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논리 철학에서의 역설과 문제들.The Book of Paradoxes and Problemes, by John Donne

John Donne 지음

2020년 06월 18일 출간

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ISBN 9791190842402
쪽수 58쪽
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논리 철학에서의 역설과 문제들.The Book of Paradoxes and Problemes, by John Donne
1633년도와 1652년도에 발행된 것을 1923년도 재발행. 논리와 철학 그리고 의학에서 파라독스인 역설을 도입해서 문제를 해결하는 법을 만들어냄. 영국의 철학자 논리학자 수학자인 러셀등도 문제 풀이에서 파라독스를 사용함. 이책에서는 역설 문제들 캐렉터 등으로 분류해서 기술.
A paradox, also known as an antinomy, is a logically self-contradictory statement or a statement that runs contrary to one expectation. It is a statement that, despite apparently valid reasoning from true premises, leads to a seemingly self-contradictory or a logically unacceptable conclusion. A paradox usually involves contradictory-yet-interrelated elements―that exist simultaneously and persist over time.

In logic, many paradoxes exist which are known to be invalid arguments, but which are nevertheless valuable in promoting critical thinking, while other paradoxes have revealed errors in definitions which were assumed to be rigorous, and have caused axioms of mathematics and logic to be re-examined. One example is Russells paradox, which questions whether a "list of all lists that do not contain . would include itself, and showed that attempts to found set theory on the identification of sets with properties or predicates were flawed. Others, such as Currys paradox, cannot be easily resolved by making foundational changes in a logical system.
논리 철학에서의 역설과 문제들.The Book of Paradoxes and Problemes, by John Donne
1. A Defence of Womens Incon?tancy: P. 1.
2. That Women ought to paint: P. 6.
3. That by Di?cord things increase: P. 9.
4. That good is more common then evill: P. 12.
5. That all things kill them?elves: P. 15.
6. That it is po??ible to find ?ome vertue in Some Women: P. 17.
7. That Old men are more fanta?tike then Young: P. 19.
8. That Nature is our wor?t Guide: P. 21.
9. That only Cowards dare dye: P. 24.
10. That a Wi?e Man is knowne by much laughing: P. 26.
11. That the gifts of the Body are better then tho?e of the Minde: P. 30.
12. That Virginity is a Vertue: P. 34.
1. Why have Bastards be?t Fortune? P. 40.
2. Why Puritanes make long Sermons? P. 42.
3. Why did the Divel re?erve Je?uites till the?e latter dayes: P. 43.
4. Why is there more variety of Green then of other Colours? P. 44.
5. Why doe young Lay-men ?o much ?tudy Divinity: P. 45.
6. Why hath the common Opinion afforded Women Soules? P. 47.
7. Why are the Faire?t, Fal?e?t? P. 49.
8. Why Venus-?tar only doth ca?t a ?hadow? P. 51.
9. Why is Venus-?tar multinominous, called both He?perus and Ve?per: P. 54.
10. Why are New Officers lea?t oppre??ing? P. 56.
11. Why does the Poxe ?o much affect to undermine the No?e? P. 58.
12. Why die none for Love now? P. 60.
13. Why do Women delight much in Feathers? P. 61.
14. Why doth not Gold ?oyl the fingers? P. 62.
15. Why do great men of all dependents, chu?e to pre?erve their little Pimps? P. 63.
16. Why are Courtiers ?ooner Athei?ts then men of other conditions? P. 64.
17. Why are ?tate?men mo?t incredulous? P. 66.
18. Why was Sir Walter Raleigh thought the fitte?t Man, to write the Hi?torie of the?e
Times? P. 68.
1. The Character of a Scot at the first ?ight: P. 69.
2. The true Character of a Dunce: P. 71.

논리 철학에서의 역설과 문제들.The Book of Paradoxes and Problemes, by John Donne
Donne’s Paradoxes and Problemes are clever and entertaining trifles, which were probably
written before 1600, during the more wanton period of their author’s life. Owing to their
scurrilous nature they could not be published during his lifetime, but shortly after his death
the greater part of them were licensed to be printed, the Imprimatur printed at the end both of
the eleven Paradoxes and of the ten Problemes being signed by Sir Henry Herbert and dated
October 25, 1632. The volume was published under the title of Juvenilia in 1633, but already
on November 14, 1632, an order of inquiry had been delivered at the King’s command by the
Bishop of London, calling upon Sir Henry Herbert to explain before the Board of the Star
Chamber his reasons ‘why hee warrented the booke of D. Duns paradoxes to be printed’.
Perhaps Herbert’s explanations were regarded as satisfactory, but, however this may have been,
the King was not successful in suppressing the book. The volume is a thin quarto containing
only thirty-two leaves, and was printed by Elizabeth Purslowe for Henry Seyle, to be sold at
the sign of the Tyger’s Head in St. Paul’s Church-yard. The printer seems to have been
somewhat careless in imposing the licences, for, although most copies contain the two, copies
occur from which one or both have been omitted. It is not known through what channels the
publisher obtained possession of the text, but it is probable that the publication was quite
unauthorized, and took place even without the knowledge of the younger Donne, who, when he
reprinted the Juvenilia in 1652, made no reference to any previous issue.
The Juvenilia were at once in considerable demand, and seem to have been bought by many of
the purchasers of the Poems, which were also first published in quarto in 1633. This is evident
from the fact that the two books are so often found together in contemporary bindings, the lesser
volume usually being relegated to the end. The first edition of the Juvenilia was thus soon
exhausted and a second edition was published in the same year. So ineffectual did the Star
Chamber inquiry prove to have been that in this edition the publisher not only omitted the
Imprimaturs altogether and so abandoned all pretence of having any official sanction for the
publication, but even added to the first Probleme, ‘Why have Bastards best Fortune?’, which
was particularly offensive to the Court, twenty-three lines which had not appeared in the first
edition. This edition, as before a quarto and with the same imprint, but containing only twenty four leaves, is considerably rarer than its predecessor. It is unlikely, however, that this fact is
to be attributed to the King’s having had any greater success than before in suppressing it.
More probably the demand for it was less, so that part of the edition remained unsold and was
subsequently destroyed.


저자(글) John Donne

논리 철학에서의 역설과 문제들.The Book of Paradoxes and Problemes, by John Donne
영국의 학자.
with two Characters
and an Essay of
Now for the first time reprinted from the editions
of 1633 and 1652 with one additional PROBLEME SOHO
30 Gerrard Street
1 9 2 3

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