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아스카니오, 뒤마의 로망스 이야기인. The Book of Ascanio,The romances of Alexandre Dumas, Volume XI.by Alexandre Dumas


2021년 10월 30일 출간

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ISBN 9791168200517
쪽수 426쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

아스카니오, 뒤마의 로망스 이야기인. The Book of Ascanio,The romances of Alexandre Dumas, Volume XI.by Alexandre Dumas
이책은 프랑스 작가 인 뒤마의 소설로서 두개의 파트로 이루어짐. 뒤마의 로망스이야기 11권.
LIST OF CHARACTERS . Period, 1540.
BENVENUTO CELLINI, a Florentine artist. ASCANIO, his pupil
셀리니라는 예술가의 제자 학생인 아스카니오 는 프랑스 작가인 뒤마의 로망스이야기. based on the 1843 historical novel by Alexandre Dumas . 후에 이이야기는 유명한 연극으로서 오페라로 만들어짐. 아래 영문참조. 미국에서 영어로 출간된 책.
Ascanio is a grand opera in five acts and seven tableaux by composer Camille Saint-Sa?ns. The opera's French libretto, by Louis Gallet, is based on the 1852 play Benvenuto Cellini by French playwright Paul Meurice which was in turn based on the 1843 historical novel by Alexandre Dumas, p?re. The name was changed to Ascanio to avoid confusion with the Berlioz opera Benvenuto Cellini. The opera premiered on March 21, 1890, at the Acad?mie Nationale de Musique in Paris,[1] in costumes designed by Charles Bianchini and sets by Jean-Baptiste Lavastre and Eug?ne Carpezat (acts I; II, scene 2; and III), Auguste Alfred Rub? and Philippe Chaperon and Marcel Jambon (act II, scene 1).

아스카니오, 뒤마의 로망스 이야기인. The Book of Ascanio,The romances of Alexandre Dumas, Volume XI.by Alexandre Dumas





I. The Street and the Studio
II. A Goldsmith of the Sixteenth Century
III. Dædalus
IV. Scozzone
V. Genius and Royalty
VI. To What Use A Duenna May Be Put
VII. A Lover and a Friend
VIII. Preparations for Attack and Defence
IX. Thrust and Parry
X. Of the Advantage of Fortified Towns
XI. Owls, Magpies, and Nightingales
XII. The King's Queen
XIII. Souvent Femme Varie
XIV. Wherein it is proven that Sorrow is the Groundwork of the Life of Man
XV. Wherein it appears that Joy is nothing more than Sorrow in another Form
XVI. A Court
XVII. Love as Passion
XVIII. Love as a Dream
XIX. Love as an Idea


I. The Trafficker in his own Honor
II. Four Varieties of Brigands
III. An Autumn Night's Dream
IV. Stefana
V. Domiciliary Visits
VI. Charles the Fifth at Fontainebleau
VII. The Ghostly Monk
VIII. What One sees at Night from the Top of a Poplar
IX. Mars and Venus
X. The Rivals
XI. Benvenuto at Bay
XII. Of the Difficulty which an Honest Man experiences in Procuring his own Committal to Prison
XIII. In which Jacques Aubry rises to Epic Proportions
XIV. Of the Difficulty which an Honest Man experiences in Securing his Release from Prison
XV. An Honest Theft
XVI. Wherein it is proved that a Grisette's Letter, when it is burned, makes as much Flame and Ashes as a Duchess's
XVII. Wherein it is proved that True Friendship is capable of carrying devotion
to the Marrying Point
XVIII. The Casting
XIX. Jupiter and Olympus
XX. A Prudent Marriage
XXI. Resumption of Hostilities
XXII. A Love Match
XXIII. Mariage de Convenance

