(글) Miwon Seo

My name Miwon means a beautiful source. Just like the meaning of my name, I became an artist that searches for beautiful sources and creates painting and art. My goal is to nurture not only the outer beauty but also the beauty that’s hidden inside a person through my work. My previous publications include Hangul Choseong Daneo Chatgi (Finding Initial Consonants), Danchutgumeong (Button Hole), and Seakggal Chingu (Color Friends). I wrote this book with the hope that everyone would be immersed in the beauty of the magical Korean language and that the language would settle well. www.restyart.com www.instagram.com/restyartist restyart@naver.com www.youtube.com/c/ayetv

그림/만화 Manu

For tiny dreamers who dream of the universe2009 Graphic design for musical Bballae 2009 Musical for kids GUEES HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU2017 Illustrated essay Bangwangjadeul Written by Seungyeob Baek - Saenggaknanum2018 National Institute of Special Education Guidebook for Support on Nurturing Students with Disability - Saenggaknanumbymanu1030@gmail.com


Hello, I’m Hyeonjin Cho, who is a teacher.I studied Elementary Education (Korean Language) in Gyeongin National University of Education, and it’s been 7 years since I started working at a school. It’s my joy to teach and learn from the children and grow together. I’m glad that I can meet the children who are interested in learning the beauty of our language through this book. Shall we dive into the world of Hangul carefully put together by the author and the illustrator?greensalt_91@naver.com

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