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Asian Musicology 31- eBook

Asian Music

2020년 06월 27일 출간

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Council for Asian Musicology

The objective of the Council for Asian Musicology shall be the advancement of research and study in the field of Asian music, for which purpose, all interested persons, regardless of race, creed, color, or national origin, are encouraged to become members. Its aims include serving the membership and council at large through the dissemination of knowledge concerning the music of the world’s peoples.

Asian Musicology is a refereed journal published onece a year (May 1) by the Council for Asian Musicology. The journal publishes original articles in the field of Asian music, broadly defined. Translations of previously published articles are generally not considered.

Asian Musicology welcomes articles on all aspects of the performing arts of Asia. Manuscript should conform to The Chicago Manual of Style and should be submitted to the editor (copy deadlines: March 15 and September 15). Contributors of essays will receive five free copies of the volume in which their essays appear. Contributors need not be members of the Council.

Asian Musicology functions as a vehicle for the exchange of ideas, news, and information. Inquiries pertaining to advertising in the journal should be directed to the editor of the journal.

Asian Musicology is indexed and abstracted in RILM and CNKI

Asian Musicology

Journal of the Council for Asian Musicology
2020 (Volume 31)

Indo-mono musical works in modern Japan - a focus on Kazuo Yamada and Sadao It?
Hidetoshi Kobinata 07

Internationalen Ferienkursen f?r Neue Musik in Darmstadt as a platform of interest for composers from the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. A historical trace.
Joevan de Mattos Caitano 31

The characteristics of Thai popular singing dring 1925 - 1967
Nutthan Inkhong 59

Korean Migrant Composers in Germany and their Background under the Aspect of ‘Generation’ and Vocal Text
Shin-Hyang Yun 80

P’ansori as an Alternative to Existing Performer-Audience Relationships in Modern World Theatre
Kim IkDoo 117

Existence of Orchestral Music Group in Java:
since the Dutch East Indies to the Post-Independence (1950)
Surtihadi and Sunarto 140

Indo-mono musical works in modern Japan - a focus on Kazuo Yamada and Sadao It?

Hidetoshi Kobinata
(Tokyo College of Music)


This paper examines the Indo-mono [India-related] musical works of two Japanese composers, Kazuo Yamada (1912-1991) and Sadao It? (1906-2005), both active in the mid-twentieth century, and the positions of their works in a line of the Indo-mono category.
Indo-mono literally means something related to India. This term is used in this paper as a category of musical works related to Indic or south Asian musical and cultural elements, to denote a groupe of such musical works composed in modern Japan.
Two case studies on two composers show that these Indo-mono works are the mixture of various writing methods of the Western music and Indian elements, including musical scales and Indian poetry. The general interest of Japan in Nanp? [south] area including India in early twentieth century, and Weserrnized music education system introduced since Meiji era constitute the background of such cultural hybridization found in these works. In addition, a historical connection of Japan to India over 1,200 years since the introduction of Buddhism also played an important role.

Keywords: Indo-mono, Kazuo Yamada, Sadao It?, Buddhist hymn, r?ga


The aim of this paper is to examine the Indo-mono [India-related] musical works of two Japanese composers, Kazuo Yamada (1912-1991) and Sadao It? (1906-2005), both active in the mid-twentieth century, and the positions of their works in a line of the Indo-mono category.
The first section examines the general relationship between Japan and India, to define the category of the Indo-mono musical works and illustrates the situation of composers in modern Japan.
The second section is a case study on Kazuo Yamada and his Indo-mono ballet work, Jubaku, as the earliest example in the pre-WWII period.
The last section is a case study on Sadao It?, as the earliest example in the post-WWII period.

Japan-India relationship and India-related musical works

It is interesting to see the Japanese composers, trained in the Western music, have shown not a few interests in and intentions of introducing the musical or cultural elements of India into their own works. It is not a merely curious matter but one of important issues in the history of Japanese music.

Japan-India relationship from a historic perspective

Looking at the long history of Japan, close relevance is found between Indian culture and Japan, as whole, giving some impacts to Japanese culture: in the Asuka (593-710) and the Nara (710-784) periods, Japan accepted Buddhism via China and used it as a tool to build national peace.
Even in the modern Japan, some elements of Indian culture are observed in her daily life as the consequence of accepted Buddhism. Taishakuten, one of the typical guardian deities of Buddhist cosmology in Japan, was derived from an Indian god Indra of the Brahmanical tradition. Benzaiten, also known as a typical guardian deity in Japan, was derived from Sarasvati, a Hindu goddess of music, eloquence, wealth and wisdom. In the busy daily life, Japanese people unconsciously is exposed to Indian culture through Buddhism.

none 없음


저자(글) CHUN in pyong

Prof. of Chung Ang University

prof. of Tokyo University of Atrs

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