2020년 06월 25일 출간
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이 상품이 속한 분야
Faith does not refer to a devotion of heart nor to give effort to accomplish something. It refers to accepting the works which Jesus did for us. Jesus was crucified on the cross, and He has already washed away our sins. Unfortunately, there are still many Christians bound to sin saying, “Lord, I’m a sinner. Please forgive me of this sin.”
This book points to many scriptures in the Bible which testify the truth that Jesus has already taken care of our sins, forever. And it explains how we became righteous forever. Using extensive and deep knowledge of the Bible as the basis, this book explains spiritual life in a precise manner, causing people to automatically proclaim, “Ah, I truly understand!” Within the pages of this book, you will discover the vast and deep love of God towards you, and the amazing grace God has bestowed upon everyone. You will also come to discover just how blessed and glorious of a new creature God has made us. Readers will be filled with happiness, as if they discovered the treasure in the field.
저자(글) Ock Soo Park
Rev. Ock Soo ParkAfter becoming born again in 1962, he has traveled all over the world preaching only the Gospel. In Korea, his collection of sermons titled, The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again, (revised edition: How I Became Free from Sin) was translated into 24 languages and brought the assurance of salvation and joy to people all over the world. His sermons have run in the LA Times and the New York Times over 50 times each. Many people are listening to his sermons and experiencing change. He has held the posts of Excellent Lecturer as a member of the Board of Education of Suwon City Prison, and Department of Character Development for National Defense. He is also very active in international mission work and youth development education. As the founder of the International Youth Fellowship (IYF), he has established branches in 80 countries, delivering the heart of God found in the Bible to the youths. As the Founder of Good News Mission, he has hosted Christian Leaders Fellowship (CLF) since 2017.He is currently the pastor at Good News Mission Gangnam Church, with his sermons being broadcasted over the internet as well.Recognition and AwardsExcellent Lecturer Award, Troop Information and Education, Army of Republic of Korea, 2004Medal of Excellence of Service, Government of Benin, 2015Africa Excellence Leadership Award, 2017Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy, National University of Mongolia, 2006Honorary Doctorate in Education, Azteca University of Mexico, 2016Honorary Doctorate in Theology, Chiapas Christian University of Mexico, 2019www.ocksoopark.com
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