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오페라 연극 피가로의 결혼. The Book of The Follies of a Day; or, The Marriage of Figaro, by Thomas H


2021년 03월 31일 출간

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ISBN 9791191339772
쪽수 96쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

오페라 연극 피가로의 결혼. The Book of The Follies of a Day; or, The Marriage of Figaro, by Thomas Holcroft

Title: The Follies of a Day; or, The Marriage of Figaro
A Comedy, as it is now performing at the Theatre- Royal, Covent?Garden. From the French of M. de Beaumarchais
Author: Pierre- Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais
Translator: Thomas Holcroft

오페라 피가로의 결혼Le Nozze di Figaro, The Marriage of Figaro . 이책은 전 5막임. 한국 서울의 예술의 전당에서도 공연된 연극임.
오페라 피가로의 결혼 . 전 4막의 오페라 부파. 피에르오귀스탱 보마르셰의 희곡 미친 날(La folle journ?e) 또는 피가로의 결혼(Le mariage de Figaro) 이라는 희곡을 바탕으로 로렌초 다 폰테가 대본을 썼다.
The Marriage of Figaro (Italian: Le nozze di Figaro, pronounced [le ?n?ttse di ?fiː?aro] (About this soundlisten)), K. 492, is an opera buffa (comic opera) in four acts composed in 1786 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, with an Italian libretto written by Lorenzo Da Ponte. It premiered at the Burgtheater in Vienna on 1 May 1786. The opera's libretto is based on the 1784 stage comedy by Pierre Beaumarchais, La folle journ?e, ou le Mariage de Figaro ("The Mad Day, or The Marriage of Figaro"). It tells how the servants Figaro and Susanna succeed in getting married, foiling the efforts of their philandering employer Count Almaviva to seduce Susanna and teaching him a lesson in fidelity.

시사풍자극 follies . 1907년부터 해마다 뉴욕에서 지그펠드 폴리를 상연한 플로렌츠 지그펠드와 특히 관련이 있는 레뷰(Revue: 노래와 춤을 곁들인 풍자적인 희극의 한 형식)의 일종이다. 시사풍자극에는 노래 · 춤 · 희극적인 연예물 · 장면의 다채로움 등의 볼거리가 포함되었다.
Follies is a musical with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and a book by James Goldman. The story concerns a reunion in a crumbling Broadway theatre, scheduled for demolition, of the past performers of the "Weismann's Follies", a musical revue (based on the Ziegfeld Follies ), that played in that theatre between the World Wars. It focuses on two couples, Buddy and Sally Durant Plummer and Benjamin and Phyllis Rogers Stone, who are attending the reunion. Sally and Phyllis were showgirls in the Follies. Both couples are deeply unhappy with their marriages. Buddy, a traveling salesman, is having an affair with a girl on the road; Sally is still as much in love with Ben as she was years ago; and Ben is so self-absorbed that Phyllis feels emotionally abandoned. Several of the former showgirls perform their old numbers, sometimes accompanied by the ghosts of their former selves.
오페라 연극 피가로의 결혼. The Book of The Follies of a Day; or, The Marriage of Figaro, by Thomas Holcroft
T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S.
PROLOGUE, Page vii
ACT I. 1
ACT II. 25
ACT IV. 74
ACT V. 90

오페라 연극 피가로의 결혼. The Book of The Follies of a Day; or, The Marriage of Figaro, by Thomas Holcroft
Though to thank the Public is to thank nobody, since no particular Person takes
this Sort of Compliments to himself, yet were I not to feel that Gratitude, which
individually I know not where to pay, I were unworthy of past, of present, or of
future Favours.
An Author’s Thanks to the World at large may be seen under two very different
Aspects: For, to thank the Public is to tell the Public he is successful; which,
supposing it true, it would be strange if they did not already know; it appears
therefore only to be taking an Opportunity of indulging his Vanity: And yet to thank
them seems his Duty, since his Silence might not only be construed a want of
Respect, but an arrogant Self- confidence that, when they applauded or approved
his Work, they only did him justice. The Reader must determine which of these
Faces he will please to view.
I am so well convinced that the best Writer stands in need of Indulgence, and
that he[ iv] only does well by Comparison, and might do much better, that I shall
find little Mortification in subscribing to the Opinions of those who shall tell me I
am in this latter Predicament.
Readers are divided into two Classes; the one will allow an Author much more
than he merits, and the other much less; but the principal Excellencies of The
Follies of a Day are so known to be another’s Right, that for me to claim them
would be ridiculous. Some, however, have affirmed that it is a mere Translation,
who have never seen, read, or heard the Original; if they had, indeed, they would
have been still more culpable. Few will trouble themselves to examine the precise
Extent of my Claims; nor, if they did, would they have an Opportunity ’till M. de
Beaumarchais shall think proper to publish LA FOLLE JOURN?E. The Public in
general are so willing to overlook Defects, and applaud wherever they can, that
to complain of, or be angry at the Few who seek for, and wish to find, Errors only,
can proceed alone from that Self- love which is so inherent and[ v] irritable in all
bosoms, and so difficult to subdue.


저자(글) Thomas Holcroft

오페라 연극 피가로의 결혼. The Book of The Follies of a Day; or, The Marriage of Figaro, by Thomas Holcroft
런던, 뉴욕에서 공연된 연극 오페라.
Title: The Follies of a Day; or, The Marriage of Figaro
A Comedy, as it is now performing at the Theatre- Royal, Covent?Garden. From the French of M. de Beaumarchais
Author: Pierre- Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais
Translator: Thomas Holcroft
A C O M E D Y ,
T H E A T R E - R O Y A L ,
C O V E N T - G A R D E N .
F R E N C H O F M . D E B E A U M A R C H A I S .
B Y T H O M A S H O L C R O F T .
Printed for G. G. J. and J. ROBINSON,

이 상품의 총서

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