아스카니오, 뒤마의 로망스 이야기인. The Book of Ascanio,The romances of Alexandre Dumas, Volume XI.by Alexandre Dumas
이책은 프랑스 작가 인 뒤마의 소설로서 두개의 파트로 이루어짐. 뒤마의 로망스이야기 11권.
LIST OF CHARACTERS . Period, 1540.
BENVENUTO CELLINI, a Florentine artist. ASCANIO, his pupil
셀리니라는 예술가의 제자 학생인 아스카니오 는 프랑스 작가인 뒤마의 로망스이야기. based on the 1843 historical novel by Alexandre Dumas . 후에 이이야기는 유명한 연극으로서 오페라로 만들어짐. 아래 영문참조. 미국에서 영어로 출간된 책.
Ascanio is a grand opera in five acts and seven tableaux by composer Camille Saint-Sa?ns. The opera's French libretto, by Louis Gallet, is based on the 1852 play Benvenuto Cellini by French playwright Paul Meurice which was in turn based on the 1843 historical novel by Alexandre Dumas, p?re. The name was changed to Ascanio to avoid confusion with the Berlioz opera Benvenuto Cellini. The opera premiered on March 21, 1890, at the Acad?mie Nationale de Musique in Paris,[1] in costumes designed by Charles Bianchini and sets by Jean-Baptiste Lavastre and Eug?ne Carpezat (acts I; II, scene 2; and III), Auguste Alfred Rub? and Philippe Chaperon and Marcel Jambon (act II, scene 1).

아스카니오, 뒤마의 로망스 이야기인. The Book of Ascanio,The romances of Alexandre Dumas, Volume XI.by Alexandre Dumas

"Never perhaps," says Miss Pardoe (in the Preface to the "Court and Reign of Francis I."), "did the reign of any European sovereign present so many and such varying phases. A contest for empire, a captive monarch, a female regency, and a religious war; the poisoned bowl and the burning pile alike doing their work of death amid scenes of uncalculating splendor and unbridled dissipation; the atrocities of bigotry and intolerance, blent with the most unblushing licentiousness and the most undisguised profligacy;―such are the materials offered to the student by the times of Francis I."
The period thus characterized is that in which the scene of the present romance is laid, and although the plot is mainly concerned with the fortunes of
others than subjects of the
, we are treated to a succession of vivid
pictures of life and manners at the French court and in the French capital.
The author depicts the king rather as he appeared to the world before what has been called the "legend of the Roi Chevalier,"―that is to say, the long prevailing idea that Fran?ois I. was the most chivalrous monarch who ever sat upon a European throne,―had been modified by the independent researches of those who have not feared to go behind the writings of the old and well tutored chroniclers whose works have formed the basis of most modern histories,― chroniclers who seem to have been guided by Cardinal Richelieu's famous remark to an aspiring historian, apropos of certain animadversions upon the character of Louis XI., that "it is treason to discuss the actions of a king who has been dead only two centuries."
The result of these researches is thus summed up by Miss Pardoe in the same Preface:―
"The glorious day of Marignano saw the rising, and that of Pavia the setting, of his fame as a soldier; so true it is that the prowess of the man was shamed by that of the boy. The early and unregretted death of one of his neglected queens, and the heart-broken endurance of the other, contrasted with the unbounded influence of his first favorite and the insolent arrogance of his second, will sufficiently demonstrate his character as a husband. His open and illegal oppression of an overtaxed and suffering people to satisfy the cravings of an extortionate and licentious court, will suffice to disclose his value as a monarch; while the reckless indifference with which he falsified his political pledges, abandoned his allies in their extremity in order to further his own interests, and sacrificed the welfare of his kingdom and the safety of his armies to his own puerile vanity, will complete a picture by no means calculated to elicit one regret that his reign was not prolonged."


저자(글) Alexandre Dumas

아스카니오, 뒤마의 로망스 이야기인. The Book of Ascanio,The romances of Alexandre Dumas, Volume XI.by Alexandre Dumas
뒤마는 프랑스 작가. 프랑스의 작가.1802, - 1870,
알렉상드르 뒤마Alexandre Dumas . 프랑스의 극작가, 소설가
19세기 프랑스의 극작가·소설가로 소설 삼총사 몬테크리스토백작으로 세계적으로 유명. 대뒤마라고도 한다.앙리 3세와 그 궁정으로 새로운 로망파극의 선구자 .

Volume XI.
By Little, Brown, and Company.
University Press:
John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U.S.A.

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    아스카니오, 뒤마의 로망스 이야기인. The Book of Ascanio,The romances of Alexandre Dumas, Volume XI.by Alexandre Dumas
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